Liar Liar Pants on Fire (again): "It’s also curious that Trump is now embracing jobs reports, after repeatedly dismissing them last year as fake. U.S. jobs report numbers "are phony anyway," Trump says — Bloomberg (@business) November 4, 2016 If the president were honest, he’d be saying what all Americans should be saying about this good economic news: Thanks, Obama." Ron
They stopped Obama from doing anything he wanted to do, ergo, the economic recovery over his tenure, not to mention the explosion since election day.
The economy was in free fall when Obama became president in 2009, and it was recovering before Republicans took control of Congress in 2011. Unemployment was still high, but unemployment is a lagging indicator, meaning it's one of the last things to get better. Ultimately, the economy is too complicated to attribute its performance to a political party. That goes both ways of course, the study concluding Democratic presidents are better for the economy is also bunk.
Millions of snowflakes are descending on Trump Tower tomorrow. They'll cause a major disruption and will not clean up after themselves.