Why? Are USA officials barred from meeting with Russian officials on any matter? Statement from sessions spokeswoman: Here's the video... of question and answer. Not beautiful but I think this is going to go nowhere
12 consecutive days of gains. One down day, "bleeding". 300+pt rally after president address to congress. Hop on board my friend, not too late. Choooooooo! Choooooooo!
I saw Debbie wasserman Shultz sitting next to Keith Ellison in President Trumps address to congress. How is she still in politics? How is Donna Brazile still in politics?
He met with them as a member of armed services committee, which was a duty. Not as a member of the trump campaign. I don't think this will get him fired.... but if it does, and even if it doesn't, I think it's come to the point where every politician that had a meeting with Russia in the last year needs to be investigated. I'm sure there are many democrats that will be sweating. What did you guys think of Clinton campaign actually colluding with Ukraine during the election, totally cool right? http://www.politico.com/story/2017/01/ukraine-sabotage-trump-backfire-233446
Nice to see she's still alive. She was curled up in a fetal position after the NH primary fearing for her job because a Democrat (Bernie) won and not Hillary like the DNC had rigged.
As a Dem seeing them in politics is like seeing an incompetent front office the owner won't fire ruining your team.
Sessions should resign. Seems to not recall the details of his conversation with the Russian ambassador besides terrorism and Ukraine. Regarding his testimony to the Senate, "In retrospect I should have slowed down a little and said I did meet one Russian official a couple times" I thought he only met with him once? Now it's a couple times? Then he got off stage as fast as he could
Sessions seems to be lacking in judgement. By not acknowledging his meetings with the Russians, it gives the appearance of something he wanted to hide, not something forgotten. Especially with all the hoopla and focus on possible collusion, the last thing Sessions should be is associated with any perception of impropriety. The AG has to be above reproach. Had Loretta Lynch or Eric Holder "forgot" to mention meetings with foreign officials, especially those known to the Intelligence community as operatives, there would have been hell to pay. There is no way the GOP can dismiss this as some political witch hunt especially after the billions spent on the Benghazi Matter. Sessions, even if he recuses himself, has very little credibility with anyone other than the most hardcore Trump supporter. As an AG, his term may already be compromised. Who trusts Sessions to be forthcoming on all matters even those that might make POTUS look bad? Answer is no one... If the GOP thinks they can get away with anything other than an independent investigation into the entire Russian Connection, they'll have to be willing to live with the constant skeptism and scrutiny of both the Media and a restless population. It would be compounding a mistake already made by underestimating just how much the Left and independents neither like nor trust this new regime. They'll be asking for trouble and they'll get it. The Dems made this mistake with the Tea Party...The country will remain dangerously divided. Our enemies will only have to bide their time and wait for the inevitable implosion.
The GOP is plenty worried about the Russians at this point. The problem for them is that they're caught between a rock and a hard place with Trump. And yeah, implosion is going to happen somewhere in here but I have no idea if it's going to be a mid-term thing or somewhere before that. The Russian treason trial that is being prepped right now is going to put a lot of new info on display and nobody is going to know how much of it is real and how much is designed to mess with us. The thing to remember is that the Russians want Trump as a strongman they can deal with and they want everybody else, including the GOP, scattered and unable to respond effectively by that point.
Hysteria. You guys better hope there is really something there, because I got to say.. sounds like a whole bunch of nothing. You can only cry wolf so many times, losing credibility fast. Sessions recused himself from any part of the investigation into the trump campaign....so if there is any foul play we will all know shortly. Below is a link to the full Sessions news conference zzz https://www.washingtonpost.com/vide...57f520-ff8d-11e6-9b78-824ccab94435_video.html I really think the democrats are setting themselves up for a big fall on this. Hate to see any high level dems with ties to Russia..
Nobody will have bigger ties than Trump. He has major business interests there and that's one of the reasons likely behind the refusal to release his tax returns. Trump and Putin may well have nothing nefarious going on beyond the fact that Putin wants a president in office who he can create sanctions against to match US sanctions against Russia.
The Clinton - Russian uranium deal obviously begs to differ.. Russia got their stake, money flowed into Clinton foundation... the same foundation Chelsea used to pay for her wedding. I'll just leave this here... think there will be more than a few democrats sweating very soon... http://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/06/p51-nations-press-senate-democrats-to-support-iran-deal/ Just have a hunch more dems met with Russia over the last 8 years.
Countless failed Obamacare repeals and investigations that went nowhere (with Republican control of Congress to boot) didn't hurt the Republicans the past eight years.