Funny, but all this hand wringing was mysteriously lacking when Obama was POTUS. IMO, those pandering negroes deserve all the ridicule they get. If you clicked the link, you would have read so much nonsensical bullshit that you'd have to wonder if DJT actually paid those idiots to post that bullshit. We put up with 8 years of constant hate from the right. Obama and his family were subjected to the lowest forms of racial hate. We saw how Trump got elected and we plan to do to Trump exactly what The Right did to Obama. The real challenge is if Trump has the balls to stand up and take it like Obama did. If he does, great. If he doesn't, I'd rather Pence anyways. At least Pence isn't senile. A religious zealot perhaps, but not senile. Feel free to come back or not. Makes no difference to me either way as nothing changes in my world one way or the other. One thing I can guarantee is that I will be here in Sept. Vaya Con Dios
You may be able to find a few more websites run by people that are really out there now that they are emboldened by Trump but there are certainly enough of them on the other side also. Not saying you are wrong because they really seemed out there, that is what you get from the religious zealots though and I find they are the worst.
yes.. but it happened I think several years ago. Trump really needs to start paying attention in those security briefings. What is it with him anyways? How long does he think he can just go on just saying anything that comes into his head truth be damned?? Didn't he used to read from a teleprompter?
Trump Keeps his word everything he promises he's done and is doing. Don't forget Blacks For Trump Blacks we fought for you, we are not responsible for you winning the Election all we are are the helpless that made our good White Republican brothers happy & comfortable because Black & White in unity is the Whole body of Christ 1Cor. 12:12-13 & as Christ we are the Comforters in unity we make each other comfortable about making America great.
There was a homemade bomb attack on Jan.5th or so by the Nordic Resistance Movement, all I could find.
I just found something from back in 2010.. Maybe Trump mixed them up...
That's a huge story. Neo-Nazi's converting to Islam and then attacking a refugee center. At least that's how it will spin out in Trumpland if it's true.