But Democrats and Republicans aside, this bitch is going to tear apart the public school system. She has literally brought her into this position and now the poor in all these states that voted for Trump can enjoy the salt when their kids get shafted from a decent education. They will learn the hard way.
Just turned 30 and there's not a chance in hell I would raise a kid in this era. Gonna have to continue to wrap it up
Meh, the public school system hasn't exactly been draping itself in glory over the last generation. The people who benefit the most, far and away, from the public school system are the highly compensated, barely effective instructors and administrators and their union bosses. No matter how much they tell you its "all about the kids."
yeah that was a big mistake and a poor job of changing something that worked in the first place. They shouldn't have gone that route
I personally think the real thing, meaning Trump and all his minions tweets and news conferences, is funny enough on it's own.
As a teacher, who has taught in both a charter school and a public school - I can tell you first hand that the public education system in bloated and ineffective. While I personally am a very good and effective teacher, there are some really crappy teachers and administrators in the public education system. The school I teach at now is approximately the same size as the not for profit charter school I previously taught at. The charter school basically has a lottery that has over 1000 applications each year for 100 Kindergarden spots every year. These are all positions in my school that did not exist in the charter school: Math Coach, Literacy Coach, IRT (Instructional Resource Teacher), AIG Teacher, 6 Intervention teachers, Media center teacher, Social Worker (probably over $500,000 in salary) Add - 2 Counselors vs 1, 15 TA's vs 6, 3 spec ed vs 1, 3 people in office vs 1 (close to another $500,00 in salary) We also did not have a cafeteria with 6 people working in it. My school is always doing fundraising, basically begging for money - while the board of the charter school strictly prohibited fundraising. The charter school I taught had end of grade test proficiency of about 95% passing vs about 65% in the school I am at now. In the charter school , teachers had a 1 year contract that was reevaluated every year and teachers not up to snuff were not renewed. I have kids in my class that spend close to 2 hours on the bus each day and have a school they could walk to in their neighborhood. Even though they are going to a "better" school (the neighborhood one is about 30% proficient)., most of them are not passing or successful because the single biggest factor in any child's education is not the school and not the teacher, but rather the parents and the environment at home.
Looks like you enjoyed sitting on the hat https://www.yahoo.com/tv/bad-news-donald-trump-snl-190120570.html
BRO! Be careful. He'll report you like he does everyone else. Little bish still owes me a pot pie, too.
Might as well, since you have my-opinions-are-facts-internet-tough-guy covered pretty damn good. Your life not behind the computer screen must be very fulfilling, kudos to you kiddo.
Screw that, if you have a significant other get birth control.... While that isn't a sure thing, if sure is a hell a lot better than condoms. That's terrible advice that I stick by.
So you make completely unfounded statements about me which I call you out on and now I am an internet tough guy, another brilliant assessment. My whole life is fulfilling, calling people out on here for being clueless is just a bonus.
Moving on. But your actions definitely are what a Trumpet would do.... You are seriously posting graphs to prove an opinionated point (funny/not funny) about SNL. Haha hell, I don't even like SNL.
Here's my advice to you, if you don't want someone to reply to you then avoid making unfounded comments about that person. It's not like it hurt my feelings or anything so I don't need to "Grow a set dude" but if someone makes a moronic statement about me with no basis in fact, I will respond however I like. And every time you type "Trumpet" you just make yourself sound like more of a douche.
I actually came up with it for you, and I think it applies rather well for Trump supporters whether you are one or not. Obnoxious, loud, bring a few in a room and they can overpower everything, have easily pressed buttons. And it sure does seem like your feelings were hurt, sorry about that.