Two problems with what you're saying. 1. Foreign aid is less than 1 percent of the budget.. It isn't like getting rid of it would solve any major domestic problems. Unless you're talking about cutting defense spending, but I don't think you are. Correct me if I'm wrong. 2. It's easy to talk about problems caused by our policies. I'm not going to refute the ones you bring up because you're right about them. But you also have to consider what problems the alternative would cause. And the alternative didn't work out well; the last time we were isolationist WWII happened. And we vowed not to make that mistake again. I don't think of foreign spending as charity but as insurance against a world that turns its back on our ideals.
I am absolutely saying the defense budget needs cutting too. bigly. So we got caught off guard in the dark ages. Times are different - we can keep a lot closer eye on things without all the unnecessary shit we do. We've made many more mistakes since then - no need to keep repeating them because we made a mistake way back then.
I agree there's defense spending that can be cut. But overall I'd rather live with wasting some money and causing some problems in foreign countries than going isolationist because I think the eventual outcome would be worse. You're free to disagree.
I don't think pure isolation is a good idea. Sometimes you need to go kick some ass or help someone out. N. Korea for example, may need their asses kicked, or at the very least have some missile launch pads destroyed. But what we've been doing? Completely insane.
PJ O'Rourke on foreign aid: Taking money from poor people in rich countries and giving it to rich people in poor countries.
Why is this White House arming Ukraine? Pretty bold move for someone to be tied up in Russiagate to be pissing off Putin this way. Trump and the clown director of the CIA were so in love with WikiLeaks prior to the election, it would only be fitting if Putin released some leaks as a result.
No modern presidency is complete without getting involved in an unnecessary foreign conflict. The military industrial complex needs to get fed.
The 3% you get in your paycheck is going to be dwarfed by the 15% more you pay for health care. Meanwhile the super-rich become even richer. Ron
You wanted him, you got him: Ron
^ You opened up the 'Rich' pandora's box so no need to get all emotional, esp. in the face of facts: - on Jan. 20, 2001, his last day in office, Bill Clinton pardoned money-grubbing international fugitive Marc Rich. - Denise Rich, his money-grubbing ex-wife (who give $100K to Hillary Clinton's Senate run and $1M to the DNC during the Clinton era) donated $450,000 to the Clinton Foundation in the run up to Clinton's pardon. "Distain for the Clintons?" What distain were you referring to? Was it the New York Times calling it "a shocking abuse of presidential power" or the normally Clinton-friendly New Republic calling it "Exhibit 'A' of Clintonian sliminess" or was it Clinton's own White House counsel Judge Abner Mikva who quoted President Barack Obama as being "very, very dismayed by the Marc Rich pardon and the basis on which it appears to have been granted?" And if if that's not bad enough, here's a guy who's right up your alley, Barney Frank, who said: “It was a real betrayal by Clinton of all who had been strongly supportive of him to do something this unjustified. It was contemptuous.” "Let out the hate elsewhere dweeb?" Hate? Here's what I hate: I hate money-grubbing pigs like Marc Rich and Denise Eisenberg Rich who renounced their American citizenship for reasons of money. Money. So, who was this Clinton-pardoned, Clinton-contributing "Rich?" Rich had traded illegally with America’s enemies including Ayatollah Khomeini’s Iran, where he bought about $200 million worth of oil while revolutionaries allied with Khomeini held 53 American hostages in 1979. For money. Rich made a large part of his wealth, approximately $2 billion between 1979 and 1994, selling oil to the apartheid regime in South Africa when it faced a UN embargo. He did deals with Khadafy’s Libya, Milosevic’s Yugoslavia, Kim Il Sung’s North Korea, Communist dictatorships in Cuba and the Soviet Union itself. Little surprise that he was on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted List. Money or U.S. Citizenship? What kind of a moosecock-sucking fool would sympathize with these money-grubbers? Surely not me and I would hope not you. Even Bill Clinton eventually admitted that the pardon had been “terrible politics.” “It wasn’t worth the damage to my reputation,” he said. How beautiful: it wasn't the vileness of the pardon itself that soured Clinton on it but the "reputation fallout" that ensued. smh.. "Distain?"
God damn what a post. EDIT: definitely surprised by your restrain to not mention Jonathan pollard when referring to money grubbing. Guess there’s some room for growth after all schmo.