Man, the Republicans just can't function in life without name-calling and intentionally trying to offend people. Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
That quote is taken out of context, but even if true, she killed far few people than George W. Bush (4300+ killed, 37,000+ injured during Operation Isis Enable). Bush senior was at least smart enough to leave Hussein in power so militants wouldn't have a field day. Ron
Lyin' Cryn' Ron is the worst. The epitome of the sissy liberal "man" demographic. Hey Lyin' Cryn' Ron, do you lose sleep thinking about big topic like whit privilege and the patriarchy or other lunatic fringe SJW ultra lefty ideas?
I do agree that going into Iraq was the biggest foreign policy blunder of the 21st century so far. That said, do you really think that Hillary would not have started a similar war? I mean out of all the candidates out there on both sides, she was easily the biggest war hawk, only Christie and a few others were close.
You mean like when Hillary called half of Trump supporters a basket of deplorables made up of racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic people?
Or when Ron calls 62 million Americans including nearly half of the posters on this board dunces. To show how fucking retarded some of these liberals are: I work with a woman (teacher) in her 50's who voted for Trump. Her daughter has not talked to her since the election and refuses to let her see her 1 and 3 year old grandchildren because she is a racist because she voted for Trump.
There's definitely something creepy about you logging posts as reference points from days, weeks, and even months back. Just some food for thought. Oh and I meant every word regarding Waterboy. That tub of lard really has some time on his hands. As for you, well we know how much time you have on yours...
Rhetorical question man. These dunces don't care about Russia's involvement. They just care about "winning"
Is that a joke? You've learned Trump's lessons well. Obama and Clinton did their best to get us out of wars, and keep us out. That's why they didn't make a big deal out of Benghazi. So where's your evidence that Hillary is the biggest war hawk? She's strong on defense, (DEFENSE, not war) and keeping the Russians down, but war? "A former Army Special Forces officer is accusing retired Marine General James Mattis, President-elect Donald Trump's pick to be defense secretary, of "leaving my men to die" after they were hit by friendly fire in Afghanistan in 2001. Mattis has not commented publicly on the incident, which was chronicled in a 2011 New York Times bestselling book, "The Only Thing Worth Dying For," by Eric Blehm. The book portrays Mattis as stubbornly unwilling to help the Green Berets. His actions, which were not formally investigated at the time, are now likely to get far more scrutiny during the retired general's Senate confirmation process. On December 5, 2001, as the wreckage of the twin towers still smoldered in lower Manhattan, a team of Army Green Berets accompanying Hamid Karzai, the future president of Afghanistan, was hit by a U.S. smart bomb in a case of friendly fire. Two American soldiers died instantly and a third was badly wounded. He would later die, thought it is unclear whether that soldier would have survived had a rescue team arrived more quickly. Dozens of Afghans also were killed, and the CIA officer who now runs the agency's spying arm protected Karzai with his body. Mattis, then a brigadier general commanding a nearby group of Marines, refused repeated requests to send helicopters to rescue the Green Berets, people involved in the operation tell NBC News. The helicopters under Mattis' command at Camp Rhino were about 45 minutes away, according to the book." Ron
Not sure if it is creepy or just sad that you were sitting home alone on a Saturday night and I am what is on your mind. And you call others creepy, funny.
Sitting home alone? Not night didn't begin until well after posting that. When's the last time you had 19 year old pussy? Not including your daughter