No, you're part of the government. Government is evil so you don't deserve to get paid. Unless you support Trump. In which case you're good.
They voted for Trump so they don't have to pay you freeloaders Wait... They are going to lose their government subsidies? WHO SAW THAT COMING???
I don't think so, at least for most of them. But thanks to the extreme right wing media, which took off during Obama's presidency, liberal became the new n word. Now it's this ridiculous tribal thing where Trump is always right. But in a way, he's succeeded in what's most important to them. Not the economy or healthcare but bringing them attention from people who had ignored them.
How exactly does that justify losing... That there was a large conspiracy surrounding the Dem's competition. Yea....
So what was that again? Hillary was crucified for a totally above-board and vetted charity but it's OK for Trump to make the US friends with a murderous dictator so he can make millions on luxury towers? Oh I forgot, this is the Trump presidency. Why are my tax dollars paying for this clown's real estate investments? Ron
Dem's say no to the bill because 24 million people, 14 million next year alone. Rep's say yes to the bill because Iowa have 1 healthcare provider, and next year will be 0.. Which will effect 20000+ people. Hopefully it passes, 20 percent of Trump's voters will most likely be dead by next election.
House voted 2 yeses Today: Repeal the ACA with the AACA Allow congressmen to be exempt from the changes in the AACA. lolololololol
And the "For the People" charade continues. Or perhaps it truly is a literal phrase and government passes laws strictly for the people of which politicians are considered separate from. I suppose the "By the People" who continue to permit this are okay with that separate classification. Good thing the majority of people are easily distracted by their ability to keep us upset at each other so we don't turn on them.
The original intent in the Constitution was that wealthy white Christian men, and only wealthy white Christian men, would control the levers of government. Today it's changed a little. Wealthy men can be any race or religion and wealthy women can also participate as long as they don't mind a double standard when we're talking about the highest offices in the land.
Comey now claims that the Russians didn't manipulate votes in the last election, yet claims they will try to manipulate the 2018 and 2020 elections. So after screwing the election for Hill, now he is trying to insinuate that the next election won't be valid if the Dems win. Ron
seems a bit odd to be spiking the football in the Rose Garden simply over a bill that just passed the House and will be killed in a month by the Senate. Nevermind one that would leave 24million+ uninsured.
Can anyone who supported this bill explain why? I am just curious, as I don't know a single person who was supportive of it. Being from MA, VT, and CO I don't have a lot of deep Republican connections unless they are red necks... And they just want something not done by Obama. Also no where near the top 1 percent, or I wouldn't be writing on this forum with you yokols.
Cause it pisses off liberals. That's all they've got. It's okay if 24 million people lose their healthcare as long as liberals are pissed.
If that guy walked by me, and I was more then 4 beers deep, I would punch him in the face without a second of hesitation.