Assad is Shiite. Where he bombed was Sunni region. Before the war started, 15% of Syria was Shiite and 85% Sunni. And minority Shiite ruled the majority Sunni. In Iraq majority of people were Shiite but Saddam was Sunni minority. This is the way British designed those countries while fucking Kurdish people and leaving them at the mercy of Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria. EDIT: For those who don't know. In Middle East, Shiite hates Sunnis more than they hate Jews. Same goes for Sunni. They hate Shiite more than they hate Jews. Me? I am no Shiite or Sunni. I hate them all equally.
I admit it will be very hard for the Dems to take back the Senate in 2018. Trump would have to do something off the rails, like start a war in the Middle East. Oh wait...
Trump/Russia narrative squashed, again. WMD's (chemical weapons) destroyed. Chinese president currently in mar-a-lago, with North Korea on the table Never too late folks, choooo choooo!
I am pretty surprised the Republicans made this move despite the negative implications if can have on their party. Poor McCain pleading not to change the rules and made a really good point about how the Democrats did the same thing in lower courts and it came back to bite them in the ass. I wonder how long it will take, if/when the Dems take back majority, for Republicans to cry wolf about this measure and blame Democrats for it. Instead of attempting to work together on another viable candidate, despite using their own stall tactics so Obama could not fill in the open spot, they lose their patience in a few months and change a law that can have enormous ramifications for years. If they did try to work together and maybe even talked about the idea of other nominees, I would blame the left more. Both sides suck hard regardless.
Because what's better than 1 war? 2 WARS!!! You probly dont have many friends, relatives, or children in the services do ya?
They could have worked a deal on the Court and they chose not too. Something like, do not filibuster Gorsuch and Merrick Garland gets the next nomination that comes up. That would likely have persuaded Ginsberg to retire and it would have been a win-win for the Senate, the GOP and the Democrats. Instead somebody is going to die in the next 3 years and the Court will go hard Right and the GOP will be losing elections on that basis for a generation while Liberals and Democrats will be losing the issues - a mirror of the situation from 1965 to 2000 or so.
Cmon man.. Take your lips off Trump's dick and come up for air. 59 tomahawks to bomb an airfield? Really at over $1mil per missile launch? Cut school lunch and NPR but spend huge cash to make a point about how tough he is? Trump managed to bomb an airfield! I guess this really proves Trump isn't Putin's bitch after all huh... God Bless America! Nothing has changed domestically. Trump's puppy Nunes had to effectively recuse himself from the investigation he's heading. Trump's approval numbers are in the low 30's when you don't ask his racist, sister banging, meth smoking supporters. Bannon has been relieved of his spot on the NSC because he went up against Trump's son-in-law and got a hard lesson in what nepotism means. Melania and Ivanka still putting up the brave front and for all intents and purposes, I think they hide Twitler's phone after midnight as best they can. Just business as usual as we march kicking and screaming towards the Trumpocalypse. "My second fear was that this would greatly complicate the fight against the Islamic State. For the past two years, U.S. and coalition aircraft have flown in and around one of the world’s more robust air defense systems without the Syrian regime harassing the pilots. We had a few incidents where Russian jets got too close to U.S. aircraft or Syrian anti-aircraft radar lit up U.S. or coalition aircraft, but for the most part, the air war has gone forward unimpeded. Both Russia and the Syrian regime, though, are still well-positioned to play the spoiler. They can affect the flights of U.S. aircraft in eastern Syria by activating their air defenses and have, in recent months, brought in more advanced air-defense weaponry that has even the Israelis nervous. They’ve also “accidentally” struck U.S.-backed rebel groups fighting the Islamic State." Everything will be just wonderful, I'm sure, since this administration is so competent. Ron
So Putin & Syria know in advance, Putin helps keep Trump in power by letting him create a distraction. Right out of the dictator playbook. Ron
This is what Obama should have done before, but he didn't have any balls to do it. Instead the Syrian slaughter just got worse
Actually..... In 2013, when a sarin nerve gas left more than 1,400 dead outside Damascus, President Barack Obama went to Congress to get approval to strike. In a whip count from ThinkProgress, 183 Republicans were against bombing the country. Only 12 Republicans, including then-House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), sided with the president to launch a strike. Ultimately, Congress did not appear to approve the strike, with 243 Congressional members swaying towards voting “No.” Obama ultimately decided to postpone the vote.
Good question. . It seems that as much as unhinged partisans throw around the 'Hitler' descriptions, with Assad dumping GB on his own people the der Führer comparisons may not be that far off the mark. Ronn: . Lewis C.K.? .. as in Lewis C.K, .the sexual abuse perv? nice . . Ron
The Syria debate is more interesting than usual because the line between libs and Trump supporters is blurred. I personally don't think the attack was wise, but I have a feeling Hillary might have done the same thing.
She called for an air strike a couple hours before Trump did. I'll tyr to find the article but you are spot on that she would have done the same thing. Or at least asked congrass to vote on doing the same thing.