Matt. My favorite Ranger fan. I love you. I truly love you and a few other great posters on this board. Now that you mentioned my name, let me chime in. I hope I am not ruining this great thread for you but where else am I gonna go? I am good. I am really good. The day I decided to go sober I had 3 bottles of beer in my fridge and a few bottles of wine in my pantry. Bud Light Premium to be exact in terms of beer. I didn't avoid beer or wine. I kept them at very close distance. I said if I am going to win this battle, I am going to win thru my will power. Having alcohol easily accessible will just test me real good. If I am weak, I will lose the battle. If I am on the right path, I will win the battle. Sober for 96 days as of October 13th. I am sober even though Jets make it veeeery difficult for me. Damn Jets but it is OK. Life is good. Wife is happy, kids are happy, my friends are happy. Only person that is mad at me is you my dear friend Matt the Ranger fan But you will come around, I am sure. Monday night, it will be my 100th sober day and Jets will win to just make me happy. Bet all your money on Jets winning Sunday night. They will win it for me.
Well, my target is July 2017. If I go sober till then, I will call this a victory. Wish me luck. You did quit hating me and you won. Sometimes, quitting is good my beloved dentist. Love you.(yes in a gay form.hehehe)
My friend from Texas is here and we are playing Quizzo. Some guy has an obnoxious Trump shirt at the bar. So we named our team "Not In My Locker Room" Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
Bottle of Remi Martin between me and and brother in law. The SOB spent 4 years in college in Krasnoyarsk (Siberia) .. the motherfucker can drink, I'll tell you.
I'll be taking Stokes roll today, food for today's Stupid food of choice is La Guinita's, that is all...and I'll be rooting for my new favorite team from Atlanta!