Had this Scandinavian vodka last wkend. Called Fris. I give it the thumbs up. Bottom shelf warrior here.
Don't worry about it. If you drink half as much as you say you do you're probably loaded all day long anyway.
Now that is hurtful. Are you calling me a drunk? I will now cry. Kidding aside. All I can drink now is 6 beers and a bottle wine per week. I have diabetes and my liver enzymes aren't in good shape. So I dialed down unfortunately.
Drinking leftovers from St Patricks Day tonight: Dublin Porter. No one wanted to drink this stuff. Why? Because it sucks. It doesn't even taste like a porter and it's only 3.8%. Shame on Guinness for releasing such a piece of shit. Beer is beer I guess.
Yeah I had to drink like 8 of them to even feel a buzz. Real shitty beer. Doesn't taste good and just fills you up with hardly any effect.
4 beers in at work right now. I'm a database administrator. The key is not getting drunk at work, but finishing the shift at home prior to getting drunk.
Well, salute. For me the issue is not getting drunk. The issue is I am working in an office full of people Hey Matt Wifey kicked me out of the house tonight. Kids are having a sleepover party in our house and my wife told me to get lost. Enjoying my beer at Miami Mike's and will head to My big fat greek wedding after I am done drinking. Salute.