Brooklyn, I didn't drink last night, am I dying? Big bummer have to work today, nobody here I should drink at work, the Bronx Brewery is 2 blocks away...
I just drank a beer at 6am for the first time since I was in my 20s. Made me feel like I was in my 60s.
Has anyone ever lived faster, died younger or left a better looking corpse than Brooklyn? Man is a goddamned rock star. Legend.
Brook likes hanging out with 2 at a time as its better for conversation. if there winds up being any, he doesnt have to be a part of it!
i get tipsy just reading the label now! i stopped drinking ages ago, am i hucklefucked then in this thread? if so, i understand, we must have order!!
My head still hurts from the long weekend. And I only drank seltzer yesterday. I'm almost embarrassed to put my recycling out this week. _
haaa haaa far from lou! im just ripped! stealthy so to speak. i can still wipe my own ass unlike some of the behemoths at the gym and its gonna stay that way!