I have pics from the wedding but my buddy had a bunch of photos from the pool in Portugal. He showed them to my Father-in-law and I remember his eyes almost bugged out of his head lol. _
No she is hafl Dutch. Father is Dutch mother is another country in Europe. She is a good kid. 26 years old. I feel old around her. She is the first girl who mixed Heineken with sprite and served me. It was delicious. Picture coming up tonight. You guys won't find her hot I know. Your standards are higher.
What's Zima you motherfucking drunk old American douchebag. hahaha Priscilla my love. Picture coming up in 2 hours or sooner depending on how much I will drink.
Asshole. I hope a black gorilla rapes you in the forest. Douchbag and asshole at the same time. You have vagina. So sad I am leaving my precious Priscilla back in Rotterdam and flying home tomorrow. I love you Priscilla. Priscilla my love.
i havent been following this thread, Brooks did you assail the virtue of that girl in a not so unpleasant way? nice job if you did!
No man. I am all bark no bite. And somehow girls sense it. I am a no bullshit guy. I will show the picture of my kids to the girls and tell about my wife in advance so they don't get any wrong ideas. I never cheated on my wife and never did anything my boys would be ashamed off. When you are like that girls will hug you and kiss you and treat you nice. Priscilla is a good kid. She and her boyfriend Patrick will visit Jersey in January and have dinner with us. And guess what. 1 beer is 6 Euros and 1 bottle water is 2.5 Euros. I had 6-7 beers every night and got 4-5 water bottles every night yet Priscilla and her boss Rita charged me only for waters and beers were on the house. Not that I care because in the end my company pays the bill but it was still nice to see this reaction from girls. I will send other pics to Stokes so it is up to him to post.