someone needs to put that in their signature. either way it will be humorous. if the jets win he looks like well the assman, if the jets dont make the playoffs then he is correct.
That article gave zero new information. Tanny isn't negotiating guarantees until they agree on total compensation. The author ignored that.
I hope we hear nothing new about this until a deal is finally reached. I'm glad the so called "truce" was announced. Granted, I like reading about this contract stuff, but I'd rather it be this way for our own sanity.
Yes, most know about Schwartz's tactics, it's been well documented. Especially after that V.Jax shit. yuuuk. and ftr, I rewatched the clip and there is no way he was talking about Revis being a person, don't know why I thought that. It was part of the same phone conversation but for some reason I seperated the 2 since he said it after he hung up the phone... I didn't even think of that Here's where I'll disagree. While I do already have a predisposition against Woody,the only way you can totally dismiss that he may have come off as a prick is if you've already sided so much with the prick. He sat there and showed absolutely no emotion while Mike T was trying to convey that the agent was a "person".
I just can't wait for the day when I wake up and see REVIS SIGNED!!!!!!! in bold front page news. Just hoping it comes sooner than later.
wow, great examples, except authors get royalties and actors get profit participation, so they do get paid more if their work makes more money, maybe revis should ask for 10% of the Jet's gross income from this season.
Revis will not sign the 10 years $120 mil contract. I have a feeling they will end up around $130 mil. If Revis camp was to accept $120, they would have done so already. It will hurt their ego if they accept it now, after so much negative talks around the league. The deal will be done before October.
I think you meant net income. Gross income is income minus cost of goods sold. 10% of gross income would probably range around a billion dollars and thats a pessimistic guess. Tickets to the 10 home games alone would be around $300 mils. Add the parking income, and the concession stand sales and you are looking at half a billion right there, and we haven't even reached the advertising income yet. The cost of these sales? Immaterial. Tickets cost nothing as far as costs of goods sold is concerned, so thats a 300 mil gross income right there. Didn't see it posted anywhere but they seem to be in agreement as well.
Your math sucks. Revenue $227 mil Operating Income $24.3 mil Player Expenses $141 mil Gate Receipts $56 mil So close to a billion............ #1 in the NFL is the Skins at $345 mil, Jets are 21st.
at this point im all but given up on revis playing this year. hopefully wilson can fill in nicely. i just hope when he messes up(which its going to happen) it doesnt cost us the game and also ppl remember he is a rookie and the the position he was thrown into and we dont come down on him super hard come regular season
He'll be there... don't worry man. There is no way Revis will sit for the year especially with the likely lockout next season. That would be two full seasons of football. Look at the impact that had on Mike Vick who was arguably a much better athlete then Revis. He'd still be under contract for the Jets and his value would be at an all-time low. He's not getting traded anytime soon so at some point he'll have no choice but to show up. The guy has an ego and keeps hearing how he is the best CB in football, that leads me to believe he'll be fine even if he shows up a week before our 1st game just on the fact that I'm sure he's worked out, plus he was at OTA's even if he faked a headache.
I'm really worried that Revis does sign a 10 year deal with a big signing bonus and then pulls this shit again in 3 years. Maybe Tanny can put in a clause that provides a big signing bonus only if Revis dumps his current agents. That would be a great example of both sides compromising....the Jets give up the big signing bonus and Revis dumps his douchebag agents. Win-win baby!
So this is what I thought but somebody here said signing bonuses get allocated in future years against the cap. I forget who said it but maybe somebody can clear it up. "a signing bonus does not apply to the reallocation rule. So, the Jets could just give Revis a sizable signing bonus, in the $25 million to $30 million range. The team would not even need to pay Revis with a giant Publishers Clearinghouse-type check for the full amount. They could defer payments, spread over four, five, six years or beyond."