Any running up the score talk is a joke. First and most importantly--This is far from over. We may play again in the playoffs, and most of these same players will be facing eachother twice a year for years to come--if the Pats can gain a psychological edge by beating the Jets down and help their chances in an upcoming game, GO FOR IT. I.E...confidence is huge for a young quarterback. How confident can you see Sanchez being when he wins at Jacksonville in a few weeks and realizes..shit..he's goin back to foxborough? Don't you think confidence brings out the A game in a young pats D? Also, the Jets are ONE GAME away from talking tie-breaker for the division. This type of beatdown poses all types of questions though and makes catching up a much harder task. The difference between homefield and 5 seed is ridiculous (and something NFL should change btw) if the pats helped their chances of getting homefield this year by pushing the jets around in the 3rd and 4th quarter, that's fair game. If ya don't like the opponent D, best D in NFL
They did run up the score and it was up to the Jets to stop them. So we owe them payback. Thats all. We'll see them again....
Kicking a FG is better? They just ran the ball all the way into the endzone. You don't want them to score, suck it up and stop them. Belichik was talking to his defense, telling them not to give up any meaningless scores like they normally do at the end of routs, which makes their defensive numbers look worse. Your team talks shit constantly, yet you want the opposition to take it easy on them... LOL
If the jets didn't like it when the pasties scored then maybe they could have stopped them a time or two.
Seriously? It wouldn't have anything to do with their relationships with CBS and, not at all.
I object with a few a few posts made here. Anyone not believing the Pats ran the score is delusional, and any one else not thinking the Jets deserved such treatment is also delusional. I thought Cowherd's observations hit bullseye in how apparently Ryan spent the week talking while Belichick was planning. Ryan talks too much, his team deserved to be embarrassed. I also object to this rivalry thing. Indy is a rivalry. Miami is a rivalry. Even SD and PIT are rivalries - mostly because all those teams are usually competitive. The Jets spent the last decade finishing either 9-7 or 4-12 but more to the point, only became peripheral concerns once Parcells arrived, and then later, Mangina, and now, Ryan. But those are coaching rivalries, that's all. The Jets as a team are never much good at football. The Pats are 16-5 against the Jets in the B/B era. That's a rivalry as much as Yankees/Pittsburgh is. Sanchez is a poor excuse for a QB. To deny this is to accept another decade of futility. To end, all the Belicheat, et el posts are disingenuous at best, typical NY fan jealousy at worst (AGon, bitches!). You'd all sell your mothers to a Iranian slave trader to get the man back in NY, admit it.
If the Jets cant stop it , why would NE be forced to run it or punt / kick field goal. If the Jets didnt look like they were confused and scared all game NE wouldnt be going for it on 4th and 1.
why is this thread alive? the jets deserved to get fucked up w/ the way they were playing. maybe this embarrassment will wake them the fuck up.
Stopped reading there. 1) Cowherd is triple the clown Francesa is and his opinions on anything more competitive than tiddly winks should be automatically dismissed. 2) Where was this post after week 2? 3) Get banned.
I thought BB did the right thing by NOT kicking a sure FG for ANOTHER 3 points, but INSTEAD, running another play to keep the clock winding down. Unfortunately for the Jets it turned into 7 points. They were NOT trying to run up the score, it just kind of worked out that way Also.... I thought Rex showed a LOT of class by leaving the timeout on the board. He ran the clock out like a man and went home. That is pretty rare. Usually teams play like their life depended on it in the last minute of a hopeless game. They maybe should've pulled Brady midway through the 4th quarter, but if they did you'd probably feel completely disrespected and take it about as good as a slap in the face. There isn't a nice perfect way to win when a game gets so lout of whack like it did I don't think Rex felt that the Pats tried to run up the score at all or he would have tried to score on the last possession, going no huddle and using the timeout. I really thought it was cool how he just let it go. He's a good coach and was already moving on from that game before he even got all the way off the field
For the Patriots, playing hard for a whole 60 minutes has been a huge problem. Bill wanted to use this game as an example for the team. I forget Brady's exact words, but he said that Bill told the team to compete for the whole 60 minutes. Pulling Brady completely goes against that goal.
Actually we did... we could have scored another TD in that 1st game and we went into victory formation after the 2 minute warning.
You do realize the Jets beat the Pats in week 2 and the last 3 years the games have been split? If your using Colin Cowherd as your source you clearly have no clue or hope. No run along little troll, this is a big boy discussion.
^^pretty sketchy to use that to call it a rivalry First game last year no WW and brady was only in his 2nd game (and clearly stilll not the same) from injury. The year before that ya beat Cassel. I mean a W is a W, but the only win I'd really count of those (as in vs the real tom brady) was this year's. Judging by Monday's performance against Brady's new offense..I wouldn't hold my breath for a split next year. Before that, gangreen is totally right, it's been very one sided..both head to head and as far as how accomplished both teams are (vs the field..division, converence and league titles). The only real thing Jet fans can hang their hat on is the AFCCG appearance..which was lucky almost by definition (and I'm not talking lucky fumble or interception, as those happen in every run--I mean pulling MVP Peyton off the field when he was starting to take over the game because the Colts didn't care about the game). That's not the type of "lucky bounce" good teams need to get there..that's just lucky lol
It's a riot that anyone associated with the Jets, who run their mouths every chance they get, is giving crap about others being "classless".