I am hoping everyone here acknowledges that if he ends up in TB, it's because that is where he wants to play and where he thinks he has the best chance of winning.
nope...that can't be said....because all signs are pointing to the fact the FO put their best foot forward on this....if Favre decides not to come here...then it was his choice, not from a lack of trying from the Jets FO.
Exactly ...we cant do any worse then what we have now ...its been a long long time ...and we havent found a solution!
Gotta agree with that stance. It seems as if we've done all we can without going too far. If he ends up in TB so be it.
I really hope that if we don't get Favre the front office will put this much effort into getting a good QB in the draft next year if Clemens don't pan out.
A “bidding war” is going on between the New York Jets and Tampa Bay Buccaneers to obtain the veteran quarterback, according to a source close to the situation. And that could be causing the hold-up. Hattiesburg American http://www.hattiesburgamerican.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=200880806025
Pretty much, the guy doesn't wanna play here. Good seeya, all the arguing back and forth about who's a better QB Chad/Clemens or Favre is dumb. Don't understand why some fans want a guy that doesn't wanna play here and can retire year to year. Screw that.
Breaking news......Chris Mortensen reports that Brett Favre has just take a 2.5 minute long piss, thats right the mississippe native has just taken a piss comprable to the mississippi river, more on this later
Just on ESPN: Nix said she spoke to Favre right before he got on the plane and he said do not count out the Jets as a possible destination.
Recent reports indicate that he is warming to the idea of playing here, but I still think it's a long shot. Watch, we'll get him and then he'll Belichick us. He'll be on our roster for 1 day and then retire again, ha ha.
haha i think they should close this thread for 20 min so everyone can relllllax, we need a ganggreen doobie
There's been so much BS swirling around the media with this whole saga that I don't think you can honestly believe he truly is against playing here. I think there's a million other factors effecting this.
Let's say that on Feb. 1 -- you were told you would have Favre as your starter? You wouldnt take it? Why not? I like Chad -- but he's done. KC may or may not be good. Favre may be awful -- but DEPENDING on the deal -- makes sense to bring him in.
I just think all factors considered this is a huge risk. He's old, he's been mostly mediocre the last decade, he hasn't been able to win in the weaker NFC, he has a worse playoff record than Chad this decade playing in the weaker NFC, he's going to cost picks and cap space PLUS he doesn't have the offseason to learn a new system and his new teammates, our first preseason game is Tomorrow. We have about a monht until the real season starts, it's not like baseball where you can plug a guy in right away. If we could have done it 2-3 months ago my opinion might have been different but then again maybe we do not to take chance? It's not like our luck can get any worse than it's been over the years?