The Brett Favre thread. All Favre News Goes Here

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Dr. Christian Troy, Jul 25, 2008.

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  1. SoFlaJets

    SoFlaJets Member

    Aug 9, 2006
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    thank God you didn't mention Doug Jolley
  2. mr nyjet

    mr nyjet Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    we could trade him to the pack if he was still here. he was worth a trade down and we passed on heath miller. the pack would snap him right up.......:rolleyes:
  3. SoFlaJets

    SoFlaJets Member

    Aug 9, 2006
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    I think we messed up by not using Sean Ryan as trade bait MrNYJ-now the friggin Dolphins got him
  4. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Of course he is, Parcells was the one who recommended him to Tannenbaum in the first place.
  5. I bleed Jets Green

    I bleed Jets Green New Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    My take on the Brett Farve situation for the Jets

    I just want to let everyone know that this is not a Pro Chad Post. This is just my opinion about the situation with Brett Farve. Plain and simple he wants to come back to the NFL and I believe it's a scheme to return as the Packers starting QB. The Packers were the ones who contacted the Jets if they wanted to trade for him and in my view Farve in his own way is trying to force the Packers to move Aaron Rogers back as the #2 man so he can come back as the starter.

    As great as Farve is and as awesome as it would be to have him as our starter this season, he hasn't said he wants to be a NY Jet and quite frankly if he isn't going to put his heart into being here then by no means do I want him here. Yes I know I have said in the past on a certain thread that I don't care who is QB'ing the Jets just as long as they get us wins and to the playoffs, but the way this damned thing is dragging out, it's gotton to the point where I really don't want him here anymore. Yes Farve is treating the Packers like crap and forced them into a really bad P.R. situation. Now the Packers are offering him a $20 Million 10 year buyouy to force him to stay retired.

    Remember that one man is not bigger than the team (Except for Joe Namath) & if his attitude is going to be rotton to the core, then it's not worth it to have Farve here. If Kellen Clemens wins the job I will support him. If Chad Pennington remains as the starter then I will support him as well. If Eric Ainge surprises all of us and gets the job, then I will support him. It's what's good for the club and so far one of these three QB's will take us to a good season.

    I understand the ones that want Clemens to be the QB now and change directions because of the fantastic arm he's got to challenge the opposition when he is going deep to the WR's. But at the same time if we can mesh that arm into a thinking brain like Pennington, then we got a great future in Frankenstein's Monster on the field. So whoever wins the QB competition let's put our hate aside and concentrate on a possible successful season.

    Before I end this post, I have to say that I am angry at some of you guys for the vitrol & blood thirsty posts of throwing away Chad Pennington. It's been more of what have you done for me lately than remembering some of the good things he has done for this club. I understand that his arm is not what it was, but let's not forget the Thrashing of the Colts in the playoff game as AFC Eastern Division Champions. Or how about that great double fakeout move against the Bills at the Swamp and strolling into the endzone. The 47yd chuck to a wideopen Santana Moss in the endzone at San Diego. I know all of you are going to give me a million reasons for the missed plays, the picks and the crap short dink & dunk throws, but you can never question his heart on the field wanting to win for the Jets & for us the fans. The 10th win in 2006 at home against the Raiders to clinch that playoff spot going to New England. As the clock was counting down & after taking the last knee of the game he took the ball, cradled it into his right arm, jumped around and pointed to all of us in celebration that we are going to the playoffs. That's what he should be remembered for, not the bum arm.

    At least I have some respect for the man, unlike some of those who have trashed him unfairly. But as I have said before, if it's Clemens, Chad or Ainge I will support them as QB of our team no matter what.
  6. johnnysd

    johnnysd Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    Im sorry, Chad sucks. He had one good season in 2002, and then has pretty much consistently screwed the team over and somehow managaed to get this totally unwarranted reputation as a good QB. I will tell you this: the years he "lead" us to the playoffs we would have gotten there with any other somewhat competent QB. And yes he has thrown like 3 complete bombs in his life and somehow that means he is a good passer. He is a selfish, non-team player with a crap arm that severely limits and hurts this team, and one that consistently chokes but there is always some "reason" for that. Screw him. This team will never get better until he is gone. And I will throw a party when it happens, which cannot be soon enough. And yes, your post was a pro-Pennington post, and for the life of me I do not get why anyone wants him to still start.
  7. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    Here's my take on the Favre situation with the Jets:

    I could give a flying fuck.

    Thank You.

    And you didn't mention Ratliff. He must be considered if you're going to mention Ainge as a surprise QB candidate. I'd rather throw the kid with the learning curve disability in there rather than the two fighting for the position now. I'm so tired of the QB topic, I just don't care anymore - whoever wins, wins - and let the Defense and running game carry you, because the QB is never going to be able to put the game on his back and pull of a game winning drive. The 2 minute drill in real games better not come up for this offense, unless they are running the ball in from the opponents 5 yrd line.
  8. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Here Here buddy. I am with ya
  9. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    As much as I don't want to see Chad the starting QB in September, my how the armchair quarterbacks have such short term memories. Queue the disappointment music, in our fan base.
  10. Green Lantern 80

    Mar 25, 2006
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    I want to win. I want the QB that gives us the best chance of WINNING! Sentimental hogwash has no place in picking a quarterback.
  11. firemanedjr

    firemanedjr Active Member

    May 16, 2008
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    Come on people, let's be serious.

    Come on people, let's be realistic about this. The Jets have been watching the same training camp everyone else has. The bloggers know it. The fans know it. You think the Front Office doesn't?

    Kellen Clemens is proving that he is simply not ready to be the starting quarterback. The best case scenario for Manginenbaum would be for him to outplay Chad Pennington, and that's honestly what they were hoping for. When they benched Chad Pennington last year it wasn't to give Clemens some playing time, it was to anoint him as the QB of the future.

    But by giving Chad the opportunity to regain the starting job, a role that they just last year admitted he was insufficient for proves that they are not content with Kellen Clemens.

    So if Clemens isn't good enough, and Pennington is a retread, that only leaves one option: acquiring Brett Favre.

    The Jets could've stopped this speculation easily. We know how tight-lipped this organization is, but had they just said once "we're comfortable with our own depth at quarterback" nobody would be talking anymore. Tannenbaum felt that he needed to discuss the possibility of acquiring Favre to Clemens and Pennington. You don't hold a closed doors meeting to tell them nothing.

    So why are we waiting so long to hear anything? It's simple. Brett Favre was not an active NFL player. Until last night he hadn't submitted his reinstatement forms, and Roger Goodell is still yet to accept them. And once he does, the Favre market will be officially open.

    We've already rehashed all the reasons why the Jets are really the only logical place for Brett Favre to go. And since the Packers would rather get, say, a 7th round draft pick than PAY Brett Favre $20 Million or let him go a division rival, it won't take too much to get him.

    The Jets didn't want to overplay their hand for 3 reasons.
    1) It could be construed as tampering
    2) They've always been secretive
    3) If you show interest, you're bidding against yourself

    I fully expect Brett Favre to be a Jet this upcoming season. The one thing we've seen from this front office is that they're not afraid to take chances. We've seen them trade up 2 consecutive drafts, and spend big money on high priced free agents. If Clemens isn't the answer, and Pennington is a has-been, Brett Favre is the only logical alternative, and this front office is going to be logical.

    What I'm really trying to say is: don't jump to conclusions just yet. Once Favre becomes an active NFL player, that's when the Jets will make their move.
    #631 firemanedjr, Jul 31, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2008
  12. Jersey Joe 67

    Jersey Joe 67 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    You can certainly make a case for Pennington's arm strength, and injury prone nature, but one thing that you cannot say is tha he is a selfish player. I can't understand how anyone would say that about Pennington. He is the poster child, for "team". He is anything but a selfish player.
    What is your reasoning for calling him, selfish? Is it because he wants to be the starter? Well, i wouldn't want any player that was happy as a backup. Pennington is a competitor.Ask any Jets QB, that took his job as a starter, and he will tell you how supportive, and helpful Chad is.Pennington has never been a distraction, to this team.I can't believe anyone who calls themselves a Jets fan, would have the nerve to call out Pennington, for being selfish.It's just plain bullshit.
    #632 Jersey Joe 67, Jul 31, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2008
  13. German Jets Fan

    German Jets Fan 2007 Rookie of the Year Award Winner

    Mar 8, 2007
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    Great, another Favre Thread.

    Chad sucks, and Kellen sucks even more. Of course, they are thinking about Favre, why not. They explore every possibility.

    There won?t happen anything before Favre shows up at Packerscamp, which is exactly what the Pack tries to prevent, so we just gotta see if he even shows up. When he shows up, we gotta see what the Packers do. Trade him? Release him? keep him? If they want to trade him or do release him, Tanny comes into the picture, so let?s just wait some more days.
  14. GreenHummer

    GreenHummer Banned

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Even with our QB insecurity, I would not say Favre will be a Jet yet.
  15. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Its been 7 or so days of camp. I am not giving up on Clemens being our starter this season . Just because the media likes to keep track of Clemens interceptions and tell us that " Chad the dumper" has not thrown one does not mean the competition is over. Its Clemens or bust!!!!!!!!
  16. VeniVidiViridis

    VeniVidiViridis New Member

    Jul 28, 2008
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  17. WWWestonC

    WWWestonC New Member

    Oct 2, 2005
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    In light of the reports that Green Bay has offered to pay Favre not to play...Why the hell not us! Green Bay should "punish" Favre and send him to New York (even though he claims not to want to play here) and then it's not Green Bay's problem anymore. Keeping him on ice or releasing him is just diminishing what they get in return, plus it's definitely hurting their team to have all these players either pushing or not pushing for Brett.

    Conditional pick for Favre. Everyone's happy. We get a HoF QB with a chip on his shoulder.
  18. VeniVidiViridis

    VeniVidiViridis New Member

    Jul 28, 2008
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    Why would Green Bay look to offer PAYING him 20 mil for the next few years, rather than taking draft picks and dumping his salary? Obviously the trading option has not presented itself. Why would the Packers be looking at division rivals as destinations now? Again, obviously nothing with the Jets/Bucs materialized.


    The FO needs to announce its done with so we can all move on. The packers would never be looking at those options if there was a sincere chance of Favre going to the Jets or Bucs.
  19. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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  20. johnnysd

    johnnysd Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    Pennington is a politician and says things that make you think he is a team first guy, but he is not. When Clemens got in last year he sulked on the sidelines with his helmet on and a football in his hands. All the little things he says in pre-season have shown he is a me first guy too. He has a natural likeability but it is all about Chad for him and I stand by what I said.
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