. You are the one who said it Einstein. Post #59 . I have been reading your posts, and I really don't remember you on this board, so I apologize if you take this wrong. Your posts are rather spaztic. I see spitlle hitting your monitor as you pound your keys. Royal Tee has offered a decent respose to one of your 2 line unsupported RANTS, and you ignore him. I think around page 5. Takes some deep breaths and listen to what other posters are saying. You appear to think the whole deal is a "No-Brainer", when in actuality its your conclusion that lacked any brains. There ARE factors that come into play. There ARE reasons even Green Bay wouldn't make him their starter this year if he decided to stay there. Learning a new system in the NFL is quite and undertaking. And Mangini's system is, in my biased opinion, more complex than others. Legacy doesn't necessarily mean current production. After reading your ill supported arguments, I think you'd like Dan Marino to come out of the studio and stand behind our line! The complexity of our system, his age, and his unfamiliarity with the team, coaches, players, and plays-makes the odds of him being as proctive as he could be, a further reach. Would I want Brett Farve? Yes. But I also take into consideration several other factors before coming to that conclusion. I am no less excited if we DON'T get him.
That Miami throw to Branch was one of his only sucessful downfield passes. it's easily memorable because it won them the game, but there were a ton of down field passes that were over thrown, behind the receiver or short. He struggled mightily throwing the ball down field. Outside of watching every game I don't know if there's a way to find his down field completion rate. But it wasn't very impressive. Now I'm going to have to surf the web to see if I can find something
Brett Favre's ego would bring him to NY.... he has to realize that if he won a Championship with the Jets, he would own NYC the same way as Namath did. He is already an elite QB, but wining a Championship in NYC would only bring his legacy to the next level.
Why are we debating Brady v Favre? The debate should be Penny/Clemens v. Favre, which is really laughable. Favre is so much better than either of our current QBs I can't even understand the debate. As for long term, it makes sense that way too. Penny is obviously not a long term fix, and watching Clemens last year, I can't believe he is either. Thie gives us 2 years or so to draft/develop a QB. Make this happen, Tanny!
You are more correct than junc on the issue. Brady is not a great passer when it comes to the deep ball. I was only trying to say he has not been inept in that department. According to the game charting project from Football Outsiders (I have the Pro Football Prospectus 2008 in front of me- you should be able to find it at all bookstores), Brady actually threw deep a higher percentage of the time in 2006 than he did in 2007. Short: 5 yards or less Mid: 6-15 yards Deep: 16-25 yards Bomb: 26 or more yards Brady in 2006 52% Short, 27% Mid, 14% Deep, 7% Bomb Brady in 2007 52% Short, 29% Mid, 11% Deep, 7% Bomb The numbers include both complete and incomplete passes. Notable 2007 numbers for other QBs- Favre- 54%, 30%, 8%, 8% Clemens- 43%, 35%, 14%, 7% Pennington- 52%, 30%, 12%, 5% P. Manning- 45%, 34%, 12%, 9%
That ^^ is very difficult to decipher because it doesn't take into account what plays are being called and what the down and yardage situation is. I'm sure, for example, that Favre, Manning and Brady threw long more because they wanted to than Clemens who missed so many short passes that he had no choice but to throw long.
Does it really matter who throws the ball down field more often? Yeah, it's important that they CAN do it with success, but I don't see why it matters who does it more often. What's important is that their offenses all score a lot of points. That's the important thing. For my money, Manning is clearly the most talented and headiest of this generation and it's not even really close. Brady is cooler under pressure - that's the only advantage I give him over Manning. Favre is 3rd best, but they're all light years above most other QB's.
Yeah, obviously. The score of the game has much to do with those numbers. Sometimes it doesn't though. Look at Steve McNair. A combination of couldn't and wouldn't is why he threw the ball 16 yards or more in the air on only 8% of his passes in 2007.
I don't have time right now to go over it in depth but I will later or Tomorrow. He's BY FAR the best and that includes mr. choker Peyton manning. You can have Manning and all his fantasy #s, I'll take Brady and the big wins. It's like jeter vs. ARod, one puts up amazing fantasy #s but disappears when it matters most. Last year was the first year Brady had weapons even close to what Manning had and he had a better season fantasy wise than Manning ever had. Brady is BY FAR the best.
If you never wrote "BY FAR", we would not have any reason to argue. I'm not going to take exception with you saying Brady is the best QB. I also certainly agree with you on the postseason issue. My issue is with "BY FAR". I don't see how someone could say Brady is BY FAR better than the other top QBs of the 2000s.
To me there is a difference between a passer (physical skill, stats) and a quarterback (wins, timely plays). Joe Montana was the best QB of his generation, Marino was the best passer. Likewise, I think that Brady is the best QB of his generation and Manning is the best passer. Based on the clinic and stats he put up last year, I think Brady did reach "by far" status.
So the issue is still those two words. "BY FAR" to me means that Manning cannot even be in a discussion with Brady. Sorry, but that's just fuckin' ridiculous.
Favre to Jets? Mere mention jolts AFC East http://myespn.go.com/blogs/afceast/0-1-27/Favre-to-Jets--Mere-mention-jolts-AFC-East.html This move is a no brainer. We know it. Mike Tannebaum knows it. The AFC East knows it. It sure would make watching the Jets this fall a lot more exciting.... GET IT DONE!!!
GET IT DONE! GET IT DONE! GET IT DONE! GET IT DONE! GET IT DONE! GET IT DONE! Right in line with the rest of this off-season's acquisitions....WHY THE HELL NOT?!!
If you watch Manning day in and day out on a weaker all around team there is no way you can say Brady is much better than him or that Manning is a choker. Last year in the playoffs head to head he lifted his team while Brady did nothing. Brady was awful against Denver with the Pats finally healthy as a team and far superior talent on both sides of the ball. With far more O talent than the Giants Eli owned him in the clutch part of that game. The last three years Brady has been an average playoff QB and has not been Mr. clutch. You couple that with the fact he may have had the defensive signals and plays in some of the SB years in the playoffs and the Pats may have had Paytons signals, he lost to Denver with the better team, Indy with the better team and a huge half time lead and the Giants with the better team and a bad performance. If Payton is a chocker for lossing to the Pats than obviously Brady was owned by Eli last year in the biggest choke in NFL history. It's a wormy apple to swollow but Brady now has one stuck in his throat the next time Payton is taken out of the debate.
ok i want to say two things. If we get Brett Farve, does this mean that we have given up on KC? after 8 nfl starts? Also, obviously Penny would be gone and probobly just released because we would have no leverage. But im not sure on KC contract. IF we have favre for 2 years. Would we still have KC under contract??
If we get/have Jet Favre, hopefully he wins a Super Bowl next year. After he wins a Super Bowl, if you're still concerned about Kellen Clemens and his contract, you will be amongst one in your own thread. The rest of us will still be drinking Troyweisers.
Here's a thought: A few days ago, all the Jets beat writers dismissed the whole "Favre to Jets" idea as: "RIDICULOUS! IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN! FORGET IT!" A little while later? It was suddenly: "WHAT? ARE YOU NUTS? SIGN BRET FAVRE ALREADY!! DO IT NO MATTER WHAT THE COST!!! YEAH! FAVRE TO THE JETS!!!" Now, suddenly, it's once again: "IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN! FORGET IT! NEVER IN A THOUSAND YEARS!" Anyone who has followed New York sports knows that the end of the story hasn't been written yet.