He has made the situation worse. He has shown no flexibility, no creativity, no ability to make adjustments. He blames others and accepts little blame for himself. Instead of coaching on the sidelines, he stands there by himself. His blocking scheme leaves rushers unblocked. Sam is regressing. The team is undisciplined and racking up penalties. That totally goes on Gase. Some of us ARE using our brains. Gase isn't the only problem, by any stretch of the imagination, but he isn't part of resolving the problem, either. At least if Douglas runs the show and gets to hire the new HC, there is hope. With Gase, there is NO hope. He should never have been hired in the first place. It's just correcting a wrong, before things get any worse.
No one's placing the blame and moving on. I have seen only a couple of posters claim the talent is good enough to have made the playoffs, I have seen NO poster give the Johnsons a pass. We ALL want them to sell the team.
NO, I read that his Miami Team had a lot of injuries also...so I would venture to say that its the schemes he runs...
When did anyone ever say that we'd be all set if he was gone? The Jets aren't going anywhere as long as this clown is head coach. What's after that? Who knows? But he has to go, period! Is our roster worse than last year? NO Is our schedule more difficult than last year? NO Is Darnold better than last year? NO Keeping Gase here serves absolutely no purpose other than just delaying the inevitable - he will be fired this year or next, or year after.
If you ain't part of the solution, you're part of the problem. Regardless of anything, I think many will agree Gase isn't part of the solution.
King, The roster will change and JD already said that... IMHO his tenure at Miami proved he was a lousy or poor coach. When you have 25 double digit loses which is more then his winning record of 24 then he should be gone. …………. When you fail to coach up your players (unlike BB who was doing it during out games with them) on the sidle line - which he has done all season - and then last week go sit on the bench with NO ONE around you drawing up plays... well he should be fired. He gets outcoached week in and week out which results in a deleterious effect on the players - all of them. If you think I am exaggerating then think about last weeks muffed hike where not one JET tried to recover the ball ...NOT ONE. Or how this team plays uninspired and unemotional. Look we all know the Johnsons are clueless and that their hires for GM were terrible but AG his OCS, his terrible PC, Time management and poor schemes have let free runners to SAM and others... So as far as I am concerned he deserves as much to blame with this shit show as the last few GMS and Johnsons.
The roster w/ injuries which is all that matters is worse The schedule we’ve played so far is the hardest in the league (Pats x2, Bills, Eagles, Jags, Cowboys all tough games) Darnold didn’t have mono and we didn’t play Luke Falk last season The Oline is absolutely worse than last season...it’s been so bad I can’t stress it enough how the unit has destroyed this team for whatever hope we had Gase probably isn’t part of the solution so if he gets fired I won’t complain one bit I just wish people wouldn’t let their Gase hatred get in the way of what’s really happened here
Agreed. We need to communicate that the Johnsons need to let football people handle football operations.
Flying signs and paying for billboards to get people fired will definitely attract top candidates to work for the Jets. Who wouldn't want to work in that environment?
That's not true. Bell & Crowder chased it. The only Jet that saw what happened and didn't go after it was Darnold. I don't know what he was thinking...it was almost recovered for a td. Sam is shot...
That "environment" comes with the location. If they can't handle NYC and its media, then they just don't have what it takes.
Saying "Get rid of Gase and we'll be all set" is like saying once the patient survives triage, he'll be good as new. No one is saying Gase is the ONLY problem, nor getting rid of him will suddenly make the Jets playoff contenders. What we're saying is that we need to practice triage: get rid of the immediate problem, Gase, and then we can begin to address the other ones.
Exactly Gase is figuratively the bullet lodged in the crack heads chest. Remove the bullet NOW, save the life, but the crackhead still needs rehab and probably psychotherapy before he can be a normal member of society
Fans are fans everywhere...they want to see Ws and be entertained in the process You can't win them all..but at least be competitive!!! In NY we NEED to humiliate the Johnsons and their FAILED efforts Gase>>>Imagine being that hated that people have a banner asking you to LEAVE??? (Do some soul searching) At worse Gase is gone at best J/J are so disgusted no one appreciates their "hard work " and sell this Junk Yard Worrying about about future Coaches is the LEAST of our problems
I have no hatred for Gase. I was willing to give him a chance. For weeks when almost everyone else was calling for him to be fired, I was counseling patience and to wait and see what happened once we got Sam and some other pieces back. I've now seen enough. He isn't part of the solution and is part of the problem. I'm truly concerned about Sam's physical and emotional health if he keeps getting pounded, and the team's psyche if Gase keeps doing the same stuff expecting a different result, and the team continues to be non-competitive. I think for all concerned (Gase too) it would be better for him to get fired now. It should then be abundantly clear to him that he was fired not because of all the injuries and poor breaks,but because he was arrogant, refused to adapt, to change, to make adjustments, to discipline the team, he blamed the players instead of himself, and/or he failed to get them to buy into his schemes and ideas. He need to go home, sit down, and spend the rest of the season doing some real soul searching, and brutally honest self evaluation. It's the only chance he has of ever becoming a good football coach.