See personally I love the slowness of the broadcast and the sport!!!! Its relaxing. It adds to the charm of the game. Especially in today's world with twitter and instant gratification. You watch a basketball or football game on ESPN and you are just bombarded with action, replays, scores and highlights, analysis, half your screen is taken over with bullshit, etc. You watch golf on television and it all slows down. You watch one player at a time, you enjoy the scenery, you watch them think about their shot, etc. There is not so much in the way of bogus replays and talking heads. Just the game and the players. So much more rewarding and relaxing of a television experience!! I didnt always feel that way though about the game so I understand your point. The idea that they have channels dedicated to one player is an interesting one though. I dont really have a favorite guy but I can see how if someone did, that would be something they are interested in. I know sunday when Spieth hit the drainage system and he, his caddy and the golf official were talking over his drop and strategy it would've been nice to stay on him and see how that plays out instead of having to see others take their shots and come back when he was ready to hit. Interesting idea.
They have dedicates cameras for the featured groups online. I have been doing features cameras for the past 2-3 years. You only see the players you want and flip through groups. It is all online though.
Direct TV also had some channels with dedicated coverage of Amen corner, and also a Mix channel with multiple screens.