I turned it off. The fact that detroit is going to sweep us and probably no hit us will be something I can't watch.
Meh. I post whether they win or lose. Only one of the two of us seems to relish when the yanks lose. Hint: it's not me. I feel bad for fans like you.
Don't feel bad for me and I was a Yankee fan before you were born. I hate when they lose and I hate even worse when they put up with garbage GMs and managers. Cashman has had a 200 million dollar bufget for about 10 years and all he puts on the field is shit. Teams like Tampa and Oakland get 40 million to work with and are always good teams.
That kind of analysis is why I feel bad for you. Trust me, I wasn't feeling bad for you because I thought you hadn't been a Yankee fan long enough.
W-w-w-w wait second. Wait a minute. Now just wait a second! Whatta ya outta ya mind? Dat's outrageous. How can you call yaself a Yankee fan when YOU TURN OFF A PLAYOFF GAME?!!? Show a little hot. Get lawst. I can't take anymaw of dis babble.