that would actually be a better approach here, haa haa!! Help me Matty!! Help me!! Gonna be tough to watch today.
Drive in the game winning run and get approached by those two girls outside the stadium who would proceed to beg for a threeski.
Sager said Long worked with Cano and Swisher and made some improvements. He said there's nothing Long could do for A-Rod. Based on an interview with Long
error on Teixeira in the third, but they might've gotten the out anyway had CC covered first. Cano got the ricochet off Teixeira's glove. Also, CC is not going to be able to go deep into this one. He's thrown a ton of pitches.
errors all over the infield, this is difficult to watch. and what was that shit talking to Verlander the whole inning from the bench, ron darling's nose was so far up his ass it was sickening. c'mon yanks, go down with a fight at least, they have whiffed 7 or 8 times already. I watched the yanks come back from a 6-0 deficit against Smoltz in '96, but that was a whole other team and mindset. 2 run homer, 4-0 tigers, not looking good at all. see you guys later when it's 8-0.
So the Yankees may be no hit today...fuckin great...if it's Giardi and Cashman's last hurrah it will be worth it as they weren't winning 4 in a row with those assholes calling the shots.