Yeah, you see that little guy up there sticking out his tongue? That's usually a good sign that something is not being said with complete seriousness.
well, you two are so fuckin sexy when you yell at eachother. Jankee beisbol baby. Has a little hair on its balls lately. Gotta little zip to it no?
I'm not the one bringing it up after you ended it by essentially saying it couldn't be settled. If it can't be settled by your terms, then it's a waste of time talking about it with you, which is why I stopped posting about it. Then you brought it up again a month and a half later. If you're "more than happy to let it go", then by all means, stop bringing it up.
Whatever, man. I didn't bring it up because the discussion of Hughes' value is suddenly more relevant. I brought it up again because your post about "checking back in June" remains amusingly irrelevant. Hughes had a nice start last time out. He has a sub-4.00 ERA since the end of April, five good starts, one meh start, and one shitty start. I get the feeling Hughes will always give up a lot of HRs, as he's stayed a heavily fly-ball pitcher, but once he got away from throwing the cutter 20 times a game, and went to fastball/curve/change, he started missing more bats. I'd like to see him keep it up. He's always had the talent, and I've always thought his approach was what was holding him back. Doesn't seem like the brightest bulb.
Your motivation in bringing it up remains irrelevant. The only thing that matters is you chose to bring it up again, a month and a half after I dropped it. Cute.
I am travelling to Atlanta next Tuesday morning Yankees will start a 3 game series with Braves on Monday. I can buy tickets for Tuesday night or Wednesday night. Any idea what day Sabathia will pitch?
I'm going to the Mondee Night game. I think that's the night he's pitching. I will be decked out in Yankees gear, and wearing a whole bottle of Derek Jeter cologne. Look for me drunk field level, a few rows back on 3rd base line. Hoping to catch a foul ball
I think even I am capable of hitting a homerun to right field in that stadium/art gallery/mall/club/etc.
After tonights game maybe they do move the walls back when the opposing team is batting :breakdance: Good win, little upset they couldn't get a shut out. Following up a historic event is really difficult to do.