I don't think definitively ranking the Yankees' rotation #1-5 makes much sense at this point, or provides much information. As with many things, the best way to sort this out is in terms of betting... or at least in terms of putting your money where your mouth is. Sabathia is clearly the best of the bunch, but there's some wiggle room there in terms of expectations. 3:2 odds that Sabathia will have the best ERA on this team are damn good odds. Can't argue with the results Nova has put up, but I don't think anyone in their right mind would rank him ahead of (or even close to) Sabathia. That said, I probably wouldn't take much less than 2:1 odds that Nova will be the best Yankee starter. I don't know what to expect from Kuroda making the NL West to AL East transition. If he gives the Yanks innings at league average, I'm happy. Too many variables to put definitive odds on him, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was the second best Yankee pitcher or the worst Yankee pitcher. Despite the uncertainty with Kuroda, Hughes is probably the biggest wild card in the rotation. I wouldn't be shocked if he was out of the rotation by the end of May. Likewise, I wouldn't be shocked if he was the second best pitcher on the staff. I'd even take 3:1 odds on that. Garcia is a good bet to be mediocre to league average. I think he's the most likely candidate of the current five to wind up fifth-best... and it's not even close. I can't even begin to speculate on what Pettitte has, or what Pineda will be able to do if he doesn't have that plus-plus fastball.
Did I just hear Pineda got shut down again? Was Cashman bamboozled?? Cappy, Ill give you whatever odds youd like that HUghes does not become the 2nd best starter this year. And thats with Pineda out for what appears to be quite some time.
I just heard the words " possible season-ending injury" for Pineda. OUt at least til June best case. Fuck balls
No one would rank Nova close to CC, but he's the clear cut #2. I don't see how anyone aside from Don would argue with that.
5 times Yankees have come back from being 9 runs down...3 of the 5 against Boston..how awesome is that?
The Yankees comeback win against Boston for me is definitely revenge for what the Pats did to the Jets during the 2011 season
Great win, but a few things. -Garcia is garbage -Pineda shut down Petitte just become important, not a luxury.
Pettitte was always going to be important, especially in October. Unfortunately, now Hughes becomes important too.
Sounds like rain will threaten the game tonight. He was never a luxury. They needed him last season and this season because they simply don't have enough starters. Hughes shouldn't be in the rotation and who knows with Garcia and Kuroda.
Boy, you're gonna harp on this Hughes thing for all its worth, huh? The dude's been injured and inconsistent, but he is a better choice than most fifth - or even fourth - starters in the league.