Tennessee fans

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Brien O'Ken, Nov 23, 2008.

  1. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    When Larry The Cable Guy is your local hero, you know you're in trouble.
  2. thejetsaddict

    thejetsaddict New Member

    Nov 4, 2004
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    I cant even read those forums anymore they are making me so angry. Non of them will give any credit to the Jets. They are calling us the browns beating the Giants. Not to mention that we are second fiddle to the Giants and all we are are Giants fans who couldnt get season tickets. I WANT TO BITE THEIR FACES!
  3. Bipolar The Titan

    Bipolar The Titan New Member

    Nov 23, 2008
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    Were you there? I assume not because you say you're checking your dvr. Look man, Carr isn't a regular corner. Nick Harper is out. The calls were 100% legitimate but they weren't obvious for what a lot of people could see. Contact is contact but it didn't look like a foul... people know the rules. The mob mentality thought we were getting screwed plus it was like a joke almost booing so much. I was booing just to make noise. We were booing the refs, our own team, the score, the sky, the whole shitty day and that booing was the best part of the day. It made it tolerable. Otherwise, I had a pretty good time.
    #43 Bipolar The Titan, Nov 23, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2008
  4. e-x

    e-x New Member

    May 11, 2005
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    bottom line is any fans in any stadium would have done the same thing
  5. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    you have to admit though...it was a damn good game.
  6. TurkJetFan

    TurkJetFan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    YUP....then read my response
  7. Bipolar The Titan

    Bipolar The Titan New Member

    Nov 23, 2008
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    oh yeah? where? That doesn't sound like mine. What they are saying is the team that got beat out there isn't the same team that won 10 in a row. The Jets played an awesome game. They were outstanding. The Titans got ass raped all afternoon. No one is saying the better team lost. If anything, had the Titans managed to steal that with the late scores they would not have been the better team. They did not execute. They were terrible all day. They played like a 4-6 team. That doesn't take anything away from the Jets. I'm sorry the Titans didn't play well enough to keep it any closer but to believe that they are truly that bad is a stretch. A team that bad could NEVER win 10 in a row. Or even 10 games for that matter.
    #47 Bipolar The Titan, Nov 23, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2008
  8. Bipolar The Titan

    Bipolar The Titan New Member

    Nov 23, 2008
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    for you. Titans couldn't do jack. It was like there was lsd in their Gatorade bottles. That's just football though. Sometimes very good teams just don't come to play and from this I try to take as much positive as possible.
  9. rohirrim665

    rohirrim665 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    i was blown away by the pissing and moaning and whining going on in the stands as if they got robbed when the entire day the titans got whipped, did they really think the titans were going to be an undefeated team? Last year at 10-0 i will admit the patriots looked like they could be undefeated, the titans this year though, no way. Sorry, kerry collins is a cool story but your not gonna get it done. We will see you in the playoffs again and we will win once again, the jets are the better team.
  10. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    they couldn't do jack...because they were beaten in every aspect of the game...in their own backyard.

    The titans were exposed today.

    Maybe instead of worrying about skydiving into practice..Fisher should've been gameplanning a little more effectively.
  11. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    They can bitch about two calls, but like Jeff Fisher said, those two calls didn't decide the game. I would say 192 yards rushing and 40 minutes of possesion caused it.
  12. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    And if fans really were starting fights, and picking on 14 year old girls, then that is sad. But I was not there so it is hearsay
  13. #1 Favre Fan

    #1 Favre Fan New Member

    Nov 23, 2008
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    Go Jets !!!

    I'm a die hard Packer Fan - Hate that Brett is gone but will always be his #1 fan. Lucky for the Jets!!! Went to the game in TN today - Brett took care of business. That a boy!!!! When I left, TN fans were booing their own team after just one loss. What's up with that? What a bunch of sissies and sore frick'in losers. Be real fans and support your team - that being said GO JETS!!!!
  14. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    The reason I personally have a huge problem with the Titans fans right now is that your true character is revealed when times are tough, not when times are good... the Titans have been riding the easy boat for a long time now and now that they got kicked off their perch, they're acting like a bunch of 6 year old sissies.

    The Titans lost to a surging Jets team, it isn't like when we lost to Oakland... we actually had something to complain about. The Titans fans on the other hand are whining like this game was owed to them or something, when the reality is they just got smacked plain and simple. It's football and it happens.

    With that said, I don't believe you fall into that group. You've been reasonable with your posts and I don't believe you represent the mass of Titans fans.

    No need to worry about your team, more than likely this loss will serve as a kick in the ass the way the Oakland game was for us... the main difference being you didn't get the kick in the ass from a team as awful as Oakland. Titans fans should consider themselves lucky.
  15. boogerstyles

    boogerstyles New Member

    Jul 19, 2004
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    Who cares what a bunch of unhappy fans say about us?

    They say "typical jets fans" like they know what a typical jets fan is. That amuses me. If that came out of a division rival, or giants of eagles (regional team), I might give a nano-second of thought.

    But it comes from a non-division team that plays in Tennessee. Type of fans who would come to New York and order dominos. Same ol' small market inferiority complex. They don't know shit, besides the fact that they were second best today, and there's really no other way to rationalize it.
  16. 3rdAnd15Draw

    3rdAnd15Draw Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    Why would Fisher even comment on those 2 correct calls? Although I guess when you're the kind of douche bag that wears sunglasses all day even when the sun isn't out and sky dives into practices you do a lot of silly things.
  17. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    How anybody can compare this game to the Giants/Browns game knows absolutely nothing about football. For starters the Jets didn't host the Titans they went into Tennessee's backyard and absolutely dominated them in every facet of the game. There was no Eric Wright 85 yard INT for a TD or Collins didn't throw 4 pics. Lets be honest if David Barrett didn't suck the Titans wouldn't have even scored in the 1st half.

    Did the Titans play bad? maybe or were they forced to play bad by the superior team? Likely a little bit of both. The Titans did force 2 turnovers. The bottom line is the Jets OL dominated the Titans DL otherwise they wouldn't have what tripled Tennessee's time of possession. The Jets put up 34 points on the best defense in the NFL. No matter what any Titan fan says the better team did win today that team was the Original Titans.
  18. Bipolar The Titan

    Bipolar The Titan New Member

    Nov 23, 2008
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    there is a little to much animosity in this place for my liking. I really came over here so you guys would at least hold a shred of respect for my brothers and I on the other mb your ribbing so hard on.

    Now look, a vast majority of fellas I post with daily are very reasonable guys and really good fans. Today, it just seemed like every down there was something to hate and because some ugly boos, chants and jeers went on late in the contest that doesn't make people in attendance bad fans or anything..

    If some parties were jeering our own team then fine. They were not playing with heart. They were getting beat off the line on a consistent basis. To add insult to injury we were getting beat with our own m.o. in our own house... that doesn't make us losers that just makes us intolerant of horseshit.

    And whoever was saying the Titans have been on the easy boat I have no idea what you're talking about. This team has had to scratch and claw it's way back to respectability the past few seasons.

    Where were we are the beginning of the 2006 season? 3rd last in the league. Indianapolis' bitch. Just like you guys were the Patriots bitch with a top draft pick... The Titans scratched and clawed our way back and now they want a division title and more. Don't act like they are some afc south champ for 3 years running when they are just now for the first time getting acquainted again with what it takes to be an elite and dominate team in this league.

    And this dick-hole that says me or anyone that can compare the Giants to the Titans knows nothing about football.... Screw you man. I know plenty about football and let me tell you again, point blank just what I mean when I compare the Giants to the Titans in that respect. Those are two different teams that played well beneath their potential and lost because they got their asses beat. That's as far as it goes. Don't you insult me and tell me I know nothing.

    You must not have seen what the "original Titans" do... Collins actually had an o.k. game but there were way too many drops and penalties. The O line didn't control the line of scrimmage. The d line failed to get penetration. In fact, the Titans d line was bitchmade all afternoon. The run d was ineffective and broke contain. There were alot of tackles that were flat out missed. Our back-up Carr, prior day fa signing turned starter Poole and practice squad guy didn't make a shit. The running game was a no-show. LenDale White was actually benched for a in game disciplinary incident. Corner play was not good. We just sent two corners to IR. There was a lot that was not clicking.

    The Jets are good. Real damn good. Better than I realized even. Watching the mnf vs. the Chargers skewed my perception of them. I'm sorry, the Titans did not play their best game. They played their worst game and if they played at that level all year, as the label "original Titans" implies they would be a team that is sub .500.
  19. thedonger

    thedonger Active Member

    Apr 7, 2004
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    i usually don't comment in threads like this, but you couldn't be more wrong about that giants loss. even friends of mine who are diehard giants fans say that it would've taken nothing less than a perfectly played game to win against the browns that night. they didn feel they were off, but that the browns played way above the level they have been all season. my giants friends even say they just got beat, flat out. none of this whining where they say, "they aren't that good", "we just had a bad game", blah blah. they say they just got beat, plain and simple, no excuses. that's why you're getting dissed here. you keep saying "we lost BUT...".

    sorry, you guys got beat plain and simple, no ifs ands or BUTS.
    you just keep diggin' that hole.
  20. Chrisp22

    Chrisp22 Active Member

    Sep 8, 2008
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    Bipolar the Titan said "You must not have seen what the "original Titans" do... Collins actually had an o.k. game but there were way too many drops and penalties. The O line didn't control the line of scrimmage. The d line failed to get penetration. In fact, the Titans d line was bitchmade all afternoon. The run d was ineffective and broke contain. There were alot of tackles that were flat out missed. Our back-up Carr, prior day fa signing turned starter Poole and practice squad guy didn't make a shit. The running game was a no-show. LenDale White was actually benched for a in game disciplinary incident. Corner play was not good. We just sent two corners to IR. There was a lot that was not clicking.":shit:

    Dude - The Jets wanted Collins to throw. Stop the run, let Kerry make a mistake or 2. As for your O-line, Mawae got beat up by Jenkins and all went to hell from there. You D line was neutralized by the 3 step drops and quick passes. The big run from Leon was the result of your D being on the field way too much. Penalties are what they are. Your guys committed them because they were getting beat. And Lendale White carries 1 time for -1 yard. How was he suspended and playing at the same time?

    Titans fans are sore because the got whopped real good. Most of us Jets fans know the feeling although thing sure are looking up.

    Sucks to lose. Too bad, so sad!! Go Jets!!!!!
    #60 Chrisp22, Nov 24, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2008

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