Tebow, even in his special single wing completed less than 50% of his passes. They were winning because of their defense. The Broncos scored less than 20 points in 9 of 13 games Tebow started in (including playoffs).
Tebow also had less than 16 freaking starts under his belt for most of last season. You know, YOUNG QB ??? Want to go look at what Elway's or Eli's stats were during their first year as a starter ?
Aww....is baby gonna cry? Are you mad because I said they got 2 picks? Are you really psyched they got a 7th rounder? Still waiting for your on field arguments.
It's the "Football move" vs "Publicity move" argument. It did what it was intended to do. New York papers made a huge deal out of it. He is a backup QB. Does anybody know if Stanton flew, drove, or took a train? Of course not. So why is Tebow being treated special? There are already papers saying the always popular anonymous sources are not loving the special Tebow treatment. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000...mous-jets-return-to-question-tebow-red-carpet He will kill the locker room (which is already hurting) at worst, and divide it at best. Either way, it's a disaster.
nah, not going to cry at all. Talking with you is about as stimulating as talking to a freaking eggplant, and just about as productive. You made a statement, got called on it, then doubled down and made yourself look foolish in the process. Now, you want to try and deflect away from the stupidity that you have demonstrated, which is fine. I mean, it's not like I'm expecting you to be any better when talking about "on the field arguments" either. But hey, let's go ahead and go down the rabbit hole.
Is that what happened? Because it's not. But keep going back to it. Apparently you will.......all night. Still.......still.........still........waiting for you to argue the onfield stuff. But you seem to be clinging to the one ounce of oxygen you have. Enjoy suffocating.
he didn't kill the locker room in denver. he was well liked by his teammates. a very good teammate by all accounts. i don't understand why you think he will kill the locker room. i heard mike devito on sirius nfl this morning and he was very complimentary of TT.
Actually, it's EXACTLY what happened. You claimed that the Jets gave up 2 pics and you failed to take into account that they got a pick from Denver. Now, you can keep digging that hole and make yourself look sillier as posts continue, OR, you could just say "Damn, whoops, my bad, that's right, it was one pick and a trade of 6th and 7th picks." and From what I have read, it seems that most weren't happy with Shotty and more than a few blame last year's lack of offensive production on him. Kind of ironic that Suffering Jets Fan has that sig line AND THEN wants to look at Tebow's stats from last year and conclude that obviously, Tebow sucks based on those stats. Here's the post:
Check the join dates... of these pro-Tebow posters. The majority are March 2012. Geez - I wonder why. What a coincidence. I (Bronco fan) joined March 2012 to watch the craziness. It's painful to experience but fun to watch.
There is the another side of the Tebowmania coin that I warned about , the hater side ....more focused , twice as committed . Same obsession , same coin. I am not saying you are a hater but just stating a fact.
There was nothing in my post that indicated my impressions of Tebow. The problem with Tebow fans is to assign "hater" way too quickly and unjustifiably - for critiques and, in this case, for comments that aren't even about Tebow. I was referencing about the fans.
I'ts crazy seeing this side show that we bring into our locker room year after year. Now this Tebow crap? SMh, it's going to be a wild ride.
It truly was nuts for the Jets to inject Tebow-mania into the mess they ended up with last year. Whether you think the move will work or not it was like holding a bottle of nitroglycerin and suddenly deciding to get out your hula hoop and shake it around some.