Tebow Tebow Tebow Tebow Tebow (merged several times)

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by RocklandJetsFan17, Mar 19, 2012.


Do you agree with the Jets in trading for Tebow?

  1. Yes

    277 vote(s)
  2. No

    379 vote(s)
  1. stinkyB

    stinkyB 2009 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Too late. He already got F*cked by John Elway. :eek:hmy:
  2. MoWilkShakes

    MoWilkShakes Active Member

    Dec 7, 2010
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    And Tim should be after it. That's what a back up qb does- challenges the starter.
  3. CJLang

    CJLang Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2007
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    Serious? All the Jets players support Sanchez? You been living under a rock?
  4. Jet Blue

    Jet Blue New Member

    May 9, 2003
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    Not a fan of "Winning Ugly"

    You think the Colts would be better off right now if they Tebowed a few games last year?
  5. SienaSaints

    SienaSaints Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2010
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    I hope Tim has a press conference and announces that he and Mark Eiffel Towered some bitch the previous night.

    Also, I think Tim is gay. He has that gay lisp to his voice.
  6. Jet Blue

    Jet Blue New Member

    May 9, 2003
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    With you 100%...

    I'm actually amazed at the amount of support this "Sideshow Tim" Crap is getting at all....

    Complete Disaster - IMO, I feel worse today that with Kotite..... At least I knew Kotite wouldn't last - This freak show may actually go on since it has the owners blessing.
  7. SienaSaints

    SienaSaints Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2010
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    Doug Fucking Gottlieb is a giant douche and I do not like him yet he is making more sense than some NFL experts. He said something along the lines of 'this wont make fans boo Sanchez more, they already boo Sanchez. He already has enough pressure on him, adding Tebow is not going to make it any worse. If Tim Tebow was a legitimate starting option for the Jets, another team would have given up more than a 4th round draft pick to get him.'

    Mangini also saying that the backup quarterback is the most popular player on the team and says its the reality of being in New York. Talked about Kellen Clemens and Chad Pennington controversy.
    #3227 SienaSaints, Mar 23, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2012
  8. jets4lyfah

    jets4lyfah Banned

    Jan 6, 2011
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    there are jets fans then there are fools, those that hate on sanchez are the latter
  9. ace_o_spades

    ace_o_spades New Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    Im assuming Manish Mehta wrote this? The guy loves his anonymous sources and executives.
    #3229 ace_o_spades, Mar 23, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2012
  10. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Tebow would have beat out Gabbert with a blind fold on. As already reported Gene Smith the GM of the Jaguars told him he would be third string and expected to be on special teams .

    Rex told him I want you to run over people when your in the game and you will have designed plays every game.

    It has nothing to do with him thinking he can beat out Sanchez , because Gabbert is a freaking joke and Chad Henne choked his way out of being a starter. If the coaches wanted him he would go to Jaguars as its his home town.

    Gene Smith had an agenda, he staked on Gabbert being the guy and spent a top ten pick on him , he can't have him fail because if Gabbert fails he fails.

    Tebow is not he QB of the Jaguars because Gene smith would look foolish with the Gabbert pick
    #3230 CowboysFan, Mar 23, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2012
  11. whichfan

    whichfan New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Tebow critics say the same crap too. I hate to go off on a rant but it's the same stupid, misinformed, incorrect things you hear in the media. All while discounting what he just did IN THE NFL.

    His faith is not what primarily made him famous. It was winning. At every level. High school, championships in college, Heisman, 4th quarter comebacks, turning a 1-4 team into a playoff contender, Playoffs wins in the NFL by way of passing from a guy who can't pass against one of the best passing defenses in the NFL...etc...etc

    Tebowmania would not exist if he didn't win big in football. There are plenty of faithful, religious, men in the world. None of them were as dominant or as successful while being completely unconventional as Tebow was and will continue to be in football. Winning NFL games by way of 4th quarter comebacks consecutively will make the news in the NFL. When a guy who's constantly being criticized as a quarterback does it, it makes even bigger news. When that constantly criticized guy is Tim Tebow, it dominates the news.

    But make no mistake. It all starts with winning. Religious nuts may cling to Tebow's religion, but that's not what Tebow is to football fans. I like Tebow because he's a damn good football player and QB, who's being given very little credit for his skills as a quarterback, and yes he has plenty of them. He has a non-conventional approach to the QB position, but it IS an effective, and winning approach. And yes, at the NFL level. As he just proved a few months ago.

    The current football stats being used sometimes fail to measure Tim Tebow's abilities as a quarterback because of the way they are designed and because of the manner in which he wins(conservative passer, low % high reward passes, combined with his rushing abilities which are completely left out in QB stats). Because of this, his "football perception" is completely skewed. So skewed in fact that when the guy puts up 5 games with quarterbacks rating over 90.0 as an NFL PASSER, people like you completely overlook them and cast them away. He IS an NFL caliber passer if you would just open your eyes and watch. All the other nonsense being thrown around keep a lot of people who bought into "Tebow can't pass" from accepting the truth which is..."oh wait....he can pass!"

    But what happens is.....when Tebow puts up a QB passer rating of 149.0 against Minnesota, or 125.0 QB rating against the Steelers in the playoffs, or leads the league as the #1 QB in the league in air yards per attempt haters can't possibly accept it as Tebow putting together a great passing performance, and him proving he can pass and improving his game as a passer just like ANY OTHER freaking QB....they have to find some OTHER retarded explanation for it like : luck, God, defenses breaking down, fluke....

    In reality that was just Tebow passing in the NFL and not having to rely in his legs to win that football game. So what happens is, blind morons continue to toot the "Tebow can't pass" crap...and since Tebow CAN in fact freaking pass, he does it, inconsistently, which just keeps the whole charade going. People get "shocked" when he does it, when those of us that are more informed with the MULTIPLE approached to playing QB, knew it all along. It will go away when the rest of the world catches up to the fact they have been lied to by the media and a bunch of other people, that Tebow isn't a bad passer. He is in fact a pretty good passer with an unconventional approach. But in the mean time, while this is still going on, Tebowmania will continue to thrive.

    And just so you know, before Tebow, there was another guy that won in a similar manner. His name is Terry Bradshaw, 4 time Super Bowl Champion with a career 51.9 completion percentage. He also averaged LESS than 25 passing attempts per game. Except he didn't run the TD's in himself, he handed over the ball to his running backs, while being very conservative with his passing, and limited turnovers the best he could. Tebow simply runs him in himself sometimes, but it's hardly any different.

    This is nothing new. When you chose to limit throwing interceptions, and limit turnovers, and score more TD's whether by way of passing or rushing, than you turnover the ball....you win in football. Pretty normal stuff. Standard NFL QB 101. Of course he's going to be successful in the NFL because he can move the ball while not turning it over. Which is the #1 primary goal for a QB. It's that freaking simple. The ultimate goal of a QB isn't to complete a pass, or a million passes, it's to score a TD without turning over the ball.

    There's another very clear example of how football stats FAIL to measure things. It's common. See the New England Patriots defense last year. NOBODY looks at actual TOTAL defense efficiency, which they ended up #2 in the league last year. Everybody looks at total defense, which measures yards....it's so freaking wrong it's retarded. So when the Pats defense performs like it did against the Ravens, or against the Giants in the Super Bowl, everyone is "shocked". In reality they don't understand Bill Belichick's strategy, a guy who knows a whole hell of a lot more than they do about football and defenses, and knew the ENTIRE season he had a good defense. Because everyone, including football "experts" or those who THINK they know football, believe they have one of the worst defenses in the NFL because that's what that "total defense" stat says. Well you know what, the stat is wrong! Plain and simple. That's what people don't get. It's a BAD measurement for the Pats defense. Nobody asks themselves....wait how can a team OUTSCORE their opponents by 171 points if their defense sucks? Doesn't a defense have to stop the opponent in order for an offense to outscore the opponent? Well yes, but people are freaking retarded and can't follow that simple logic because they are stuck staring at a statistics labeled incorrectly as "total defense" that measures yards, and give it more credit, instead of the points category(which happen to be more important). So instead they come up with retarded phrases which becomes media truth like "the offense is carrying the team". Yes.....the offense somehow STOPPED the other opponent too! Or maybe Brady is so fearsome the other team's offense just decided to stop playing and hand over the ball. It's retarded but people swear by these traditional stats that never actually measured things correctly in the first place.

    That's also what they don't get about Tebow. Nobody stops and asks, how can Tebow put up 5 perfomances as an NFL QB with passer ratings over 90.0, if he can't pass? How can he turn around a 1-4 team and win playoff games, if he can't win in the NFL? Obviously, he can pass and he can win, but there's something else going on but people never take the time to look into what exactly it is he's doing as a QB. Those are the type of things that cause controversy.
    #3231 whichfan, Mar 23, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2012
  12. JetsVilma28

    JetsVilma28 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    Competition breeds excellence. This is so good for the team and Sanchez.

    I really see two offense. The gator or "jesuscat" and Ground 'n pound, greene machine, play-action Sanchez to Santonio **fart**
  13. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    If your argument is based on being the worst team in the league if Tebow plays you have a dumb fuck argument to begin with.
    #3233 JetBlue, Mar 23, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2012
  14. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    Only a fucking idiot didn't see Tebow becoming available as a realistic possibility. please explain how Denver pursuing Manning for weeks prior to him signing made Tebow's availability unexpected?

    it wasn't unexpected. only bad decision makers don't consider all the possibilities before making a final decision and Tebow certainly was a realistic possibility. If you were completely shocked that he was traded despite all signs leading to that possibility, well that doesn't speak highly of you. I suppose Manning being released by the Colts was also unexpected to you.
    #3234 JetBlue, Mar 23, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2012
  15. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    A logical approach to this

    I have had a few days to digest this move and after thinking about it I do think it has a chance to be a good move for the Jets. I have never been a Tebow fan, not gonna lie. He can't play QB and no matter how much his supporters tell us he led the Broncos to the playoffs there ultimately was a long list of luck that happened along the way. Sorry you can't create luck, it just happens and there is no explanation as to why but the Broncos were not the 1st team to start out miserable in a bad division and end up making the playoffs. Did Tebow have a say in how things went? Absolutely but the idea of him receiving all the credit is blashphemous. That being said this isn't about the past, it's about the future and his future with the Jets.

    My initial thought on the move was one of desperation, I don't think that anymore. A desperation move is going after a guy coming off 4 neck surgeries in the last year and handing him 30+ million gauranteed. I don't care what his doctors say but I wouldn't have put all my faith in that move. On the outside it appears that the Jets did make a desperation move but I think it's a football move. It's a move that will either end one of two ways, the Jets pulling the wool over everybody else's eyes or the end of the Ryan/Tannenbaum era in NY. I'm going with the former.

    Among other things the Jets lacked last year on offense was creativity, they were boring, predictable and oh yeah.... they sucked. Now Wayne Hunter took a lot of heat for that but let's look at another guy who didn't take any. Our runningback , yes Greene was a guy a lot of people felt could take us to the next level after his awesome playoff run a few years ago. Truth is he can't handle the load by himself and LT is too far past his prime to make a huge difference but if you look at Greene where was he most effective last season? When he got outside, he had some good runs between the tackles but most of his success came when he could get outside, the same with LT. Tebow will give this team the ability to get Greene outside and whoever else they elect to throw back there. I'm not so sure that right now Tebow isn't the best RB on the roster.

    At the end of last season Rex stated he wanted to get back to his philosophy on both offense and defense. In order for that to be successful they need to control the ball and the clock. Having Tebow could give the Jets that edge they want. If you look at how the Broncos won games last year it was with Tebow running the ball. Look how he beat us, Smith was destroyed but he was running the ball with success. He also made some good throws at key points in the game. Look at the throw he beat the Steelers with, yeah it was busted coverage but Thomas caught that ball in stride and took it to the house. Sporano isn't going to be using Tebow in shotgun sets asking him to win the game with his arm. Essentially what the Jets are going to try and do with Tebow is reinvent the wheel. The Pats, Colts and Saints have attempted to win games with all offense and no defense which works in the regular season but not in the playoffs which explains why between the 3 they've won 2 SB's since spygate. Yes they're great in the regular season but the Giants and Steelers have shown you win in the playoffs by having a good offense but a better defense. I do believe a big part of the Jets struggles on defense last year were a direct result of the offense being awful. Yes the defense had some letdowns in big spots last year but we had been so good on defense the previous two years that as fans we were expecting the D to be perfect which isn't possible. If the offense is able to control the clock then the D will be much improved.

    Ultimately what this will come down to is how much control Rex really has of this team, there is going to be intense pressure from Tebow supporters to play him. Rex is going to need to do what the Broncos couldn't do and stand up to the Tebow supporters and play the guy that is the best QB on the roster and the one that gives the team the best chance to win the SB whether it is Mark, Tebow or Stanton. I still think that guy is Sanchez. That being said they can't be concerned with feelings, sorry this is football not the cub scouts. If Tebow gives them the best chance to win then he needs to play. At this point there is no QB controversy, only one created by the media and non Jet fans.

    I believe the coaching staff when they say how they are going to utilize Tebow. If the Jets were concerned with bringing a starting QB they would have gone after one not a gimmick. Rex needed to see something in Tebow to sign off on this move. He and Sporano must have a game plan. If you know anything about Rex it's that he wants to win badly, his dad never won a SB as a head coach and his brother may never get a shot as a head coach so Ryan is carrying that. He isn't going to jeopardize that by making a move like this if he didn't think it will work. This is a move that is made to beat the Patriots, with an offense like they have you have to control the ball and clock, if the Jets can do that Brady sees the field much less and has less of a chance to wear down the defense. On the flip side I do think a big part of the Broncos 4th quarter success last year was that opposing D's were worn down. If you keep them on the field you wear them down. Simple.

    Yes I'm sure there was some PR involved here, the Jets caught a ton of bad PR towards the end of the season and we needed to fix that. Not that I think Rex cared about that but that Woody does. Many people see this as a move that divides the lockerroom. I don't, I think Tebow has a unifying personality and will help mend the issues in the lockerroom. I don't see an issue with half the team in favor of one guy and half the team in favor of the other. Mark is our guy and Tebow is just being brought in as a weapn to help Mark and the offense.
  16. VanderbiltJets

    VanderbiltJets Active Member

    Apr 25, 2010
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    Stupid Timmy, the starting job's for Mark
  17. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I agree with the point about why no one else offered more to get Tebow. Kind of obvious, isn't it? Of course you have to wonder how much Mark Sanchez would draw in an offer now, too, especially after that ridiculous contract extension.

    Anyway, and I bet here the Sanchez Fans will agree with me (which you can be sure has already given me pause, but so be it). Yes, Sanchez has already gotten booed, but that's when he screws up. Tebow Fans will be yelling for Tebow, perhaps not in the first game, but certainly after an early season loss, even before Sanchez screws up.

    Anyone who doesn't think that will have it's effect is not living in the real world.
  18. Nilton

    Nilton Active Member

    Oct 21, 2011
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    I don't know what to say. Could be false..but I doubt it. And I already see the tebow chants despite most of the fan base hating him because he beat us last year. Sanchez better take this shit head on and play well.
  19. Why is this an issue? Did you expect Tebow to say anything else? I would be concerned if he DID say he was content being the back-up. You guys are finding any little reason you can to hate this move. If that's your agenda..than so be it. But c'mon..why is everyone so afraid of their being alittle competition at the QB position? If Sanchez can't handle it..then he shouldn't be the starting QB of this team anyway.

    As for "tebow-mania"...if it only continues to be an issue, if he continues to be successful. If he flames out and quietly maintains a back-up/formation specific role..then the craze dies. What am I missing here other than a bunch of bi-polar cry babies who are buying into the controversy that the media WANTS to create?
  20. CJLang

    CJLang Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2007
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    I'm not talking about Jets fans hating on Sanchez, I'm talking about his teammates.

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