Tebow Tebow Tebow Tebow Tebow (merged several times)

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by RocklandJetsFan17, Mar 19, 2012.


Do you agree with the Jets in trading for Tebow?

  1. Yes

    277 vote(s)
  2. No

    379 vote(s)
  1. NYJFan10

    NYJFan10 Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2007
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    lol I thought no other team could read the fine print of the deal until they acquired the player, at least that was the excuse given for Tanny last night. I would say that's a fireable offense (especially for a lawyer) but clearly this was influenced by ownership anyway, so I'm sure they were on him to get the deal done asap since there was a time crunch on it.
  2. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Good Post Don. TEBOW > Stanton. Period. and, lets face it, given his issues throwing the ball, he's LESS of a threat to Sanchez, than Stanton might otherwise have been.

    Can we look past the celebrity and start looking at the nuts and bolts..The one thing Schitty did right here, was design a package for Brad Smith. Sparano was it's progenitor, and instead of a RB, or a QB built like a WR, you now have a QB built like a RB, who has successfully orchestrated an entire season running at the NFL level.

    For the $$$$ you're now paying, you've got a backup that is never going to threaten Sanchez in terms of QBing skill, can get on the field for 5-10 plays a game and produce (which means you're getting value, not just a guy with a clipboard), and is an exemplary worker.

    I don't see all the consternation. Now, If Sanchez takes an Injury, McElroy better be ready to play :wink:

    More from Dons article...

    #2682 Hobbes3259, Mar 22, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2012
  3. promos

    promos Member

    Aug 31, 2003
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    They said on the NFL network that any team can go to Nfl.org and view all the details of any contract that was why Jags and Rams backed out of talks.
  4. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Good points. I think everyone forgets how much talking the Jets did before that playoff game. Cro called Brady and asshole and Scott said Welker better scared if hes coming over the middle of the field. All that definitely looks like an out of control team, but winning solves everything.

    Everyone blows out of proportion what Tebow would do in the lockerroom and how bad the Jets lockerroom is. I think if the Jets win, they will be fine. If anything Tebow started all the bad lockerroom stuff for the Jets when he ran past Eric Smith.
  5. RobertTheJr

    RobertTheJr Member

    Dec 2, 2009
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    Let's flip the coin for a bit.

    What happens if Tebow comes in, gets no valuable yardage on a majority of his runs, for his throwing plays he misses his targets or gets picked off, and is a general mess. What happens when this experiment begins to belly-up? A year of 100% development for Sanchez split between two QB's and an experiment. For all of you homering in on this, that this is a guaranteed work of art, no-fail plan of action, what happens if Tebow comes in and falls on his face?
  6. DemoIsland

    DemoIsland Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    This thread blew up very quickly. People cannot get enough of Tebow. There are goods and bad's with every move. We have got to stop with all the negative energy. Tanny came out with a statement saying Sanchez is the starter and Tebow is not there to compete for his job. I feel like Tebow can add a new dimension for us, I am sure Westoff can also make good use of him. The guy is a football player, its that simple. We as fans have to be accountable as well and not buy into all the Tebow nonsense when Sanchez has a bad game. I see Tebow helping Sanchez a great deal. They could both bail each other out when 1 isn't playing as well.
  7. PoPo

    PoPo Member

    Dec 26, 2010
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    I think its absurd to take it out on the player if you dont agree with the trade its not his fault. I will definitely have no trouble rooting for tebow and sanchez.
  8. audible_red40

    audible_red40 New Member

    Feb 27, 2012
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  9. jack handy

    jack handy Member

    Oct 10, 2011
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    First thing I read this morning was this post. Don't know what the other guy said but based on this reaction Tebow has already started to fracture the fanbase. If Mark demonstrates that he is a winner and a QB (he failed on this last year) then there is no issue. With Tebow his leash just got shorter.

    last season the coaches refused to play him because he sucked worse the Brady Quinn but had no option because of the fans. Are NY fans more reserved?
  10. soh_vet

    soh_vet Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2005
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    Hey Michael, the Jets just traded for Tim Tebow...

    I can't understand people who think he's some wildcat genius (cause he can't fucking throw) that will fool the league when he's on the field or giving up draft picks for a gimmick / part time player and heaping more shit onto your current QB you just guaranteed money to for the next 2yrs, but some people just aren't bright.

    I hope Sanchez lights it up and we never see Timmy on the field. If for some reason he starts, we are fucked.
    #2690 soh_vet, Mar 22, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2012
  11. Ryan76

    Ryan76 New Member

    Mar 21, 2012
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    It's gonna get hectic. But it ,ain't gonna change us. We are Jets fans. I remember I was a little kid, everyone Giants fans. Watching them, they would boo if they did not get first down. So I turn on Jets, and cheers for any halfway decent play.

    Couldn't even get tickets for Giants game, but Jets, hell, just walk right up. For the Jets, you didn't come out trashed, you went in that way. I never saw Namath, I wasn't born yet, no winning for me. But I sat through so many shitty years, only to them see them get good... and for all the yuppie aholes to buy up all the tickets an wear Shrek masks. Shrek masks!!!!! I mean come on .....I shit you not. I almost walked away.

    This Tebow thing just doesn't bother me. Because people freaking hate him. Don't lie to yourself, everyone hates him to death. They really hate his ass and every announcer hates him and says he sucks. Well that is a Jet. The mofo is home.

    We just have to deal with the new fans. But I for one am excited. A fullback sized QB who everyone hates and runs it in your face. Bring on the hate, I'm used to it. I don't care if Sanchez's tampon gets real wet. This team was already disgraced by yuppy fans with their shrek masks, they never went away. There's no going back. So let us do this ruff style, boring in your face 1950's football and a big piss off from NY's bastard son. No flashy anything, prepare to get bruised. Tebow talks about the Lord, but he also says my Lord is a God of War. Let it be. Rex make a great D, O shoves it in your face. New fans, welcome to the thunderdom. We ain't you grandmother's team, and we never will be.

    I liked Sanchez, but enough, I'd like a switch. From day one, I want smash mouth every down. I want a nasty team back. Not a bunch of whiners. To hell with Holmes and LT talkin all day in the media. Big ass whine fest. We can get a superbowl like this, no it wont be pretty, but good enough. And it could actually be a man's team again.
  12. stinkyB

    stinkyB 2009 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    This post has made my morning. I may even pass on a cup of coffee :jets:
  13. deathstar

    deathstar Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2010
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    We don't need youtube to know that Tebow sucks...
  14. Cman69

    Cman69 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    An occasional pass would be nice to break up the monotony. Perhaps one longer than 20 yds every now and then between 2 runs into the pile and the WC. This is gonna be the most boring offense in modern times. We really don't need a #2 Wr as Holmes has just become the highest paid decoy in the game.

    Thing is, I can't count how many SB's have been won with teams that run the WC and the GnP simultaneously. There's must be.. one maybe?
  15. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Why will Tebow help? Obviously many Jet players do not respect him. Why should they? He's a gimmick player who DC's will know how to defend once they see game film. He was not universally liked by any means in Denver, either.

    I know the homer mentality all too well, but there's a limit one would think, and i don't understand how even homers can get behind this awesomely stupid move by the clowns currently running hte Jets.
  16. Uniondale_Tom

    Uniondale_Tom New Member

    Jan 3, 2012
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    He's got my support.
  17. ShadeTree#55

    ShadeTree#55 Active Member

    Dec 30, 2002
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    I don't support him or this move. I am gutted.
  18. stinkyB

    stinkyB 2009 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I live in NE FL...... all I can say to that is BULLLLLSHIT
  19. _Jet_

    _Jet_ Member

    Mar 21, 2012
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    :metal: you rock
  20. Brian McFan

    Brian McFan Member

    Dec 4, 2006
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    Makes me wonder what people who don't like this move were watching last season? You think he won't help? HOW? The Jets offense stinks to the high heavens. This has got to at least help a little. My GOD, fans are so freakin stupid some times. How soon they forget. Go back and watch some film from last year. Sparano thinks he can be utilized. Then utilize him. Wait for it to fail before criticizing the attempt. My goodness.. Some people shouldn't be called "fans". They should be called "stoops".

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