Tebow in the mix

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by TTTTebowAndTheJets, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    More ignorance on display. Starter reps during the season are much different than being in TC. In TC, you actually "drill" things. QBs would practice throwing out routes to a line of receivers, then slants, then digs, then hitches, etc, etc, etc. That's what's happening when you see 5 receivers lined up one behind the other taking turns going out and catching the ball. They then work into repping actual plays, over and over and over again.

    During the season, teams might have some reps to practice particular plays that have had problems, but they spend more time installing that weeks game plan. Here, they do walkthroughs to get the basics and might live rep each play a couple of times.

    Its about to be the same for McElroy if he's named the starter. He'll get some actual reps this week, but it's doesn't compare to the kind of reps that a starter gets in TC.
  2. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Yeah. Right now the team isn't very good, putting Tebow out there, the only place he can from last year is down.

    He should be given the chance unless McElory comes out and throws 300+ for 4TDs these next 4 games. You are still invested in Sanchez, if he actual shows some return that would be nice, but you don't expect if you are the Jets.

    That's what hurt the Jets so much this offseason. Hill was banged up, Kerley was, Keller, Cumbelrand, etc. No QB had a chance to really work on timing and route running with the receivers consistently. They kind of tried to patch it together during the year, but you can tell that nobody is really fully on the same page. T
  3. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    If that is the excuse you want to run with this week as to why Tebow isn't very good, then that's fine.

    But I see guys like Ponder, Newton, and Dalton go out there.... didn't have an offseason AT ALL when they were drafted, and of the 3, only Newton got TC reps with the starters.

    Tebow is so friggin far behind the curve from many of those that were drafted one year before, during, and one year after, that it isn't even funny anymore.

    you wanna say it is because he was drilled with second stringers instead of first stringers. Why is it that the others find a way to get the start and get more reps, but Tebow has to have it GIVEN to him when he can't even convince the coaches he's better than Sanchez or Orton?

    Bullshit, IMO. Time to face facts, he fell behind because he just isn't that damn good and couldn't run what the NFL coaches want to run. The second stringers are getting drilled with the same stuff the starters are. Same playbook, same routine, different cast of characters. ...and you wanna say a couple weeks of camp make a bigger difference than THREE FRIGGIN MONTHS!?!?!?

    Sorry, you speak as though into a mirror when you talk about ignorance and not knowing what you are talking about.
    #63 Concerned_Citizen, Dec 5, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2012
  4. hutch2426

    hutch2426 New Member

    Jun 14, 2012
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    Newton threw alot because he throw early interceptions that put the team down, that's why it sucks watching him and he still does it. Ponder does the same darn thing, Peterson opens the play action right into interceptions for Ponder. I think Dalton can become a heck of a QB and I keep an eye on him and Green. I personally think it did hinder Tebow to a point because an offense has to be set around him like they did for Newton.
  5. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    As I was saying on Monday....
  6. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    You guys seem to keep clinging on to the fact that Tebow didn't throw a lot of interceptions as the basis that he's either pretty good, or just fine because he doesn't put the defense in harms way. Play it "safe" with Tebow, the rest of his game will catch up.

    you know why those guys that throw interceptions are playing and Tebow isn't? cuz while an interception is thrown here and there, they ALSO move the ball. They ALSO put up points. Interceptions are bad, but obviously not the be all end all. Otherwise all these QBs would be sitting out and you guys would be watching more Tebow dirt missiles. (Cuz they're "safer" right?)

    Sorry, if you look around, it looks like most coaches would rather have an interception or two with a guy that ACTUALLY moves the chains over a gut that's just going to punt it after 3 to 5 all day. That might work with a team like the 2000 Baltimore Ravens, who won strictly on defense, but finding a "game manager" over a QB is much easier. If that is the case, then what is so damn special about Tebow? you can practically find game manager types that takes NO RISK NO REWARD approach on the street.

    Nobody wants a QB that can't pass, has defenses load up the box to stop the run BECAUSE he can't pass. If his only saving grace is that he doewsn't turn te ball over as much, but comes dead last in completion percentage, third down conversions, leads in three and outs... well, most coaches seem to have a bigger problem with THAT than less interceptions. You're STILL giving the ball away, you're just kicking the ball to them instead of throwing it. Might save the defense 20-30 yards, but I think most defensive coordinators wouldn't mine not getting as many interceptions if almost every drive from the opposing team ends with a punt rather than a FG or TD. Anyone not enamored by Tebow's intangibles can see that.
    #66 Concerned_Citizen, Dec 5, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2012
  7. hutch2426

    hutch2426 New Member

    Jun 14, 2012
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    Look at there records, it's speaks for itself. They both have losing records because they put their defense in bad positions.

    I'd also prefer not to be called you guys, I have agreed with you on points and debated others. I've never stated he should be a starter, don't stereotype me.
  8. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Fair enough.

    But I DO think it is rediculous to take a win loss record, and compare them to other QBs head to head like they were a tennis record or something. Are there not 21 other guys on the field affecting things?

    They both have bad records because they are asked to do more since they have a really lousy team around them. Tebow's record would be horrid too.
  9. hutch2426

    hutch2426 New Member

    Jun 14, 2012
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    The Vikings do not have a lousy team around them, they have a QB that can't score in the red zone and throws interceptions in bad situations. Newton am does the same thing, he has fumble and threw many interceptions this year within his 30 yard line. They are asked to do more because the put their team in a bind and have to try and bail themselves out.

    It is just different circumstances on how people view people. To some tebow does good for the defense, some dont. Look at the recent Vikings Greenbay game and what ponder did to screw the team. Same with RGIII and how he lead his team to victory against the Giants and only scored one TD the other was a his fumble picked up by his teammate and ran in.

    It's all about perception and the perception is he will not be a starter. I wouldn't mind when all the fandom dies down for him to be a franchise QB when they need a spell.
  10. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    And yet Tebow has a vastly better win % than Newton or Ponder, and the same win % as Dalton. And don't start in with the "defense carried Tebow last year" nonsense. The Broncos, Panthers and Vikings were all bottom 10 defenses in the NFL last year. Only the Bengals had a really good defense last year (top 10 last year, top 15 this year), and Tebow has the same winning % as Dalton, and he did it with a much worse defense. You can try and try, but you can't get around the fact that Wins are ultimately the most important statistic in the NFL.

    By the way, I'm still waiting for you to point out which person on Denver's defense last year was the one who threw the game winning TD's, engineered the game winning drives and ran in those 2-point conversions. I'll be waiting.
  11. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Actually, no, he doesn't throw many interceptions because he never has thrown many interceptions, at any stage of his football career. Not his fault when his head coach and offensive coordinator call 55 run plays in one game. He showed again and again and again that when given the chance to get in a throwing rythm (when they had to in the 4th quarter and overtime), in a spread type system, he does just fine getting the ball where it needs to be and moving the sticks and scoring points.
    #71 JFjets, Dec 5, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2012
  12. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    That was just one game, but they call more run plays because he sucks throwing it.

    They DID call more pass plays, but he tucked it in and ran it at the first sign of any trouble at all several times each game. Probably good because his throw would probably have been a wasted play anyway while firing off his 10th dirt missile of the day.

    How you gonna get into a throwing rhythm if more than half your passes go into the dirt and you are heading off the field after yet another three and out?
  13. Dennis

    Dennis New Member

    Oct 1, 2012
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    Tebow also causes a lot of lockerroom devisiveness for any team he is on. In Denver, starter Kyle Orton went from a respectable 8-7 the year before Tebow was drafted to a horrendous 4-14 after Timmy was on the roster.

    Prior to Tebow being signed by the Jets, Sanchez had a regular season record of 27-20 (.575) and never posted a losing record for a season. Now with Tebow in back of him, Sanchez is struggling at 5-7 (.417).

    Prior to Tebow being drafted by the Broncos, Orton had a career record of 29-19 (.604) and he always posted a winning record for each season. With Tebow backing him up, Kyle fell to 4-14 (.222). Released and claimed off waivers by the Chiefs, Orton rebounded to a 2-1 record - spoiling the Packers shot at a perfect season and beating Denver (with Tebow) along the way.

    Tebow unintentionally sabotages QBs ahead of him on the depth chart because:
    • He was a star in college
    • He was a 1st round draft pick
    • He has an insanely fanatical fanbase that will never stop screaming for him to start
    • He's personally very charming and likeable

    For QBs like Orton and Sanchez who are very quiet, earn-their-teammates-respect-thru-hard-work types of leaders, it causes a perception that Tebow (with his much higher media profile) is the QB management wants, not the current starter. So those QBs lose the confidence of their teammates and are eviscerated as leaders. If they can't lead, then they can't win.

    Tebow is a cancer that destroys teams with his mere presence...
  14. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    It was clear that when they let him get into a throwing rhythm (when they had to pass in the 4th quarter and OT), he was quite accurate and did a very efficient job of moving the team down the field and scoring points quickly. And yet they continued to deny him that opportunity in game after game after game until they had to throw the ball to catch up. You want to know what the run/pass breakdown was for the Denver Offense once Tebow took over as starter last year? 35% RUN/65% PASS! How the heck is any QB ever going to get into a passing rhythm with that kind of playcalling ratio???

    By the way, since you're so fond of talking about how many low-scoring games the Broncos won with Tebow at the helm and how few points the Broncos offense scored in many of their wins (implying it was all because of Tebow), can you please provide us with information on who was the most recent NFL team with a 35%-65% RUN/PASS ratio that was also a consistently prolific, high-scoring offense? I won't hold my breath on hearing back from you on that one any time soon, because you may have to look through several decades worth of stats to find any such team.
    #74 JFjets, Dec 5, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2012
  15. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Well, of course he was able to get into a rhythm with 5 minutes left in the game. Teams backed off into prevent, allowed him room to think, and he was able to execute. As long as teams aren't stacking the box with 8 or 9 guys who know he can't throw and are dropping back into coverage, he can be decent. I'll give him that much.

    ONE TEAM did not sit back. They stuck with what worked all day. That was Kansas City beating him with Orton 7 to 3. Tebow completed 6 of 22 and had 60 some odd yards passing. So it wasn't like passes weren't called in that game. (22 attempts that counted, more were called but he ran on those instead.)
    #75 Concerned_Citizen, Dec 5, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2012
  16. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Except for the Raiders, who got a 38-24 thrashing, and the Vikings, who got beat in a shootout 35-32, and the Steelers, who he put a solid 60 minute game on, taking the lead in the first half.

    Pretty small sample size to put all in one category.

    And the Bears didn't change anything -- that fact has been checked and confirmed over and over, and Erlacher answered that question. They stayed in the same defense all day -- he just came alive, and finished the game 18-24 against one of the better defenses in the NFL.
  17. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Urlacher himself commented that they backed off a bit.

    I do like your list though... that's 3 out of 16 career. Not bad!!! Almost 25% of his total games, or almost about a third of his wins where it didn't come down to the defense slacking off at the end.
    #77 Concerned_Citizen, Dec 5, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2012
  18. Diddy

    Diddy Active Member

    Sep 13, 2012
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    You seriously blaming Orton for that 4-12 season. He was the small problem for the Broncos. Josh Mcdummy is a terrible coach, and the defense was dead last in almost every single defensive category.
  19. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Looks like I was spot on :wink:
  20. NY Dork

    NY Dork New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Tebow has one less career TD pass than the great Payton Manning in his college career....both in the NFL's minor league...the SEC.

    Given a chance, he'd do the same in the NFL.....Manning doesn't have a gun. He just hits nice short patterns and has played long enough to read all the defenses. It's not fricken rocket science. Tebow is hoping he never takes another snap as a Jet.

    New England will pick him up after the Jets release him.

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