Tebow in the mix

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by TTTTebowAndTheJets, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. Diddy

    Diddy Active Member

    Sep 13, 2012
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    For his rookie year, this was the case.
  2. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Yeah, he started for 12 games that also included a bye week. Basically THREE MONTHS of getting the reps with the starters.... and it appears that not only did he NOT improve the passing with three months of getting reps from the starters, but ALSO might have regressed down the stretch. Yet people think a couple weeks of training camp and a few OTAs with 7 on 7 drills would have made im a better passer.

    Doubt it. First, every Tebowner will say practice isn't important and he sucks at that anyway, but the REAL Tebow comes out on Sunday. Well, he got 12 and 1/2 of those.

    That whacky assed throwing motion is preventing him from being able to hit the broad side of a barn with him standing inside it. That and he STILL has trouble reading defenses. THAT is killing him, not training camp with the second stringers.
  3. Organized Chaos

    Organized Chaos Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2009
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    I agree. At most Rex might have thought Tebow would compete going into camp but come the regular season things obviously changed, perhaps based on what was seen in practice.
  4. phaytal

    phaytal New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    Probably because it's just another excuse that isn't really applicable in Tebow's situation.

    Tebow got first team reps for the final 3 weeks of 2010, and for 14 weeks last year. That equals a full season of first team reps in his first two years in the league.

    You can go ahead and whine about not getting a training camp as a #1, and I'll point out that Cam Newton, Andy Dalton, and Christian Ponder didn't even get a training camp at all as rookies, yet all three lit it up.

    The bellyaching never ends with you people. 'The whole world is out to get Tim Tebow, and gosh darn it, he deserves a chance to succeed!' News flash: He doesn't deserve anything. He has to go out and earn it, just like everyone else.

    Sometimes I wish I lived in Tebot land. It would mean that because I was really good at my previous job with my previous company, my new company would just hand me promotions without having me prove anything! Fuck they'd make me CEO of Goldman Sachs just because I was a top 5 day trader.
  5. TTTTebowAndTheJets

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Exaggeration aside... what you did in a previous job most certainly impacts how your viewed and what you start as in your next job. If you succeed and lead multiple projects and become a high level manager with an impeccable record of success in the projects you worked on, your not going to change jobs and start from scratch in the mail room. Most people who change companies at worst make a lateral move and sometimes move up based on the performance at another company. Tebow was a starting QB for a team that went from 1-4 before he started to winning the division and a playoff game. He has flaws and he has a lot of other players to thank for his success, but to say the slate should be wiped clean and he should have to prove himself all over again is asinine. He didn't earn the right to come in and take over for Sanchez, but barring this rib injury, he sure as hell has shown enough in his short career to warrant being given a shot over Greg McElroy!
  6. phaytal

    phaytal New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    The analogy was the transition from college to the pros. College level football shouldn't even be considered management in this analogy, hence me associating it with a day trader. Management would start at the backup quarterback position, and the CEO is obviously the starting quarterback.

    What most reasonable football fans saw when Tebow got his shot at CEO is a bad quarterback that can't throw the football very well at all. Wins aside, not one team in the league wanted him as their CEO, and his trade value has plummeted so far in his short career; hence his demotion back to middle management. He has remained in middle management because he obviously hasn't shown anything at all in practice, with his teammates publically calling him out as being terrible.

    Thinking that Tebow doesn't have to prove himself is idiotic. Professional football players have to prove themselves every single day if they hope to keep their jobs.
  7. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Really? We are... what.... a little better than 4 months into the season counting preseason and training camp? ...and you are going to sit there and complain that he was NEVER given a shot? Last year was last year... he ain't impressing anyone right now, that's for sure.

    He had 4 months to sell himself to the coaching staff that he's the one that deserves to be out there over someone else.

    Yet it never happened. Guess he should just be handed the job outright even if he failed to impress the coaches enough before you'd consider that "a fair shake." How would that have been fair to anyone else on the roster busting their ass for playing time?
    #47 Concerned_Citizen, Dec 4, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2012
  8. TTTTebowAndTheJets

    Mar 22, 2012
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    So its not even possible that this coaching staff never even wanted him to begin with and he was forced upon them by the owner and that they don't want to deal with the changes that would need to be made in order to make tebow a starter and that they don't want to be stuck with him as a starter if he performs well because once again... they NEVER wanted him to begin with? From day 1 Rex has refused to even call him a quarterback and has referred to him as a "football player" long before camp even started and he saw a single snap from Tim. Saying he never had a legitimate shot is just as likely as him sucking in practice. And it may be a mix of both.
  9. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    That I can agree with, aside from that part about not wanting to get stuck with him if he does well. You're right. NO coaching staff in the league wants to be force fed some player they never wanted. Way too much work getting that square peg into a round hole when it is so much easier getting a new peg rather than restructuring the hole to fit the square peg.

    I really don't see a coach being so stubborn they won't play someone even if they KNEW deep down that he'd win them a lot of games. Winning is going to be what defines their career, not avoiding it by NOT playing the best players on your roster. That's why my conclusion as to why Tebow doesnt play is because the coaching staff believe he's NOT better.

    The reason Tebow isn't getting starting time is because the coach doesn't believe it will work. Simple as that.
  10. TTTTebowAndTheJets

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I agree... I just don't think its that Tebow can't win... its that Tebow can't win with the Jets. The staff has no idea how to properly use him and they know it. Your right... Square peg... Round hole. My only argument is that if an organization is willing to build their team into a square hole, Tebow CAN succeed in this league. You disagree. The rest of the NFL probably does as well which is why I fear Tebow's time in the league is coming to an unfortunate end. I hope I'm wrong about that and that some team... some where, will try to build around his strengths and he can prove that he's capable. Does he deserve for that to happen? probably not. But a fan can hope.
  11. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Actually, I'm open to the idea that he MIGHT succeed if he can get a team to go ALL IN on Tebow.

    This is why I think, and you seem to agree, that his career is short lived. I don't think he'll be good enough to run a conventional offense. Because even if a team is thinking about scrapping their offense for a major overhaul to compensate a 46% passer that can run, most have to be considering it STILL is a hell of a long shot of actually succeeding in the NFL.

    So find someone willing to stake their reputation on that sort of thing in this day and age of self preservation and short lived coaching and GM tenures.

    Ain't happening and we both know it.
  12. catsigater

    catsigater New Member

    Nov 18, 2011
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    The most Tebow can or should expect is for a coach to do for him what Harbaugh did for Smith, and Shanahan is doing for RGIII — design an offense built around his particular skill set, and expect him to be at least in the 55% percent completion range.

    That's not at all implausible. And no, the above is in no way meant to be taken as saying Tebow is as good as RGIII.
    #52 catsigater, Dec 4, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2012
  13. JetsDfc

    JetsDfc New Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    I watched yesterdays game as well RG III is a stud, I am in the pro tebow camp and I would take RG III with a flu and a fever over Timmy.

    To be fair to Tim I feel if he had the Shanahan's coaching him and drawing up his offensive schemes he would be really solid at worst average.

    Read option running and play action passing go so well together its mind boggling Denver last yr didnt do more of it and Carolina doesn't straight up copy it.
  14. TTTTebowAndTheJets

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I just think one season does not a career passer % make. He can get better, especially in an offense that goes "all in" like Carolina and Washington have done. That % was so low because he was both inconsistent and downright inaccurate at times... AND most of his shots were down field and he always has a tendency to run for the 5-8 yards instead of throwing the checkdown for the 5-8 yards. Thats something he'll need to fix. Though i give Fox TONS of credit for having the balls to change his offense to try and fit Tebow... it still wasn't an offense that best gave Tebow a chance to succeed. McCoy is a pathetic play caller and once he's not paired with Peyton (the defacto OC) he'll be shown for the crappy coordinator he truly is. If a team TRULY went "All In" with Tebow, his % would increase and he would be good to above average... probably not great, but better than some of the other trash some of these teams are putting out each week. Unfortunately, I have my doubts if a team will do this. I just hope they do because I feel it'll be worth the risk. But thats me :)
  15. catsigater

    catsigater New Member

    Nov 18, 2011
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    Keep your facts straight. He's a 48.1% passer.

    If he had completed 1 more pass per game, he'd be at 57%.

    2 more passes per game, and he's at 66%.

    Really doesn't seem that high of a hill to climb.
    #55 catsigater, Dec 4, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2012
  16. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    No,i think it's that they don't have the personel to use him. IMO,he was forced on this staff,and he is stinking it up in practice. But to say they don't know how to use him is wrong. I feel bad for both sides,because i think he is a distraction to the staff. I also feel it was a waste of Tebows time. While i think he can have success,but not a hell of a lot of it,if someone is going to sign him knowing what he is,commit to him. I already disliked our owner,and this is also a big reason to.
  17. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Here's an idea, maybe Tebow just doesn't have the skillset to be a useful player in the NFL. He's a shitty QB and he's a shitty wildcat QB. Nah - must be all the coaches and other players fault, maybe the haters faults?
  18. catsigater

    catsigater New Member

    Nov 18, 2011
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    Wow! How long did it take you to come up with that one. Seriously, in the entire history of Tebow's career, no one's ever said or thought that.

    Ever. Kudos.
  19. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    a few posts above,someone said the jets "dont know how to use tebow".
  20. Diddy

    Diddy Active Member

    Sep 13, 2012
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    Apparantly there is a rumor that Tebow will not even make the trip to Jacksonville. It was Tebots though, I doubt it is true.

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