Taylor to Jets "close to done"

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by MikeHoncho, Apr 9, 2010.

  1. NY Sack Exchange7

    NY Sack Exchange7 New Member

    Oct 17, 2008
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    Whats funny here is that we have Thee most trash talking, biggest BS'ers in the game like Bart Scott and even Rex, yet most guys here cant remember when we had a decent pass rush and a mouth to go along with it. Yes, I agree JT is a shell of what he used to be, but still will be 100 times better then VG, and much like Belicheat has done with Junior, he can come in and mentor the younger guys. So NO you didnt fix my post. He is an upgrade at pass rushing over what we now have, sans for the draft. I could also use a few sacks since we have been bad at it since Abe got traded for a bag of chips. JT wont play every down, and you dont have to buy his Jersey to root for the Jets. 42 Damn years I have been waiting, and I have had loads of other players I have hated, either thru the draft (VG) or thru trades. If JT brings us the much needed pass rush along with the crazy secondary, then its what is needed to bring us a SB.
  2. Vorrecht

    Vorrecht Active Member

    Sep 5, 2009
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    well said (what's important is that it helps the team)
    #202 Vorrecht, Apr 11, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2010
  3. mystikol

    mystikol New Member

    Mar 26, 2010
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    This post is so epic money :rofl:
  4. ihatethedolphins3

    ihatethedolphins3 New Member

    Apr 1, 2004
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    my point exactly.

    To the good amount of you guys that i like and are insightful, god bless.

    To the morons and sit on here all day losers, go fuck yourselves and root for the dolphins.

    I am done posting on here, this site is no longer informative, finding useful information on this site among the endless petty arguments and bullshit has become increasingly difficult and aggravating. I have been on here for almost six years but coming on here and talking jets football has become pointless because of all the douche bags that ruin it, i will miss talking football with some of you guys

    goodbye all, no offense made to those non fuck heads, you know who you are

    go jets

    ps. jetfanmack, if i see you on playing poker i'll say whatup
    #204 ihatethedolphins3, Apr 11, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2010
  5. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    I'll see you when the Jets win a few games.
  6. rohirrim665

    rohirrim665 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    quote me exactly what he said about the jets and tell me how general those statements were.
  7. Jetskees

    Jetskees New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    Quite the block of text... but he nailed it.
  8. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    they have been quoted on this board multiple times in the last week and i'm sure a quick google search could pull them up for you if you really need to see them that bad. how many jets fans do you think exist in the world? i have no clue but it's a lot so a player making a blanket statement about an entire fanbase is about as general as it gets. if his comments hit close to home for you that's your personal business but the rest of us really don't care.
  9. RLUCAS4137

    RLUCAS4137 Member

    Sep 24, 2003
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    I think you are mistaken thinking everyone that hates this move are ONLY being oversensitive to his comments and not realizing the obvious alternative: He's a primadonna

    My beef with this dick has little to do with his comments. He is similar to a Kerry Rhodes, Warren Sapp, Brett Favre in my opinion, which is that all these guys are self promoting douche bags, who put themselves ahead of their team. He has had problems with Parcells just because of this reason, which he didn't appear to deny, did he? So why now would he be any different.

    This guy knows we are on the rise and that he will get alot of media coverage here, being on Hard Knocks and the various NY media sources. It'll be much easier for him to move into a Tiki Barber/Rodney Harrison type role playing for a high profile team (sounds weird saying that).

    Are the Dolphins even pursuing him? I wonder. I will never have my mind changed about this jerkoff.
    #209 RLUCAS4137, Apr 11, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2010
  10. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    I don't know..he had 42 tackles and 7 sacks last year..who did we have that did that? On top of that Ryan and Tannenbaum apparently want him bad...so which of you experts know more than they do? It's fine to say you just hate the guy but to say he won't help the team is just silly.
  11. IATA

    IATA Trolls

    Aug 8, 2008
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    Sadly, I agree with Donald. I'm going to let the experts who get paid for their football knowledge decide who we have in our def.

    I may not like the guy, but if he contributes, I'll accept him.
  12. RLUCAS4137

    RLUCAS4137 Member

    Sep 24, 2003
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    Based on my post count you can obviously see I don't care to get into it, but this subject really irritates me. His stats mean nothing to me, especially considering I think Thomas would be better against the run than him. The only stat that matters is that we are the number 1 D this coming yr by playing collectively under Pettine's D.

    to answer your question:

    Pace, Calvin ACT TCKL 55 SCK 8.0 FF 3
    Harris, David ACT TCKL 127 SCK 5.5 FF 2 INT 2
    Ellis, Shaun ACT TCKL 53 SCK 6.5 FF 1

    Thomas, Bryan ACT TCKL 53 SCK 2.0 FF 1

    I think one thing people forget is that Brayn Thomas plays the weak side and Pace is on the strong side (and he was out the 1st 4 games). I prefer we draft a rookie or sign a low key guy before bringing some guy that could easily fuck with the chemistry.

    I just don't think this guy's addition puts the Jets over the top. With Cromartie and Revis out there I think we will see an increase in either sacks and/or TOs with or without this dancing queen
  13. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    I was just ribbing you, because it was so uncannily remindful. Hey, whatever happened to 'America the land of opportunity...and domination', by the way? I loved that. :lol:

    Alright, so I think this is going to be my last comment on Jason Failer. Or maybe second to last. I can't, I really can't, as a long-time die-hard Jets fan freak be remotely happy about this. Emotionally. C'mon, it's just so wrong, and if he had any principles whatsoever, he wouldn't have seriously entertained an offer. I mean, someone would have picked him up. Is he really that desperate? And I'll go one step further: the last thing I want to see is Jason Taylor get a ring courtesy of his nemesis. I'll stab him in the face with a rubber knife first.

    I admit that logic doesn't come into play for me on this one at all. I can't help it. Jason Taylor in a Jets jersey! My eyes are already watering and burning with the thought of it. With Pennington I felt much the same way, even though that was a little different in the sense that Tannenbaum pretty much gave him free license to go where he wanted - and of course, Fat Parcells and the Dolphins made it easy. I don't blame Chad on some level for trying to stick us, but Pennington in a Dolphins jersey and Taylor in a Jets jersey, they're both equally gross. Then again, this somehow feels worse.

    So, management wants to win, I get it. It doesn't mean I have to like the move even if it goes against me. My heart gets in the way, what can I say. Again, I never thought in a million years this would happen. I really didn't.
    #213 jetophile, Apr 11, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2010
  14. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    you sound like someone holding a petty middle school grudge who happens to know better. rationalize it anyway you want but his behavior is no different than numerous other nfl players including popular jets players.
  15. RLUCAS4137

    RLUCAS4137 Member

    Sep 24, 2003
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    Also, after looking, 3 of those 7 sacks came against those blocks of granite in Buffalo. Stats are misleading
  16. IATA

    IATA Trolls

    Aug 8, 2008
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    How many sacks did Thomas have against those "block of granite"?

  17. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    who is saying that a declining talent being brought in to be a situational player would put the jets over the top? he is being brought in to fix a very specific weakness on an excellent defense. the numbers mean nothing to me at all. what matters is that one of the top defensive minds in modern football believes this guy can help his defense be better than they already are. that opinion is worth more to me than any stats or character issues any player might have.
  18. RLUCAS4137

    RLUCAS4137 Member

    Sep 24, 2003
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    Are you a psychology major up there at the Harvard of the SUNYs dude? haha thats cute.

    I realize there are/were some dicks on the Jets (as my post read: Favre and Rhodes) who I also didn't like for similar reasons. So this is the reason why I'd rather not add more of them, understand?

    Give me the low key character guys like Cotchery and the Harris and I guarantee this team will continue to thrive.
    #218 RLUCAS4137, Apr 11, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2010
  19. RLUCAS4137

    RLUCAS4137 Member

    Sep 24, 2003
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    dude I am in no way defending Bryan Thomas with regard to rushing the passer. I just prefer Tanny look elsewhere.
  20. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    we have plenty of guys still on the roster who fall into the category that you seem to hate. after that first dolphins loss last year who was talking shit about the wildcat right after the game? i think it was pace but i don't remember. after a game where our defense couldn't stop a gimmick formation we had someone with the balls to whine about it. because the guy wears the green and white we all agreed with him and never thought anything of it. do you think anyone else who follows football besides jets fans thought those comments were anything but a guy being a sore loser? all these guys are the same, we just happen to root for some of them and hate some of the others.

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