Tannenbaum will not return to the Jets in 2013

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by JETSJETSJETS17, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. IIMeanDeanII

    IIMeanDeanII Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    Woody is keeping Rex on board because he can identify that he is a good HC. Whatever though.. We will see what happens, I think he will be here for years to come.
  2. Barcs

    Barcs Banned

    Nov 15, 2011
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    :rofl: Way to break it down and present the logic! Just a logical as the rest of your gripes with Rex. No validity to them whatsoever unless you're a gossip loving drama queen. Football matters, say no to irrelevant drama!
  3. The_Darksider

    The_Darksider Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    Well, yeah, why not? could Tbow or McElroy have done any worse? I hate Tebow as a player, never wanted to see him get a snap, but as the season wore on and Sanchez just got worse and worse, Rex was now doing the entire team a disservice by allowing him to blow their season up, not to mention he killed Sanchez's confidence and any chance he could ever help the team again.

    I've NEVER seen a QB stay in for that long playing that poorly. Never. And I've been watching football for over 30 years. Any other QB who has performed that poorly for a lot shorter stretch lost his job, even if it was temporary. Rex never took this guy's job away from him.

    Sanchez's TALENT was the most of the three QBs on the roster, but the way his confidence was shot and he was out there trowing pick after pick, he wasn't the best chance they had. Not by a longshot.
  4. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    This is true. His defense is too good to let us go 2-14 or 3-13 to snag a #1 pick.

    I never said Rex wasn't on board, but if you are ignoring reports that say Tanny was Sparano's biggest supporter, then please explain why you ignore this? Also, the whole Parcells connections too. REmember, reports before we found a new OC, Rex wanted Hue Jackson. But if you want to ignore these mutliple reports, go for it.

    What about the 10-11 players that Rex acquired in his first two years that weren't Mangini guys? So Favre was injured, Sanchez was a rookie. It doesn't change the fact Rex went farther with "Manigni's" guys with a rookie QB that threw more INTs than TDs than Mangini did with a HOF QB. If I remember correctly, we were 7-3 and went 1-5 down the stretch under Mangini to miss the playoffs? Then Rex took that "Same" team and won his last 3 games to send us to the playoffs.

    Again you just ignored the 10-11 starters Rex got in his first two years, the players primarily did lead the team in the playoffs and made big players there.
  5. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    MeanDean, I agree with everything you've posted in this thread today. Compare our offensive roster to the team we just finished tied for last place with. Do we have a CJ Spiller? A Steve Johnson? Hell, even a Fred Jackson? Holmes can be a playmaker, but can't dominate a game or shoulder the load by himself. He was effective with Braylon or even with Cotchery.

    Over the past three years our cap money his been improperly spent, forcing us to go cheap in areas where we just assumed we'd continue to be good (O-line) and let not only clutch players leave, but also some good assistants (callahan) Tanny repeated a pattern from the Mangini years by letting quality O-line starters walk, and rolling the dice with subs. Brandon Moore was our only reward.

    Tanny has to take the fall over Rex, although the real culprit in my mind is the owner because Tanny had to work within Woody's desires. Catering to Woody's cravings for publicity and ticket sales (Favre, Tebow) caused Tanny to gamble on things like Stephen Hill being a force on the field as a rookie, and praying D'Brickashaw and Mangold alone could be all we needed for a playoff caliber O-Line. Didn't happen, so good-bye Mike. I got the feeling Tanny got caught up with the playoff success they had, and assumed he had a magic touch with his personal moves. Getting Cro and Holmes were great moves. Signing Holmes to a new deal was not. Let's not forget the push for Asomugha. What a disaster that would have been in retrospect, though that decision had Rex written all over it.

    My concern is whether a quality personal man will want to work for Woody where a players pure talent is only a part of the requirement of being a Jet, and the organization competes with the Giants instead of the Patriots.
  6. mgmrfn

    mgmrfn New Member

    Nov 6, 2007
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    If 2009 was Mangini's Roster then Rex did alot more with it than Mangini ever did.

    Defense went from 18th in 2008 under Mangini to the No. 1 Ranked Defense in 2009 under Rex.
  7. The_Darksider

    The_Darksider Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    Ok, here goes: he lost the team last year, and admitted as such. He doesn't pay any attention to the offense. He lost the team again this year, though most of you don't want to believe that because players will say they love him. Sure they do, he lets them do whatever the fuck they want with no consequences. Look back at training camp where guys were punching each other out. Rex would make a big show out of screaming at them to stop and act like men. What happens? They go back to fighting again. No one was fined, no one was supsended.

    He made Santonio Holmes a captain, which speaks for itself. Holmes is a douchebag and a lockerroom cancer, and quit on the team last year.

    Speaking of consequences, there never are any. He doesn't hold any of his players accountable. They all talk to the media and rip each other, and in Bart Scott's case, the fans. No consequences for it. McElroy rips the team last year. He's back on the team. The assistant coaches are saying shit to the media, no conesequences. He doesn't discipline ANYONE. It's an asylum run by the inmates.

    Even beyond the consequences, the fact that players and coaches even talk to the media like they do is a sign of total disrespect for Rex as a leader.

    I think I've said enough. You won't hear me rant on about his coaching in games - every coach makes mistakes and as you and many others pointed out, he's learning. If he ran a tight ship and didn't have all this discord, I would absolutely be all for him staying and learning as he goes. But that's not the case. The 'nice guy' thing doesn't just go away.

    I know you'll try and refute all of this, but you asked for examples.
  8. IIMeanDeanII

    IIMeanDeanII Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    I think the bigger picture here is that Sanchez playing that badly and not replacing him should tell you exactly what the coaching staff thought of Tebow and his abilities as a QB.

    They are not that niave to the point where they were just flat out stubborn and trying to force Sanchez to be better because they had so much faith in him, no, I think it has more to do with the lack of faith they had in Tebow's ability at QB.

    Regardless of Sanchez's confidence, they still opted to keep Sanchez until the playoffs were completely out of sight because they had no faith in the backups behind him. Which proved even more apparent with McEllroy's first full game and the passing over Tebow and going back to Sanchez for the final game.

    I'm sure there is way more tied into it then just Tebow's skills but it is clear that we don't have the QB of the future on this roster as of now. The coaches actions have shown that already.
  9. Ben Had

    Ben Had Active Member

    Nov 19, 2011
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    Are you and NYJUNC related?
  10. major33

    major33 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2004
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    This is 2012. Pick your nose Joe did well in 85 and 86.

    Why are you comparing Rex Ryan to a young head coach that isn't even a head coach in this league, and may never get another shot?? Is that how low we have to go in order to justify the "greatness" of Rex Ryan??
  11. rico college

    rico college Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    Good first move. And I am sure they are plenty of guys who would jump on the chance to be GM and keep Rex at HC. It just kills me to hear people whine that we never gave that bum Tebow a chance and that's Rex's fault.

    The smartest thing Rex has been all year is leave that bible hugging fool on the bench. Praise Revis that guy is off our team.

    Let the house cleaning begin.
  12. IIMeanDeanII

    IIMeanDeanII Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    I agree that he has made some mistakes, I can understand Rex's thought process on some of it though.

    Like, Holmes. Giving him the "C" was obviously a vote of confidence from Rex in an attempt to show Holmes that he needs to be viewed as a leader and take on responsibilities as a player and leader on the offensive side of the ball. He was trying to help Holmes get away from that "corrupt" label that had plagued him throughout his career. It obviously backfired and was a bad idea because it obviously didn't work out the way Rex had intended for it to.

    I think that Rex should crack down a little harder on some of the bigger issues that may arise from some of these players, but overall I think he gets more results from his players by allowing them to be men who are trusted.

    Finally he has proven that in some circumstances that he will only tolerate so much out of a player, just look at what happened to Sherry Rhoades and his diva like antics.

    These things you are focused on are really minor in my eyes compared to the success he has already brought this team and the potential he has to offer heading into the future.

    I just think he is going to be a great HC for this team for a very long time, which is something that this franchise desperately needs. Continuity.
  13. macbk

    macbk Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2004
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    Great news to wake up to. We just all have to hope and pray his replacement is better suited.

    Nothing like a Jets move to hire someone who is worse off than the previous hire; it's the Jets, it can happen that way.
  14. The_Darksider

    The_Darksider Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    You're right, my apologies. I like to have fun and be sarcastic, and I should have at least provided a counterpoint. I did that in a further post, which I hope you read.
  15. The_Darksider

    The_Darksider Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    lol My logic is the same as yours - you are blindly loyal to a guy who sucks, I see that he sucks and want him out. We are on opposite ends, sometimes that happens.
  16. IIMeanDeanII

    IIMeanDeanII Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    Were you not associating Mangini's team to Rex's success his first two years?

    The point is valid.

    If Mangini's roster was the reasoning behind Rex's success his first two years, then why couldn't Mangini find the same results?

    If you flip it and make your stance as Mangini wasn't a good HC (which it looks like you are) and that is why that team didn't have the same results, then how can you discredit Rex for taking that same team and coaching that team to two straight AFC title games?

    He was the reason for those two successful runs. I'm confident in that and if the new GM can get similar talent on this roster, I am confident Rex can get this team to a Super Bowl.
  17. hornblower

    hornblower Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2010
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    The new GM has to make Rex a real HC. His job is to oversee the whole operation. Hire defensive and offensive coordinators and supervise their work. Stop marrying the defense and learn the whole game. If he only sees the game from a defensive standpoint he will be gone soon. A new GM will have him on a short leash. He grows as a coach or he will be on TV very soon.
  18. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    or it has to do with the type of offensive system you have to run if Tebow is your starting QB -- an offensive system the Jets simply do not run. Playing Tebow, at any point, would do nothing for the Jets because it would simply set them back further if they are not committed to running an option offense. the problem with having Tebow is it made it virtually impossible for Rex to replace Sanchez with McElroy because then you would have everyone questioning why they brought in Tebow to begin with.

    it is obvious Rex never wanted him, and having him on the team left him with either the media frenzy of skipping him over for McElroy, which you can see how big of a deal that would have been if the Jets were still competing for the playofss by how much of a deal it was when they were eliminated, or keeping Sanchez in.
  19. major33

    major33 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2004
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    All the more reason why Rex isn't a head coach. What good head coach would accept Tony Sparano as his offensive coordinator? Rex still had plenty of cache after last season to veto such a move if he was even the slightest bit uncomfortable. Rex was probably like yeah sure bring him in, other than consoling Mark Sanchez after every interception and fumble, I really have nothing to do with the offense.

    I didn't ignore the Rex players the first two seasons. The first two seasons he had that foundation of solid young talent already in place. It was very easy for he and Tannenbaum to go bring in the high priced guys to put on top of that solid foundation. That is a recipe for success in any sport.

    But with Rex it goes deeper than all the things you cite as the reasons for keeping him. I mentioned in another post why I want him gone. Not about to rehash that and go around in circles. :)
  20. jilozzo

    jilozzo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    another thing - there are going to be what 7-8 head coach openings this year - 1/4th of the league.....

    the available pool of talented head coaches is small to begin with and even smaller if u look at those with resepctable NFL experience.

    lets focus on the GM spot and get it right - at least on paper.

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