I agree. But what I was saying in regard to him being "young", I meant young as compared to the other two options - TO being 38 & Plax being 35.
Gary Myers @garymyersNYDN Forget about T.O. to the Jets. Sources just told me they have no interest in Owens. No surprise. Better chance they bring back Don Maynard. Retweeted by Manish Mehta
Relax guys. Mark gets DK back this weekend. He's a better receiver than any of the previous guys mentioned at this point. Stephen Hill is back too.
Ocho's head is not in the game. Dude apparently got a tattoo of his ex-wife on his leg after "head-butting" her. Dude is in SIMP mode, not FOOTBALL mode. T.O is a no no and so is Plax. /thread.
No, T.O is done, he just wants money now to play his bills lol. I would activate Jordan White off the practice squad ASAP.
At this point I say sign all of them. That way when he starts over and under throwing balls to those receivers we can finally eliminate that excuse that he has no one to throw to.
T.O. tweets the Jets http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/terrell-owens-tells-jets-via-twitter-m-available-122452703--nfl.html I wasn't sold on this when Holmes was healthy but now I see no reason not to. One more thing, why didn't we get Braylon again?........................
Yeah Jets already announced they don't want T.O. I think they aren't looking to make any more media splashes and are staying away from cancerous type players.