I'd rather spend the $200 bucks at the local Sports bar. $5 pitchers of yuengling and good Wing specials
I'd cut off my arm before I went back to cablevision. Sunday ticket aside, my DirectTV service is heads and shoulders better then cablevision, cheaper too. Fuck the cable companies.
Jonny, I pay a serious amount for limited Jets games here in the UK, sunday ticket is still to arrive here, curious- what does your wife look like?
I was like you - reluctant to switch from cable to Directv because of the hassle. Get over it and just do it. Directv is much better than cable and cheaper. The Sunday ticket is great as is the MLB ackage. Just do it - you won't be sorry.
You have to get the direct TV satellite/receiver, and you get sunday ticket through direct TV, but you don't HAVE to get any other programming. They will tell you that you have to, but if you're persistant and tell them you were told you can get just the ticket it's doable. I did it, but I had to fight through at least 3 1/2 hr phone calls before I could make it happen.
Hey guys...............there are certain cable companies that carry the NFL Network..........is that an avenue to the ticket?.................i have direct TV........got it for 1 reason...........EVERY JETS GAME!..............I wouldnt do without it.
I promise you'll spend much more at a local bar, not to mention not be comfortable. At least in NJ, you can breathe in the local bar now.
No, NFL Network is an unrelated cable channel. They'll have 8 live games on there this year though. There is no way to get the ticket in the US without DirecTV. They own the exclusive rights in the US.
Most if not all unless they are playing an NFC team. But if your not if the NY market then you get your market teams. Hear in NC when the Panthers play, wether they are home or away thats the only game on TV, until their games is over and then you'll get a AFC game on CBS, but its usually the Colts, Pittsburgh, or Tenn. I have Directv & the ticket but if I didn't I would only get two Jet games. (if lucky) There's nothing better than the ticket!
The only thing that pisses me off about DTV's Sunday Ticket is this. Before HDTV's became more commonplace and there were but a few HD channels out there, DTV gave NFL games in HD for free. Soon as Joe 6pak could affort HDTV's, suddenly DTV started charging extra for HD NFL games. I love my Sunday Ticket since I don't live in NYC anymore, however I will not be extorted out of extra moolah just to see NFL games in HD. I also have the newer 5 LNB dish and I can get HD broadcasts over the air anyway.. I really hate the Greed that seems to be permeating every aspect of our society..
All you need to do is call customer retention and bitch/whine/scream and they'll give you credits greater than the value of the Super Fan.
I will be buying a 52 inch HDTV flat screen before the season starts and didn't know they charge extra for that. How much extra do they charge?
Well I'm back to Direct TV.. Ordered it yesterday, will be installed next week. They are running a really nice promotion right now, basicly Sunday Ticket for free + all the channels for $30 bucks cheaper for 4 months..
I'm not sure about this year's prices but SuperFan cost a yard in 2005. 99 buks but why sweat the dollah right?