I'd agree with you if I believed that was the reason why they aren't saying it. If you are correct then why does he love to say ISIL so much? I think they are not saying it because Obama thinks that we can change them by killing them with kindness. He firmly believes that it is as much our fault as it is theirs or it is all just some giant misunderstanding. It's the reason people under him have slipped up and said things like if they just had more job opportunities they wouldn't join ISIS. Which ignores that most of them are well educated and some have PhDs. And Robert Gates admitting that Obama believed that lifting the sanctions in Iran and boosting their economy would change them into American lovers. Edit: It's always the same with this guy. The facts take a back seat to the agenda. If he believes he is right on an issue he has no problem lying/misleading people because in his heart the end result is good. It's why he lied about the Iran deal, it's why he lied about obamacare, it's why he said the glock had a lot of clips in it. It is because he is smart and knows that most are dumb and he really believes in what he's doing
All I know is that there are a disproportionate number of Muslims committing terrorist acts so obviously that means there is some sort of mystical institutional racism going on Either that or the Buddhists just need to step their game up
Yep. But some people still insist on feeding you the Religion of peace and it's only the 1% doing it and blah blah blah. To echo Bobby Slayton, if anyone's gonna blow up the plane--it's those fucking guys.
I don't agree with banning Muslims... The idea is ridiculous. But bringing refugees here is another story in my opinion considering what Europe is facing
Why is it on us? You want to talk about being a religion of peace then why aren't the numerous countries in the area not taking in more refugees? And in the same line of thinking if those countries are so great why do they want to come here?
It's kind of like the pit bull crowd. Oh, they're so nice and friendly and peaceful and well behaved, it's bad owners that make them violent. Golden retrievers bite more people if you could believe it. Yeah, golden retrievers are blowing up bus stations and discos and airports and buses and strapping bombs to themselves. Not those perfectly courteous pit bulls. Nope, not them. GREAT dogs. _
I know a few Persians and I think in general most of them while maybe not being flag waving American cuckolds they don't hate us. Now their government and Israel , well a different story but I'm sure you'll find quite a few Israeli's who hate Iran for not other reason that they are Iran. I honestly have no idea what Obama's reasoning or mindset is and I'm not trying to defend him, I only saying if this was the reason they don't say it I agree with it.
I really hate this line of thinking for one simple reason - even if it were correct, and I don't think for a second it is, the only way to prove it is to wait and see if all the killing stops until you can then say, "I told you so." So much wasted time and energy. Allah save us, the effort it takes to avoid the obvious. That we should look at a guy who was willing to commit suicide for a cause, and do everything imaginable to AVOID taking him at his word, is just lunacy. Why guys like Kerry and Obama would over-think the obvious isn't surprising. I'm not playing, though.
The problem with Europe is the stupid EU and Angela Merkel. I also think there is a big misconception about the refugees. Trump is making it seem like the floodgates are open and there are Muslims running through the fields without any documentation and carrying their ISIS flag with them on their shoulder. The US actually hasn't taken 10's of thousands because we already do check them and research who we are letting in. Obviously it's not a fool proof system but the system is slow and attempts to keep the bad people out.
You also can't prove it's wrong, calling them "Islamic Extremists" or "Muslim Terrorists" isn't stopping them either. Now I was out the country a lot the last 2 years but did Obama refer to the dumbass piece of trash in South Carolina as "white supremacist" ?
Where I agree is that it isn't about labels, and can't ever be. It has to be about correct profiling first and foremost. If we're not willing to correctly identify the characteristics of criminals, then more of these sorts of things will happen. When white, pastey-faced, Irish Catholics start strapping IEDs to their chest and walking into shopping malls, I'll have no problem discriminating against Seamus McBombface.
watch at the 17:00 - 19:00 mark. He has clearly stated his reasoning many times. you understand it correctly.
Ironically I was actually at the Arndale Manchester which was a mall blown up by the IRA in the mid 90's. Kind of off though, they told everyone about the bombs so while it destroyed the mall nobody was killed.
Thanks for posting this, I hadn't actually seen it but he has his reasons and I agree, it's not about political correctness. He might be wrong as then would I but I agree with what he said.
Except his reasoning is a Strawman -- nobody has ever argued they don't say it because they don't know who they are fighting. So the question becomes why are they so adament about not saying it as part of the discussion? Because he'd rather not create the perception of condemnation of the entire religion. They are more concerned about the perception of the statements than the accuracy of the statements.
But why are we bringing in any at all? When there is such a conflict of way of life between te us,Europe And most of the Middle East..: it should raise a lot of concern when they are not going to filthy rich Mid East countries at the rate they are flooding everywhere else. We put 250k plus boots on the ground to go get saddam, but we won't squash this so these people can just stay put? Seems very sinister to me