I remember when he would give us these amazing lessons on the cultural significance of some random rappers like this was actual art people study about.
Wasn't it him who told us not to judge Vick for the dog fighting, because that's what the black culture he grew up with, did?
I find his Guy Smiley chin just too distracting. On the up-side, it tempers the moronic things he says. Can't wait to see what that dude will look like in 10 years, when he gets folded into one of those stupid "Celebrity Plastic Surgery Gone Wrong" clickbait ads.
And speaking of moronic, in his presser Kerry took the 'don't mention Islam' tact a step further by calling the airport bombers "non state violent actors."
I sort of agree with not mentioning Islam, now I might be crazy but hear me out. Of course these fucking lunatics are doing it in the name of Islam but why give them the satisfaction of having their goal recognized? It's kind of an antagonist approach, yeah I know you are piece of shit but I'm not going to give you what you want. They want to spread fear through Islam and they love the publicity it gets them so why give it to them? You'd have to be living in a fucking cave to not think these are Muslim Extremists so what does it matter if Obama or Kerry mention it? While everyone focuses on what Obama didn't call this we ignore that we bombed the fucking hell out of one of their convoys the other day that killed 250 of these miserable goat fucking assholes.
there needs to be a tech that would disable these devices from a distance. If not disable pin point whos wearing a explosive device. Its doable.
i think it's pretty obvious. they want jihad. jihad would make this a religious duty, enabling them to grow and recruit more easily. we'll respond, but not on the terms they want.
That's why Bush or Obama won't use the phrase. It will give them publicity for their ability to recruit more nutjobs to their cause of the leader of the free world uses that phrase and makes it a religious war.
The closest thing you'll get to that in the real world is a gun and a well trained eye. Sent from my KIW-L24 using Tapatalk
Exactly, why give their cause legitimacy? This is exactly my gripe with Trump's garbage about what he wants to do with Muslims in America. You give them exactly what they want, sure it makes a few Islamaphobes happy that we are sacrificing our freedoms for a false sense of safety but it makes their recruiting easier and gives legitimacy to the lie that we are at war with Islam. You start banning Muslims from entering America and you start deporting them and killing their families and what does it look like to a some uneducated religious zealots in the middle of hell? Obama, Kerry and whomever else refuse to call it Islamic Extremists aren't stupid, they know what it is but but saying the words Muslim, Islam and terrorism in the same phrase you give these fucks exactly what they want, legitimacy and that their horrific and barbaric ways of doing things get mentioned and credit for their cause.