Stray thought - wondering if these terrorists focused on the airport because they considered the inevitable headline problems when you attack a Turkey club?
Yea but Barcs was an rising rap star. The stress of the game likely pushed him over the edge. Knowwhatimsayn?
I was here at the end when he started posting in the bullying thread and the thread where he shat all over people in the military.
That was only after I pushed him over the edge. Poor fella. He could have been something if not for the rap culture, the lack of pussy and the generally shriveled "self-esteem".
That rap album cover was hilarious. Wish I could find it again. Nothing like a fat white guy from the jersey suburbs being a gangsta rapper with a pic of him being arrested at a mall on the cover.
Lol yup. It's like you carved the front of his body with an Xacto knife, look at that. Took out a little doublechin, too.