Are folks really turning this into a gun issue? Fucking Islamic terrorists blew up 100 innocent people. Stop the gun billshit. Look at the real issue. Geezus fuck. _
Agreed. Let's focus on what this is really about - another self-loathing gay guy. This one was less shooty, more explodey. If only we outlawed bombs. They'd have been forced to use some other means, an AR-15 perhaps, and the body count might not have been so high.
Well they are still right. AR-15s are scary looking guns and no one should have them. Bombs, pressure cookers, airliners in the hands of Muslims are ok. But AR-15s are the real problem. _
But if everybody in that airport had their own AK-47 those AR-15's would have been outgunned big time.
Man, the dude who tried to help the guy who fell not knowing he was a bomb-strapped terrorist is ONE LUCKY MOTHERFUCKER. Looks like he was able to run far away
Not to point out the obvious or anything but Turkey is a country of 75 million Muslims who are pretty much a completely modern society and don't adhere to radicalized thinking. The real enemy is the Wahabists and extremist mentality that comes out of places like Saudi Arabia. This is a Muslim on Muslim massacre, turkey is actual an ideal model for the whole Islamic world
Nobody cares about Muslims getting all blowed up by Muslims. They're otherwise very peaceful. When they aren't beheading or stoning people to death. _
Reasonable people certainly understand most Muslims are good, peaceful people like all peoples of the world. They also understand radical Islam did not emerge from white, Euro- Christian culture and has been part of the Islamic culture for a long time.
People tend to put everyone in the same bucket but in terms of culture I think the problem is more Arab culture than Muslim Culture. The real nasty stuff to come out of Islam is pretty much all Arab based