Strategy for Selling Tickets: Stubhub, etc.?

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by Digetydog, Jun 18, 2010.

  1. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    hennessy you are so typical of the 18 - 24 age bracket.... funny thing is back years ago the 24 side of that age bracket had figured it out already. not so much anymore.
  2. thinnyc

    thinnyc New Member

    May 31, 2010
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    Since I'm new to this site, I cannot see the forum where people are selling their tickets. (I am interested in buying.) Has a secure way been figured to remove Stubhub (crooks) out of the equation?
  3. Digetydog

    Digetydog Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    I know of three ways to sell tickets (not including to friends and people I know);
    1. Stubhub;
    2. NFL Ticket Exchange; and
    3. Ebay.

    Ebay has lower overall fees, but I would have a worry if a buyer complained that the tickets were "wrong." Paypal is more buyer friendly than seller friendly.

    I know many peopole who have used Stubhub to buy/sell and been very happy with the experience. Last year, I sold my Nascar tickets on Stubhub and it worked like a charm.

    The Ticket Exchange has the advantage of giving the buyer the opportunity to work directly with the Jets. The upside is they may be willing to pay a premium for more security. The downside is the service allows NFL teams to get very accurate data from the resale data. Using this data, teams expect to be able to better price tickets (ie higher prices) for season tickets.

    Whatever you do, take a photocopy of the tickets that you send. If there is a problem, you want to have evidence to support your side of the problem.

    If you are just a buyer, keeping shopping online and look for the best deal. Use a credit card for protection from fraud. Whatever you do, avoid Craigslist. There are a lot of scams going on there.
  4. z28lt1

    z28lt1 New Member

    Mar 19, 2007
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    I know this thread is a few weeks old, but rather than starting a new one....

    Is anyone able to put their tickets up on ticketexchange yet? I wasn't able to, but I see there a bunch there. Was wondering if something was wrong with my account, or anything like that.
    We live in Virgina, so we only make about half the games, want to get the rest listed.

  5. Digetydog

    Digetydog Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    I have wondered the same thing about ticket exchange. Because they don't allow buyers to easily search by sections (Upper Prime v. Upper Sidelines), I think Stubhub is the better option.
  6. Jerseyboyisback

    Jerseyboyisback New Member

    Jun 27, 2010
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    My thought is the best way is to just use craigslist or this website.

    Ebay and Stubhub has way to much fees
  7. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    If you use craigslist you'll get murdered or something....

    That's a scary ass website, even the layout is scary. It looks like if a murderer were to design a site of that nature, it would look just like that.
  8. Digetydog

    Digetydog Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    Good news. Sold the Thanksgiving game at a price slightly above FV. Net of fees, we are basically out the pro rata portion of the PSL price. By attending one game and selling the Giants game at FV, we are also breaking even on the Pre-Season (a true miracle).

    All in, we expect to break even (including the pro rata share of the PSL) on the games we are selling this season. Will probably sell 4-5 real games and go to the rest.
  9. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    So you're going to 3 games?

    Do you live far away or something, I don't remember ?
  10. Hennessy2710

    Hennessy2710 New Member

    Apr 1, 2010
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    lololol thats mad funny, i agree haha
  11. Digetydog

    Digetydog Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    With traffic, I am guessing it is going to 2.5 hrs to/from door to seat.

    1. While that is fine on a Sunday afternoon, getting to/from MNF games is not really doable without going crazy. Since they are usually good games, it is easier to sell them. Giants & Ravens & Vikings - Definitely selling them.

    2. This fall, we are going to have our first baby. Because of the due date, the Pats, the Thanksgiving, and probably the Packers games are out.

    Basically, I am going to get to go to the 2nd half of the season. I am probably the only person in the US looking forward to the Redskins game. After that, diapers full of poo are going to be a big part of my life.
  12. GrindHouse

    GrindHouse Member

    Jun 18, 2010
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    Congrats on the baby on the way! Spending time with your new born is far more important, then football. And then after all the diaper changes and the loss of sleep you can kick back and enjoy the 2nd half of the season! I think stubhub at the moment is the best place to get the most for your tickets. Those prices are all set high at the moment!
  13. CT. Jets Fan

    CT. Jets Fan New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Where in CT do you live ?
  14. jets&rushfan

    jets&rushfan New Member

    Jul 21, 2005
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    I have been able to sell 1/2 of the games for the 2 I bought in 337.

    Only have Giants, Ravens, Vikings, Packers, Bengals remaining. All at face plus parking and 1/2 for the preseason. All Jets fans (except preseason) they want to see McNabb the new saviour.

    Once I get the tickets then they will have two weeks to give me a check for the games reserved so there is no backing out at a later date.

    Will wait for the tickets and if no one has asked for the remaining, I will use TExchange 2 weeks before each game, price fairly and maybe make a small profit on the balance. I think friends and family will probably buy since they are decent seats and the price is just what I payed.

    Next year I may use them myself if the LLEZ row 2 becomes a novelty and I want a better perspective of the game and sell the PSL seat on TE.

    If I break even or help offset the cost of my ticket it is good enough for me. I may even sell a yellow parking depending on the timing of the games (I have 2 yellow passes)

    If the Jets sell single games with multiple seats together then I may have a problem.

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