Looking for a few deadbeat dads on stub-hub to pick up my Holloween and Thanksviving tickets. Hope they pay at least double face and provide their home address and kids names so I can start a 529 plan for them with the profits
Why would going to a football game on Thanksgiving NIGHT make someone a horrible person or irresponsible? I know plenty of families who are done with the dinner by 4 or 5PM and the rest of the time is hanging around and watching the football games on tv until around 6 or 7 and then start heading home anyway. Instead of heading home, head to the stadium. You don't/won't get to tailgate, but at least you get to go to the game. Of course it helps to have a wife who sees the schedule and immediately says "have fun at the game!":grin:
lol exactly, idk what hes thinking saying your a "horrible" person if you go to the thanksgiving game. your mom and dad and family and friends will know way ahead of time and who knows maybe alot of them will go with you. and majority of your family will understand when the jets dont exactly get a home game on thanksgiving every year. bottom line the stadium will be filled with 86000 fathers mothers sons and daughters and drunks
wdk what UR like, saying, because the stadium like only holds like, 82,000. so how R like 86,000 fitting into like a stadium that only holds like 82,000
You're both wrong. Mac capacity: 82,566. :grin: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Meadowlands_Stadium And everyone's situation is different. Some have family who "just understand", some have family who think football/sports don't come 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or even 37th, in terms of priorities. I fall right in the middle. So I may or may not see you there. In either case, I am predicting a packed stadium, especially considering online ticket prices will be very reasonable for this game.
Ticket Prices 101 - 3 Credits Toward Graduation Again I find myself in the position of educating newbies while not making it obvious that I'm taking advantage of their youth and inexperience. If the tickets are "reasonable," the stadium will surely not be packed. Hard to believe, but ironically, a packed stadium is usually not the result of "reasonable" ticket prices. If a game is cheap to get into, it's usually because the time is inconvenient as hell (like the Thanksgiving game), the weather prediction is terrible and the game is generally undesirable. And, God forbid, if the season is already in the tank, you can't even give the tickets away and still the place is half empty. Cheap tickets historically will not bring people out to watch a 3-10 Jets team in the rain on a Sunday night, for example. Conversely, hot games (like Pats, Dolphins, playoff contention, etc.) that really count and in which we have a playoff shot will be packed to the rafters and often coincide with extremely high prices. And often the tickets almost dry up on the popular venues and/or the prices are through the roof. And you get to the stadium and it's packed with all these people that paid way over face. The lesson for the day is, if you see "reasaonable" prices on the tickets and many seats for sale going into the Thanksgiving game, don't expect the stadium to be "packed." Take this one down because it will be on the final come January.
WOW, thank god 227 is here. i would have never known that if the jets were 0-10 and "tanked" the season the stadium would be empty. i would have guessed it would have been packed!! thanks for letting me know that. were going to have to take 227s word here because hes been to so manyy jet home thanksgiving games, so i understand where hes coming from. he also is predciting bad weather and a bad record so that will play into affect. No shit if the jets are bad the stadium will be empty, thanks for stating the obvious with your yoda like knowledge. If the jets are in playoff contention and it being week 11 this stadium will be packed.
I won't say you're wrong, because your logic makes sense. However, I can say that I personally, over the last several seasons, have specifically eyed the same types of tickets under debate here. Why? Because of how ridiculously expensive other high-profile games were. I love to watch the Jets, whomever they're playing, so I'll take the Lions game at face value, over the Patriots game with a 200% mark-up. And I think others out there look for the same kinds of deals.
This kind of sarcasm is not going to go over well with the Dean of Admissions in Grad School. Sit in class and take your notes and we'll have to hope you retained enough of this to make a difference on your final exam.
Listen, I hope you're right about this game, but experience tells me you won't have to pay face. I'll probably sell my tickets to this game and would be more than happy if I got face, but I don't think I will. We'll see...
All I know is, our group is looking forward to going, and we are going to have a blast. Our families are actually doing Thanksgiving this year because of the game, so it should be a great day. Leave the lady folk at home to cleanup and watch Sex and the City and we're all set.
I was so happy to find one of those 20 somethings to sell all of the night games to this season. Now I have no need to take extra days off of work to go to the games or eat the extra ticket because no one wants to go.
Who are you?? I call Hornet!! IP check, Ip check on isle Strategy for Selling Tickets: Stubhub, etc.?
That's a really good idea. I wish I could find some 20-somethings to take the night games off my hands too.
No family members to take them off your hands. My cousin would, just let me know. He's 19 and in college, so he wouldn't pay a butt-load though.
Hey Sanchize Prime, there are times where that edit post button comes in handy. And that was just one of them lol!