Star Trek...

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by JCotchrocket, May 8, 2009.

  1. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Yep. Looks like it debuted decent at #1 with about $60 million this weekend, so no doubt they will be making a 4th. I wish more people would be interested in Star Trek though. It really is a great series.
    nycarl likes this.
  2. Section 336

    Section 336 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    I was in Seattle earlier this summer and the EMP museum has an awesome Star Trek exhibit going on right now.
    It was pretty cool reading about how Roddenberry had walked away from a show because they wouldn't let him have a diverse cast.
    One of the reasons that he was able to get away with and the powers that be thought it was okay to have a Russian, Asian, and African American was that it was set way in the future, so they thought it could be believable.
    The overall themes of Star Trek in all its incarnations will continue to stand the test of time.

    Saw this last night and thought it was really good.
    Hard to talk about it without spoiling anything, but well worth the price of admission.

    The casting for this new timeline has been pretty much spot on for just about everyone.
    I also enjoyed the introduction of some new characters especially thought Jaylah was pretty awesome.
    They have really nailed Bones and Scotty IMO.
    The Dark Knight and Cman69 like this.
  3. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    As much as common sense has made me want to hate this reboot series, I really like it. Maybe it's because I've never been a Star Wars purist, maybe it's just because they've done a great job of nailing the cast.

    I never really liked Kirk and Ohura much in the original, Pine is decent and Zoe Saldana is molten hot, the Heroes guy is a great Spock and Simon Pegg is Simon Pegg.

    Haven't seen this one yet but I will.
    The Dark Knight likes this.

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