Sorry I must've missed it. Glad to know you spend your time patrolling the threads around these parts, what would we do without you. must be tough scanning the forum to see if a similar thread is already have my sympathies.
Yeah, I need your gratification because your totally addicted. I'm not going to get into a pissing contest moose because I actually think your one of the most informed posters on this board but I legitimately didn't see the other thread.
just bustin' balls's slow on Saturday. I also realize that being "totally addicted" isn't necessarily a good thing:wink:
Don't worry about it. I came to the realization a long time ago that no matter what you do here, there are alot of people that read your threads or posts for no other reason than figuring out how they can attack or belittle you. I'm sure it was your intention all along to post a double thread, and you should be chastised for it. Off with your head.
I'm glad he signed with a team that is on the opposite side of the Football world... he's going to be a good one.
that would be a typical Jets move...... ugh, they better do the right thing. Let's hold our breath for a little while longer.
or rex ryan could decide he isnt interested and leave us in quite a quandry. i guess we will find out the beginning of next month, cause i think baltimore is going to win this week. talk about sucking, here we go having our guy BUT we have to wait and all of a sudden everyone else is gone and our guy isnt interested.... son of a !!!!!!
Why wouldnt Ryan be interested. Aside from the Denver job there was no opening that would be more attractive to a first time head coach. And if Rex isn't interested then I could see this organization going the Gruden route although I tend to defer to Brother and others that live in the tampa bay area that think he's shit.
they'd promote Schotty to the HC spot... I think the players like him but the fans don't... I'd rather have Ryan, he plays my kind of football.
i wasnt saying that he isnt or wouldnt be interested. i was jsut saying how big of a kick in the balls would that be. yeah gruden could be an option, shotty too although i dont feel all warm and fuzzy inside when thinking about him. it would just be so crappy if the team had their hearts set on this guy and then didnt end up landing him while watching others go and sign with other clubs while we waited for ryans season to end. it COULD happen. and if it did it would be a big kick in the balls. sorry guys im a jets fan i am always looking over my shoulder seeing how i am going to get kicked in the balls.