because it is perfectly legal and a common blocking technique to block low on an interior running play. just because a player is injured on a play is no reason to suddenly eliminate blocking. football is a contact sport in which players get hit in ways that can cause injury.
Can't sign Brown, Schaub, etc and keep him. I wasn't a fan of losing him or Mike Brisiel but they couldn't keep everyone.
I'll chalk this post of yours up to it being late and you probably tipped a few back. Cut blocking is an inherently dangerous block. Defensive players in the NFL have been complaining about it for years. That Denver zone blocking scheme injured an awful lot of players. You want to hit players from behind in the box, fine, make it above the waist. Not above the knee.
If he was coming from behind him how am I able to see Cushing's numbers and then Slauson coming from the front side. You need to go get some glasses if you are so adamant that he is directly behind him.
There are blocks like this by every team, in every game. It just so happens that a top defensive player is out for the season in this instance. Had it been a back up player, in mop up duty at the end of a game there would have been some discussion during the game and that would have been the end of it. Cushing was moving sideline to sideline from the 34 toward the 35 yd line, Slauson was coming back to the play from up the field, not from behind him. He hit him on the side of his leg and while it may have been a penalty worthy hit, just because of location on the field, to call it an extremely dirty hit is ridiculous.
I take it you didn't see the play because he hit him in the thigh first and it was not from behind. [YOUTUBE]W652mwCXyBs[/YOUTUBE] Stop the video at 5 seconds and you see Slauson clearly in front of Cushing.
From what I see, Slauson misses the block initially and then comes back... from in front and tackles him low. His head and shoulders were clearly in front of Cushing though.
How can they fine him? Its a legal hit within the rules. If they want to fine him they should change the rules first. :shit:
It's a legal hit, no doubt and a hell of a block. Unfortunate that Steroids Magoo got hurt, but there was no mal intent if you ask me.
Truth. Cushing: "WHAT A GREAT PLAYER!!!!111" Slauson: "WHAT A DIRTY PLAYER!" Cushing's a cheater. Fuck him, but best wishes for his rehab!
Vince Wilfork had no comment on the Slauson hit. The Pats would never target a knee! Pure class out of Foxboro!
I'd sure hope Pats fans recognize that Wilfork is dirty. I can come up with two more plays against the Bills (other than the above) off the top of my head. One was just last year when he slammed Fitzpatrick's head into the ground.
Tbird i'm not a drinker but I'm not sure why you are apparently unable to understand that cut blocking is legal. If its a legal block its not a dirty play. In fact the texans cut block more than most teams in the NFL. there was no penalty called on the play. its a close call as to the only element that might make it illegal: whether slauson was facing the jets end zone - he sort of was almost parallel when he made the cut block however.
Anyone have the definition of what an illegal peel-back block is? I don't think I've ever heard that one before ...
Article 4: Illegal “Peel Back” Block. If a player who is aligned in the tackle box when the ball is snapped moves to a position outside the box, he cannot initiate contact on the side and below the waist against an opponent if: (a) the blocker is moving toward his own end line; and (b) he approaches the opponent from behind or from the side. Note: If the near shoulder of the blocker contacts the front of his opponent’s body, the “peel back” block is legal. Penalty: For Illegal “peel back” block: Loss of 15 yards.
If Revis had been hurt like this, instead of getting snipered, you guys would be screaming for blood. Matt Slauson sucks and is getting what he deserves.
Sounds like they made the right call. He was just barely outside the tackle box and initiated contact below the waist from the side.