Sites and Sound from OTA's (May) What stands out to you?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Footballgod214, May 25, 2021.

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  1. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    I suppose that is a possibility if you ignore the most likely scenario which is a professional reporter objectively reporting what he sees happening on the practice field.
    IIMeanDeanII likes this.
  2. Noam

    Noam Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2010
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    Objective is not Cimini. He has good sources, breaks lots of info and produces a lot of content but he can be extremely biased when his ego is involved. He has been pushing the trading Sam was a big mistake line and now he is now trying to justify that by basing Zach. His stories during the OTA are completely different than every other beat writer. He will likely be very critical of JD next as that is what Cimini's ego demands. He could be a great reporter but he has a 20 year history of biased slanted reporting. He was Mehta before there was a Mehta. Remember how this board celebrated when Cimini left the DN and Mehta was hired. Little has changed with Cimini at his time at ESPN.

    I am not saying we should ignore Cimini as he does break news. For example he was the 1st reporter to imply that there might be mental health issues with Mangini and that was two weeks into his 1st camp. But, one also has to recognize that Cimini writes with an agenda, bias and for his own ego and therefore have skepticism.
    NCJetsfan likes this.
  3. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    That may be your read on the situation but can you illustrate the "extremely biased" slant you claim with examples? Twenty years of "biased slanted reporting" should be easy to show. Cosell called it "telling it like it is."

    Reporting that Wilson missed throws and got intercepted is not "bashing" anyone. Until I see the Jets put a quarterback on the roster, I will maintain that they made a mistake by getting rid of Darnold - I was an early proponent of keeping him and drafting one.

    Way too many people on this board think that reporters should be choirboys for the organization and columnists should only voice favorable opinions. That's not journalism.
    IIMeanDeanII and azhar80 like this.
  4. Noam

    Noam Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2010
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    ZW got rave reviews in OTA 2 from everyone except Cimini who called it mixed results because Smith dropped a TD which was then intercepted after the drop. OTA 3 reporters talk about how great Zach did 7 on 7 but where he made mistakes in the 5 passes on 11s. Cimini ignores the 5 for 5 with 5TDs on 7 on 7s and reports how Zach struggled only talking about the 11s. Cimini has been bitching about ZW for 2 months now because he said the Jets would regret trading Sam and advocated hard for keeping Sam. Cimini thinks he should be GM and not a reporter and is taking it out on ZW. He did the same to Geno in 2013 camp because Cimini publicly backed Sanchez. He always has an agenda all you have to do is follow the Jets and read his stories for a few years.

    Overall OTAs are pretty meaningless but what we are seeing here is the beginning of a NYjunc like obsession by Cimini in slanting his reporting to verify his original diagnosis.
    NCJetsfan likes this.
  5. Noam

    Noam Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2010
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    Building off my last reply I did not address your advocacy of keeping Sam. I respect your opinion and love your posts and certainly think that was a valid opinion. There is nothing wrong with that premise or that logic. The problem I have is where Cimini has doubled down on his keeping Sam and how the Jets will regret it and now he appears to be doing what he has done before and letting his ego rule the tone and character of his articles. He appears to be on another agenda and that is to bash ZW. If Zach does well I am sure he will find a way to say he was behind Zach all the way. But the point here is one can have the opinion that keeping Sam was the correct move and still look at ZW objectively and that is my beef with Cimini. But again that is a beef that people have had with Cimini for 20 years.
  6. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    You're putting an awful lot of your own outlook into how you describe the situation, which you're entitled to do but that doesn't verify your claims. You also seem to not understand the new state of journalism where reporters and columnists are no longer separated in their duties. When they are reporting they need to simply tell us what happened; when they are offering opinions they need to tell us how they feel about it. In neither responsibility should they become cheerleaders.

    As you say, the OTAs are pretty meaningless, so why the irrational exuberance from the guys you claim are giving "rave reviews" and say anyone at all did "great"? Wilson will get written about every day; you can choose to believe whose content you like most but I fail to see anyone's stories not being accurate. I have much less patience and interest in the fanboi internet "journalists" than I do for a guy who's been highly regarded throughout the sports world for decades.

    The first time we will be able to see if the Jets screwed up by getting rid of Darnold will be when both he and Wilson have a good part of the season under their belts. Why excoriate anyone for giving their opinion before that chapter is written?
  7. HomeoftheJets

    HomeoftheJets Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2016
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    Alternatively the other reporters are going full homer for clicks, and Cimini is the one reporting objectively. And he was right about Geno.
    barfolomew and azhar80 like this.
  8. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    He's too big for the offense, he will be constantly pulling to the outside and a guy that size isn't suited for that.
    patleahy likes this.
  9. patleahy

    patleahy Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2020
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    @RochesterJet Well-said, dude. There are always guys in any sport, who literally "eat themselves out of the league" bc they can't push away from the buffet table. Old-timers like me remember Stanley "Hot Plate" Roberts, Shaq's former LSU teammate who was one hell of an NBA big man....except for the fact he could never control his weight and his conditioning/durability sucked because of it. I really hope Becton isn't going to be one of those guys. I will agree with @Noam @NCJetsfan and @REVISion that it DEF is a concern that Saleh basically felt the need to call Becton out on being fat in his comments about the injury. As REVIsion said, for a guy who had this as one of his red flags coming out of college, a year into his NFL career with access to top level nutritionists, trainers, strength coaches, etc....the fact that his weight is still a problem is a sign that he really doesn't care to control it. Hopefully that will change under Saleh and his coaching stafff.
    RochesterJet and azhar80 like this.
  10. CotcheryFan

    CotcheryFan 2018 ROTY Poster Award Winner

    Jan 15, 2018
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    Would it be appropriate to have a "Mekhi Becton looks fat to me" thread?
    FJF, jixxjr, RochesterJet and 4 others like this.
  11. LAJet

    LAJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    Boy my feelings to a T. He goes way the fuck out of his way to highlight the negatives, and at the end he makes a passing positive comment and totally disregard the fact that Wilson fired four touch downs in the red zone. He is a jealous, incendiary, useless piece of shit. And no, I disagree he is not the only one. There has been nothing but a balanced view from most of the rest. He exemplifies NY editorial trash along with Metha. He wants to paint a different picture of Wilson and hates that he is doing to well. I have less worries about Wilson than I ever did about Sam. Fuck Cimini. Go to Carolina you ass hole
    JohnnyJet1222 and Noam like this.
  12. LAJet

    LAJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    There is nothing whatsoever objective about Cimini. All you need to do is see how real reporters highlight in a professional and well balanced manner. His questions to the HC and GM and players during interviews are the worst, double edge incendiary pieces of trash that merit no response. He is always looking to create some controversy. Fuck the prick.
    NYGANGGREEN and Noam like this.
  13. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    It should be easy then for you to show what he has written that is not true or is out of balance. I wish more reporters were confident enough in their positions to ask the questions that get asked here every day instead of constantly tossing softballs.
  14. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    I totally disagree with the bold. I think that's a huge stretch and you have nothing to back it up with. Just because he hasn't lost weight, doesn't mean that he doesn't care to control it. He may be trying and struggling. His mother is a great cook and caterer. He grew up used to eating a certain way. Changing eating habits isn't easy.
    patleahy likes this.
  15. patleahy

    patleahy Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2020
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    au contraire mon frere...I DO have something to back it up with. Penny said as much during his latest podcast.....;):):)
    Footballgod214 likes this.
  16. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Just because he said it doesn't make it so! I mean actual proof such as Becton admitting it, or Saleh or one of the Jets' Coaches saying that they gave Becton instructions and he told them he wouldn't do it.
    Ralebird and patleahy like this.
  17. patleahy

    patleahy Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2020
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    okay okay, @NCJetsfan response to your pointed question, you are correct I must admit...Becton has never admitted anything to me along those lines. It was deductive speculation on my part. In my defense, however, other posters such as @PennyandtheJets @ouchy @REVISion and @azhar80 reached the same conclusion, so it's not like I was the only one who felt that way, based upon the evidence at hand. You are correct, however, in that the evidence definitely lacked a clear-cut admission on Becton's part.
    azhar80 and Noam like this.
  18. Noam

    Noam Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2010
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    Saleh made a comment the other day that the young players need to do something to the effect like train like professionals and I think he mentioned Becton by name. My apologies on bungling the quote but I am hoping someone will remember it.

    Becton might be a case where if you see enough smoke it might be reasonable to assume there is a fire. There have been enough mentions by him of losing weight and eating better over the last year that one has to think it's an issue and could be behind all the injuries he has suffered. It is speculation but it seems like there is a good chance it is an issue. He has superstar potential but how long can he play at that weight.

    In his defense 2020 rookies did not have an off season and much of a chance to learn how to be a pro. Hopefully the new cs is taking a more hands on role. In many ways this year is not only our new players rookie year but last year players rookie year as well as it is the first full off season they will get and their first experience playing for a competent pro CS.
    REVISion, NCJetsfan and patleahy like this.
  19. patleahy

    patleahy Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2020
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    Fair point, Noam.
  20. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    First, no need to be defensive. You don't need defending. I'm not upset with you or anyone. I was just pointing out that we have no real facts in this situation. It's one thing to "feel" a certain way or suspect, or think that is the case, but it's quite another to state absolutely that "it's a sign that he doesn't care to control it." There is no rational basis for that and it's grossly unfair to Becton. I also don't understand why Jets fans want to immediately jump to the worst possible conclusion about our players, coaches, and team. It's sad. Becton has busted his ass trying to improve and has been a great player for us so far. He deserves better from Jets fans.
    patleahy and NYGANGGREEN like this.
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