I would like a new avatar, if possible, could I have: Ireland Flag, Shamrocks, Text "Wolfe Tone", Action Shots of Vilma and Victor Green, You do great work so anything you design would be greatly appreciated Thanks much
Hey GM...whats up? I reached the 500 post limit and am ready to make a sig request. Can I have pictures of D'Brick, Mangold, and Clemens with the words, "Draft 06-Our Time is Now." http://www.nationalchamps.net/2005/sub/pics/small/virginia_dbrickashaw_ferguson_sm.jpg http://media.theinsiders.com/media/image/27/270708.jpg http://i.a.cnn.net/si/multimedia/photo_gallery/2005/10/04/gallery.cfbcrosshairsweek5/oreg.jpg You are the expert at backgrounds, shading, all that good stuff, so play around and make it look good. Thanks in advance, GM. And this may be late, but congrats on becoming a moderator.
Not to blame you GM, but when you are so generous and willing, people will eventually start to take advantage of you and think they can constantly get new items all the time. You never say no! :smile:
omg dude...when was the last time you made me an ave? seriously.... and besides, you said you were bored and wanted something to do. so, sorry for simply asking for something.