That's a good question, Hobbes. I no longer live in NYC but years ago it was a big issue and the Police union opposed it (of course). I just checked online and they're still around but I don't know how effective they are and what their role was in the Garner killing.
Look I'm for revised rules on the military no gun zones. Not sure if every soldier at a base should be carrying because this could create problems. But more authorized users esp at recruitment centers. But basically weren't the 5 guys who were killed shot inside the recruitment office after a drive by shooting. I was watching CNN and some guy (a citizen) with some kind of a rifle was on his own guarding a recruitment center. I think he means well but I'd rather have a cop or MP not him. An untrained civilian who could over react or misjudge a situation and maybe harm an innocent person. It's not his job to be law and order. We don't need self appointed vigilantes.
Simple solution, have them carry their weapons, but not loaded, safeties on. It's easy enough to load in an emergency but requires enough time for the soldier to realize it's not an emergency if it's not.
these are trained soldiers. they don't need unloaded guns "with the safety on" to be safe. I'm not sure if the military is still using glocks but they, like many pistols, do not have a traditional safety. they should carry loaded weapons with one in the chamber. you dont put your finger on the trigger until you're ready to shoot something. problem solved.
They don't even carry loaded weapons with one in the chamber on bases in Afghanistan. Don't tell me they need to do it in America if they don't need to there.
I can't speak to what happens in Afghanistan but I know our police chamber a round here. As does pretty much every concealed carry civilian. When a real threat emerges you don't want to be fumbling around taking a safety off or chambering a round. You want to aim and pull the trigger. Seconds matter. If the gun is properly holstered it should never be a problem. It won't fire unless someone pulls the trigger. They don't fire themselves.
August 2012 article According to CNN, in reaction to recent attacks by Afghan security forces, the Nato Commander, U.S. Marine General John R. Allen has ordered all 90,000 troops at NATO headquarters and all bases across Afghanistan to carry “loaded” weapons. Nothing in the chamber, but they can carry a magazine in their gun now. Read more:
I don't know the logistics of having thousands of people on a military base in close quarters and in sometimes difficult and stressful living situations. And to have everyone on base walking around with loaded weapons. On the other hand people in uniform in public are vulnerable and can be cherry picked by perpetrators. I'm personally not crazy to have millions of people on the street and in public places walking around with loaded guns and esp without a safety. These attacks are dramatic but infinitesimally small in terms of everyday life and an individual's chances of being attacked. Esp if getting a gun is as easy as pie like it is in many localities. More guns means more violent deaths and that's a fact.
All gun lovers can talk about is the 2nd Amendment. Even Donald Trump when asked about better background checks shrunk away from it saying he doesn't want to do anything that can infringe on somebody's 2nd Amendment rights. But what about my rights as a citizen. If you're going to constantly quote the founders all of the time then what about my right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. So if I'm at the mall and some dipshit (like Plaxico Burress) with a loaded gun, no safety decides to scratch his nuts and accidentally shoots me or my family what about that. And these gun accidents are not that uncommon esp among untrained people that carry loaded weapons. Or some guy decides to play cop, doesn't know what he's doing and kills innocent bystanders. I don't want this "good" guy protecting me, I want the cops or Security. So why such unbelievable resistance to tighter rules on purchasing, licensing and training. Unqualified people (who can't pass a background check or don't know how to properly use a gun) shouldn't have them.
What about the idiot who drives drunk and plows into pedestrian, why are we not trying to make it harder to get a license or alcohol? Why aren't you pounding the table for that? that happens alot more
He has to pass a driving test. And there's background checks on that. And then he goes to jail. It's impossible to screen out everyone who is going to act irresponsibly. With guns or driving or anything. But you have strict rules and you enforce them. Guns and cars kill. And have to be regulated.
Guns are already regulated. And shooters go to jail. But thats not going to stop the next guy just like all the legal problems are not going to stop some guy from picking up his 2nd dui tonite. Any additional regulations you think should be added to gun ownership is only going to effect the law abiding gun owners. So why are we punishing them for the actions of the criminals. It would be akin to installing breathalyzer ignition locks in every car in america and charging for the service because some people drive drunk. You in for that?
You are continually giving your opinion as if it is fact. Please show that "these gun accidents are not that uncommon", statistics not cherry picked news accounts of a couple of accidental shootings.
Look guns are not well regulated. There's plenty of loopholes in different jurisdictions esp in the area of background checks. Plus lack of enforcement. It's too easy to get a gun in many locations. I'd like to see people not only have to get mandatory training but to pass a test on how to use a gun and gun safety. Just like you do with a car. It might be required in some areas but not most areas of the country. So what's wrong with trying to tighten things up nationally. The NRA throws out their stats about gun ownership not being tied to gun violence. And opposes almost any form of gun regulation even though many of their members are for it. Good gun owners don't want irresponsible people or nut jobs owning guns. The idea of people walking around with loaded guns everywhere doesn't make me feel safe at all. We're not living in Beirut yet.