Dude, thats the United States Department of Justice. (And BTW who was running the DOJ in 2011?) Not Republican nor a Conservative...) And the Pew Research Center. Gun Crime is down MARKEDLY. The REPORTING is fostering a misconception. Stats...unless your math is different than mine, 11k is LESS THAN (<) 18K. But hey, Denial is just a river in Egypt. Just admit your assumptions were wrong...(at least according to the DOJ) P.S. 10% of that 11k occurred in 4 cities, Chi,Det,D.C. and N.O... All cities with strict gun laws.
One of the reasons he picked them was probably because he knew it was a gun-free zone and knew they wouldn't be able to fight back. This piece of shit reeks of all signs of an evil pussy. Not mentally ill, just pure evil. What happened to the whole suicide plan? He chickened out, and judging by that stupid smirk, he's basking in all of his "fame". He's not repentant at all, not even after the family members forgave him. Then there's the whole "our women" part. I wouldn't be shocked if we find out that he never had a girlfriend, he's likely a virgin and will die a virgin. Pathetic!
LOL...Figured the bellicosity came across in the tenor of my remarks...having to debate the difference between what is basic civics, actual facts, and opinion.
never really looked at it that way but I get your point was just trying to find a reasonable common starting point. clearly that wasn't happening.
I've read that he actually passed a federal background check when he purchased the gun. I haven't seen this confirmed by a reliable source so take that fwiw. I know that in NYS you need to pass one for every firearm you add to tour permit and it's a multi step process. He never should have passed the background check with a pending felony. So if that's true it seems they need to button up the reliability of those checks. I doubt the system failed though since the federal government is generally infallible and our omnipresent savior.
Everyone should be required to carry firearms at all times and in the shower. Its the only possible solution.
Might be a little dangerous in the shower although you may have identified a niche market for shower holsters. An armed member or two of that congregation could have made a big difference here like it did in a SC church a few years earlier. http://controversialtimes.com/news/...ooting-during-church-service-zero-casualties/ Personally I feel much more comfortable being protecting myself instead of hoping the government keeps me safe at all times.
I think this was a good move, but then you could always have a nut for a pilot too. We could always just stay in our houses all the time like the wolf pack if we want to be safe. http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=125224
Well, it follows logically that if you ave a nut for a pilot...he's already got a bigger weapon than a gun.