Shooting at Connecticut Elementary School

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by TheCoolerGlennFoley, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    So what is your solution?

    The answer to your above statement, is two years mandatory military service, then every Citizen, will be well trained in the use of arms...and the workings of the military....
  2. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Why not a couple mandatory years of military service...
  3. ScotsJet

    ScotsJet Active Member

    Jan 3, 2004
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    By making it as difficult as possible for psychotic rampagers to put their hands in high powered rifles.

    Sure, I reckon if you wanted more than anything to acquire such a weapon for that purpose you might be able to do it. Assuming you weren't caught acquiring the weapon or the ammunition or at any other point in the planning process, but you'd have to really want it. You couldn't decide to do it one morning and carry out the attack the same day.
  4. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    That works, especially when you consider the mental state of some our returning veterans after multiple tours of duty in some God-forsaken country in the Middle East fighting a war against unseen enemies. Good call.
  5. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    Do you have military aged children or children who, in a few years, would be part of this required service you are seeking??????
  6. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    I for one would never agree to let my children be subjected to the will of Presidents (who I won't bother to name) and members of Congress who sent young men and women to be killed or maimed to ridiculous wars such as the Iraq war that were justified at the time by lies and misrepresentations. Nope. Try again.
  7. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    There were armed guards at Columbine and \ the Gabby Giffords shootings. A lot of good that did.

    And the same people that are now calling for the federal government to spend billions in tax money to guard our schools with armed police are the same people and politicians who refuse to raise taxes one penny, who rail against the size of the federal government, and who demand spending cuts to services like Medicare and Medicaid that are essential to providing services to many mentally ill citizens.

    Meanwhile, the NRA mostly backs conservative Republicans who detest any tax increase, for any purpose. Here's a look at just some of those who sit on the NRA Board of Directors:

    • Grover Norquist (who created the pledge against any tax increase that gets forced on Republican politicians, and who said he wanted to strangle government by “reducing it in size until you could drown it in a bathtub,”);

    • former Georgia Congressman Bob Barr (who said "I am a real fan of handguns manufactured by Glock," and praised Glock's former CEO after he was convicted of racketeering and theft and sentenced to 7 years in prison....even Fox reported this);

    • Kenneth Blackwell, former Ohio secretary of state, who made every effort to suppress voting rights there (and who has railed against abortion, the Affordable Care Act, gay marriage, women's rights, and who routinely touts "the supremacy of God.");

    • John Bolton, former UN ambassador for George W. Bush, (who promoted false intelligence about Saddam Hussein tying to buy yellowcake uranium from Nigeria);

    • former Idaho Senator Larry Craig ( the same guy who took the "wide stance" in that Minneapolis bathroom stall...and who said, in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, that the New Orleans lower 9th ward should be "turned back to what it was, wetlands.");

    • former Virginia governor Jim Gilmore (who left the state with ruined finances, and then lied about it, claiming, "State government is in sound financial shape." It wasn't. Gilmore is now the president of the right-wing Free Congress Foundation, started by Joseph Coors and Paul Weyrich, who infamously said, "I don't want everybody to vote.");

    • Ted Nugent (who said [among other stupid things] that Barack Obama "is a Mao Zedong wannabe," and "hippies and communists hate me...which means I'm a really really good person," and "Mitt Romney's 47 percent statement is statistically irrefutable.");

    • Oliver North, who subverted the Constitution, lied about it, and obstructed justice during the Iran Contra scandal (and who continues to perpetrate the lie that torture "was what allowed us to find out where bin Laden was hiding," and who says that "the prophesies in the Bible are true.");

    • Chuck Norris, a grade C movie actor who said of former right-wing Alabama Supreme Court Judge Roy Moore, "he is a true patriot." As Alabama Chief Justice, Moore installed and refused to remove a two-and-a-half ton monument of the Ten Commandments in the Alabama judicial building...Moore was removed from his position by unanimous vote of the Alabama Court of the Judiciary. Both Roy Moore and Norris now pen columns for the right-wing paper WorldNetDaily.

    *Cleta Mitchell - Mitchell served as an “attack attorney” for many Tea Party Congressional candidates during the 2010 elections, including Sharron Angle, Christine O’Donnell and Joe Miller. She has suggested that the Democratic Party’s “tricks” include widespread engagement in voter fraud.

    *Joe Allbaugh - Allbaugh was confirmed as Director of FEMA in February 2001 by the Senate in a unanimous vote. Unlike his predecessor, he was not raised to cabinet rank. Allbaugh gained some attention that April for remarks questioning whether taxpayers should have to cover the cost of rebuilding properties that suffer repeated flood damage, just as the Mississippi River was flooding.

    This proposed NRA solution is the ultimate hypocrisy.
    #547 Joe Willie White Shoes, Dec 22, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2012
  8. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    lol @ mandatory military service. Yes more people who have been trained to dehumanize and use weapons for killing are the solution to our goals of less violence going forward. Dear god. Plus that seems like an easy jump to infringe on rights for people who are so quick to jump to their defense.
  9. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    Unless of course you are Tony
  10. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    where are people calling for federal government spending? nobody is saying the FBI, Federal Marshals or Secret Service, which are the federal law enforcement agencies, to play guard at schools.

    this is a local issue with local police or, at the largest, Sheriffs, being used. beyond that, the people against raising taxes do so because they want to reduce the government's size. adding a few cops to the local police force isn't the government size people are concerned with.

    nothing you said has anything to do with the proposal of police at schools, or hypocritical positions of anyone who supports the notion.
  11. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    99.8% of the time cops are doing nothing because they are waiting for crimes to be reported to respond to.

    that is a good thing. the alternative is never-ending instances of crime that need Police response.

    if that is your reasoning, then you must want to eliminate all cops because most of their job is doing nothing to begin with. is that your position, or are you okay with cops doing nothing while they wait for crimes to respond to in all situations except protecting pubic schools?
  12. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    my ideal society is not training every young adult to be soldiers just so they can get out and continued to be armed.

    I stated it earlier in this thread, although statistics do seem to show concealed arms laws coincide with decreased crime, the question we have to ask ourselves is that truly the only strategy that can work and is it our goal for society to devolve back to the 1800's?

    I personally do not think so.
  13. VanderbiltJets

    VanderbiltJets Active Member

    Apr 25, 2010
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    Why not Democratize military action and conscript those who vote for it first, followed by those who abstained from voting, and then finally those who voted against it?
  14. VanderbiltJets

    VanderbiltJets Active Member

    Apr 25, 2010
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    And that's without mentioning how irresponsible the military is dealing with substance abuse, PTSD, and general health.
  15. VanderbiltJets

    VanderbiltJets Active Member

    Apr 25, 2010
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    Fun fact about Bob Barr: He's so pro-life that he (essentially) forced his (now ex-)wife to have an abortion in 1983.
  16. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    Lapierre's statement of the NRA proposal suggested that Congress provide the funds to place armed guards in all schools. That is who called for federal government spending.
  17. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    We finally agree. Every man and women should be drafted. Anyone who has been properly trained by the military knows that guns and amo are to be locked away seperately when they aren't in the field. There is no person who is properly trained who would have a loaded assault rifle unless they were in the field during wartime.
  18. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    And this is exactly why Iraq and AG are among the longest US wars in history. We have allowed our army to become a professional or mercenary army and the public no longer is against using them in unnecessary wars. An all draft army would put tremendous pressure on elected officials to stay out of wars that didn't threaten our very existence.

    The only justification for an armed citizenry at this point is we have allowed our armed forces to become a private army that the President can use anywhere anytime without very much political fallout. The stripping of our civil rights in the last 12 years should scare the crap out of all of us. The fact that this has gone on while the country has armed itself to the teeth shows how ineffective the right to bear arms is against the power of an elected officials with a private army at their disposal.

    Unfortunately we do need both gun control and a citizen army.
    #558 Biggs, Dec 23, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2012
  19. jonnyd

    jonnyd 2007 Funniest Poster Award Winner

    Oct 14, 2005
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    who gives a fuck what the NRA says. Im pretty sure he was responding to your having suggested thatpeople on this board were saying federal money should be spent. Nice try though dude :up:
  20. Cappy

    Cappy Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    JWWS never said people on this board. He said "the same people calling for federal spending are the same people and politicians." Unless there are politicians on here, it's pretty clear he was talking about the national debate, and not people posting on here.

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