Shooting at Connecticut Elementary School

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by TheCoolerGlennFoley, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Blame the guns, the ammo, and not the evil..real intelligent.
  2. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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  3. Harpua

    Harpua Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    These uninformed overreactions are why people like me who don't even own guns are defending the rights of gun owners. Indignant rage with little information is the stuff of fox news and the evangecial voting block. Its the stuff of anti gun lobbyists and anti drug laws. People are using the fear created by this incident to spread false information and mis lead the public and its sad how readily it works.

    Here is the real reason for these bullets, not to create mass damage, but to make ranges safer for the shooters and the enviorment. It would be wonderful if we actually took the time to research a tiny little bit before going over the edge, but our society loves the instant gratification of anger over actual knowledge.
  4. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    thats true. all this adding up sounds like this kid was a mental health ticking timebomb for a long time
  5. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    It is real intelligent.

    There is very clear objective criteria we can apply to inanimate objects to make determinations as to whether they present a greater danger than we can tolerate. There is very little of the same we can reliably use to determine who is "evil."

    What if the sovereign and his brown shirted jackbooted thugs decides based on your belligerent posts on political topics that you are mentally unhinged and a potential danger? Lock you up?

    We never really know for sure who is "evil" until after they do their damage. We know for a certain that certain appliances are too dangerous to let loose on the poplulace.

    Requires real intelligence to appreciate the difference. Give it a try.
  6. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    oh is this the gun control thread, i coulda swore it said....


    victor cruz coming to ct to spend some time with jack pintos family and friends really was special, maybe just for a fleeting moment he may have made them forget about the agony they have been in for the last 5 days. and i give him such a tremendous amount of credit for using his popularity for good.
  7. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    yeah,that was really cool. also like CJ putting the names on his shoes last night saying he wanted the families to know he was thinking of them
  8. guinness77

    guinness77 Active Member

    Nov 23, 2008
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    That's great to hear, man.
    Aren't kids great? You think and worry about everything, and they just live life. It's a fantastic thing.
  9. Poeman

    Poeman Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Piers Morgan going after this idiot Guns of America director who says murder is more common overseas than the US.

    He proceeds to offer no facts and Morgan calls this guy stupid on TV.

    35 killed in the UK with guns a year

    12,000 killed in the US with guns a year.
  10. Poeman

    Poeman Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Have you guys heard about the massacre in Bath, Michigan in 1927?

    This is one messed up story and imagine if media was around back than as it is today...Wow

  11. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Hobbes when are you and the gun lobby going to call for an end to the Patriot act? When are you going to call for the reinstatement of a universal draft for men and women? When are you going to call for fewer prisons, the ending of mandatory prison sentences, isolation, the reinstatement of habeas corpus, and the end of torture, all tools used to end freedom of conscience and to intimidate the public?

    There is no right to automatic weapons or semi-automatic weapons in the 2nd amendment and you’re not going to find it in the federalist papers. Guns are tools to end life, freedom and coerce others as much as they are to protect your property and life. The ridiculous concept of an unlimited right to any weapon you can get your hands on simply doesn’t exist in the Constitution. There has to be balance the slippery slope has gone the wrong way for way to long now.
  12. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    You're never going to get that out of Hobbes, I have seen many people who are supporters of the 2nd amendment over the last few days taking steps back from the whole we have a right to every weapon ever made. I am seeing more and more people on the right saying there need to be limits and unfortunately you have paranoids like Hobbes and Rebel Mike running around thinking the solution to these problems is more guns on the street for lunatics to get their hands on. They refuse to ignore the facts that no other civilized nation has issues like we have. These things just do not happen in England, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Italy, and the one exception to the rule was one isolated case in Norway. That was horrific yet how mnay of these have we had in the US since that?
  13. GQMartin

    GQMartin Go 'Cuse

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Is it not conceivable to have Veterans looking for jobs, fill "special security" positions stationed at public locations?

    It would create jobs for Veterans AND hopefully bring some security to the schools, public places, etc...

    As for who's paying, don't ask me...but the training has already been paid for.
  14. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    It is far from indignant rage, if this was one incident ok. The issue is between Aurora, Colorado and Newtown, CT we have hade more people killed in this country by gun violence then most other industrialized nations do for an entire year. Not including the shooter in CT that is 41 people that just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time because of some outdated ideaology that every person in this country has a right to own as many guns as they want. Forget that when the 2nd amendment was written there was no standing military and the nation was made up of farmers who needed to mobilize quickly in case England who still happened to be in Canada at the time decided to try and take back this country which they did once and since the War of 1812 there has been no need for every average citizen to own a gun. You can disagree and that's fine but if you can't admit that we as a nation have a serious problem with this shit and it needs to change. The answer is not more guns.
  15. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    We can't even afford to have teachers posted in schools now you want to add in another layer of employees?
  16. GQMartin

    GQMartin Go 'Cuse

    Jun 3, 2007
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    ^ 1 employee per school or areas they deem "risks".

    If they are claiming unemployment the taxes are already being paid on them.

    My guess is that it would come from the military slush fund.

    Again, I'm not intimately knowledgeable with the budget or money situation but it seems this could be a reasonable approach.

    Was there money for Sky Marshals to take airline flights for safety?
  17. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    We allow people to fire automatic weapons while texting. Kids are getting killed and injured by guns almost every day in this country by perfectly sane people who don't have the temperament or the training to own deadly force. The myth being perpetrated by the right is the idea that we have millions of responsible gun owners. I don't see how that's possible when most of the country is obese, stupid and too lazy to vote routinely text while driving, drink and drive, etc., etc., etc. Conservatives are actually promoting the idea that we have a responsible society is a joke. Weren’t they arguing the opposite during the last election? What happened to that America? Hard to make the argument that we have an irresponsible citizenry but we should arm them as if they were the US Marines fighting the Taliban in AG.
    #437 Biggs, Dec 19, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2012
  18. Harpua

    Harpua Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    I was commenting about your comment on the ammunition. You were flat out worng about it and it uses. Look again at what you typed.

    To shoot a kid with any bullet is wrong. To assume that these bullets are manufactured with intent to cause the most harm is also flat out wrong. Anger and ignorance do not make good policy.
  19. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    I asked a friend about this ammuniation and he said it would have much to do with the "twist of the rifling" whatever that means. He said it could decrese or increase the speed that the bullet rotates which could cause maximum damage. He also said that if you have your setup dialed in a certain way you could cause damage that is beyond repair by any surgeon. So I would guess that while the bullets might not be setup to cause devestating damage the gun can be manipulated to cause damage that would kill.

    And way to ignore everything else and focus on the ammo.

    BIG COUNTRY Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2004
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    If they did that there still wouldnt have been security at the school it was all kindergarten students that would have never qualified as an at-risk environment.

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