They are picks from handicappers. I summarize them. From a guy with your sig, I would think you would know. :wink:
San Francisco x8 over / under Mets x2 Cincinnati x4 / Arizona Cleveland x3 / White Sox x2 over x3 NBA Dallas x3 / Denver x2 under x3 Atlanta x3 / Cleveland x2 under x2 / over NHL Vancouver x2 over Pittsburgh under
Philadelphia x3 / Dodgers over Mets under x2 Angels x4 / Boston x3 under Tampa Bay over Kansas City / Oakland under White Sox / Cleveland over San Diego under San Francisco x3 / Washington St. Louis x4 under Houston Toronto x3 under Minnesota x2 Texas x2 Cincinnati over NBA Lakers under x3 / over x2 Boston x3 over x2 / under NHL Detroit x2 over Boston over / under
St. Louis x2 over Houston over Arizona Minnesota x3 over Boston over Cleveland x3 (1 is rl) under Cincinnati x3 under Toronto x5 under x3 / over Cubs x2 / San Diego Texas x2 over Kansas City x2 under Dodgers / Philadelphia NBA Denver x4 / Dallas under x4* / over NHL over x2 *- Could be 3. Not sure.
Cincinnati x3 Minnesota over x2 Colorado / Pittsburgh x2 Texas x3 / Angels under / over Cubs Milwaukee x2 under White Sox under Arizona x2 Tampa Bay x2 over x3 Oakland / Detroit Philadelphia over Boston x3 under fladod under San Francisco x2 Kansas City
Dodgers x3 (1 is RL) over Pittsburgh under / over Angels / Seattle under x2 / over Yankees RL under arifla under Atlanta x2 (1 is RL) Milwaukee x3 / St. Louis x2 under x2 Toronto x2 Tampa Bay x2 NHL Carolina x2 / Pittsburgh under / over ORL@CLE ORL 90.3 CLE 98.6 CLE@ORL CLE 91.4 ORL 97.3 DEN@LAL DEN 99.9 LAL 107.4 LAL@DEN LAL 108.8 DEN 106.9
Minnesota x2 / Boston over x2 Texas / Yankees Tampa Bay x3 / Cleveland x2 over Dodgers / Colorado over Arizona x4 over Detroit x6 under Cincinnati under x2 Milwaukee x2 over Philadelphia x3 / Florida over Angels x2 under Pittsburgh x2 (1 is RL) Oakland White Sox Toronto Cubs wasmet under NBA Denver x9 / Lakers x3 under x3 / over x2
Minnesota x3 / Boston over x2 Tampa Bay over x2 San Francisco x3 Dodgers x2 / Rockies RL under Oakland / Seattle Cincinnati x2 over / under Detroit x2 over / under x2 Toronto x2 under Cubs / Pittsburgh Philadelphia RL over San Diego x3 St. Louis over x2 / under Texas Nationals RL under ang/chisox under x2 NBA Denver x5 / Lakers x3 under x3 NHL Detroit PL x2 over Barcelona
San Francisco x5 Dodgers x3 / Arizona under Philadelphia x2 / San Diego over / under St. Louis x2 under Detroit x2 / Boston under x2 Atlanta / Cubs under x2 Florida x3 Texas x2 under Mets under Colorado / Houston x2 under Toronto x2 under x3 Minnesota x2 (Ferringo ML and RL) under Tampa Bay x2 under White Sox under Seattle / Baltimore NHL Pittsburgh x2 / Detroit over
Tampa Bay x2 / Yankees under Texas x2 under x3 St. Louis x3 under San Diego x2 / Arizona under San Francisco x2 / Florida Oakland under / over Game 1: under x2 Game 2: Detroit over Kansas City Atlanta
Boston / Phillies x2 under x3 / over Mets x7 under Arizona Cubs x5 / Minnesota under Cincinnati / Kansas City over Atlanta / Baltimore under Texas Seattle under St. Louis x2 over / under detover x2 Oakland / San Francisco under x3 Tampa Bay RL x3 over Arizona RL Toronto over NBA Orlando x5 / Lakers x3 under x3 / over x2
White Sox x2 / Cubs under x2 Detroit x4 / St. Louis x2 under x4 / over Atlanta / Cincinnati Tampa Bay x2 / Colorado Texas x3 under Milwaukee x3 Seattle Kansas City x2 San Francisco x3 over Minnesota / Pittsburgh under / over Baltimore x2 over Boston dodunder x3 Seattle
Milwaukee x4 / Detroit x2 under x2 Angels x2 under Philadelphia x2 / Baltimore under White Sox x4 under Toronto x4 under x2 Seattle x3 over x2 / under Minnesota under Texas x2 under x2 / over Oakland x4 Yankees x3 (2 are RL) / Florida under / over Tampa Bay x2 under Boston x2 under Colorado x2
Tampa Bay x5 / Philadelphia x3 under / over Yankees x7 / Atlanta under x2 Arizona x3 / Texas x2 Toronto x4 under Pittsburgh x2 Cubs x2 / Detroit x2 under x2 Kansas City / Houston under x2 Baltimore / Florida under Boston x5 under Milwaukee / Minnesota under Dodgers x3 / White Sox over sdunder
San Francisco x3 / St. Louis under Texas x4 / Angels x2 under White Sox x6 / Cleveland x2 over Cubs x4 Philadelphia x4 under x3 yansea under x2
Texas x3 / Tampa Bay x4 under x2 St. Louis over Mets x5 / Phillies x5 Colorado / Arizona x2 under x3 / over Cleveland Detroit under x2 cwsunder San Francisco x3 / Houston over / under Washington / Atlanta under Angels (ML and RL) under x2 Dodgers (ML and RL) Cubs x2 (1 is RL)
San Francisco x2 (1 is RL) / Florida over Angels x4 / Texas x3 under x3 / over Phillies / Cincinnati under Oakland under Toronto x2 / Yankees RL under x2 Atlanta x2 / Cubs x3 Detroit x5 over sdunder Seattle x4 under / over Houston x2 (1 is RL) under x3
Game 1: St. Louis / Cubs x2 under Game 2: St. Louis x4 / Cubs Colorado x5 (1 is RL) / Atlanta under x2 Boston RL under / over Angels x9 (1 is RL) / Bankees x4 over x2 / under x2 Dodgers x3 / Milwaukee x2 over / under x2 Florida x11 / Arizona under x2 Tampa Bay x2 (1 is RL) over / under Houston x5 / Washington x5 under x2 Detroit x4 (3 are RL) over x3 White Sox x6 / Minnesota x2 over / under x2 Seattle / Texas under x2 San Francisco x6 (1 is RL) / San Diego under Cincinnati under x3 Baltimore x2 under