no, I do it for my own benefit, but I figure I shouldn't be selfish, so I'll share with fellow TGG members. You ask too many questions. Kansas City x2 / Cleveland under St. Louis x3 under / over Dodgers x5 (1 is RL) under Tampa Bay / Seattle under x3 / over White Sox x4 over Toronto / Texas over Phillies cinccubs over NBA Chicago x2 / Boston over x2 Utah x2 / Lakers under x2 / over San Antonio x2 over / under NHL Pittsburgh over x2 New Jersey x2 under sj/ana UNDER
Cincinnati x3 / Atlanta x2 San Francisco x5 under / over Texas / Baltimore over x3 Minnesota x3 over Seattle Boston x5 (1 is RL) under x2 / over Philadelphia / Florida over x2 / under St. Louis under x2 / over x2 Pittsburgh RL Colorado x2 under / over Kansas City x3 (1 is RL) Houston Tampa Bay under Seattle White Sox x2 wasmets over NBA Cleveland x4 / Detroit x4 under Orlando x3 / Philadelphia x2 Houston x3 / Portland under x5 / over NHL Rangers over
Philadelphia x4 over Houston / Milwaukee x2 Colorado over Cleveland x3 / Minnesota x3 Yankees x3 / Boston x3 under x2 / over Toronto x5 (1 is RL) / White Sox over Cincinnati x2 over Angels x2 / Seattle over Tampa Bay x2 / Oakland San Francisco / Arizona Pittsburgh / San Diego Cubs Texas Detroit NBA Chicago x5 / Boston x6 over / under Portland x3 / Houston x3 Cleveland x5 under x2 / over x2 Philadelphia x4 / Orlando x2 under NHL New Jersey under / over rangwas under / over
Florida x2 over San Diego Angels x2 over x2 Toronto x2 / Kansas City under / over Arizona x2 / Cubs under St. Louis x6 over / under Texas under Yankees x2 / Detroit x2 Minnesota / Tampa Cincinnati x2 / Houston under / over sflad under Cleveland over Milwaukee x2 Washington NBA Dallas x6 / San Antonio x2 over Chicago x2 / Boston x2 over x2 Philadelphia x3 / Orlando under x2 Houston x2 / Portland over NHL New Jersey under ======== Antonio NOH 96.7 DEN 103.7 MIA 89.5 ATL 95.8
NBA Atlanta x3 / Miami under New Orleans x2 / Denver over MLB Pittsburgh x2 Mets Baltimore x2 (1 is RL) Detroit over x2 St. Louis x2 Boston x3 / Cleveland under / over Toronto x2 / Kansas City under tbmin under wasphi over Oakland over Cubs colsd UNDER
Boston x5 / Tampa Bay under x2 Dodgers x4 (1 is RL) over Toronto x2 / Kansas City Milwaukee x3 St. Louis x3 / Washington under Oakland Florida / Cubs under Yankees RL / Angels ML over x2 NBA Chicago x2 over x2 / under Houston x4 / Portland x2 Philadelphia x2 / Orlando under x3 NHL Chicago x3 / Vancouver over
BOS 98.4 CHI 93.7 POR 86.9 HOU 91.8 ORL 96.5 PHI 94.7 Figured I'd run Orlando's just to see what the point spread impact is. There just isn't enough data of them without him to measure with any accuracy the impact his absence would have on the MOV. What's amazing though is that this is the lowest total so far in the series. You'd figure without him they'd go smaller and play faster, increasing the scoring opportunities for both themselves and Philly. I guess not. Although, Orlando relies on the 3pt shot more than any other team in the league for a huge chunk of their points, and they rely on Dwight's presence to create those shots. Worst play on the board either way, imo Yisman your inbox is full but I'll be on the over for Houston/Portland. Model does extremely well on overs when it matches their total pretty much on the money
Angels x3 / Yankees under / over Phillies x3 / Mets over x2 San Francisco x5 Seattle x2 / Oakland Tampa Bay x2 / Boston over / under San Diego x5 over x2 White Sox x3 under St. Louis x2 / Washington under / over Cincinnati Cleveland / Detroit Houston / Atlanta under Milwaukee x3 over Florida Toronto RL over NBA Miami x4 / Atlanta x2 under x2 / over NHL Carolina under Anaheim/Detroit over HOU 96.2 LAL 103.6 DAL 100.2 DEN 106.2 ATL 87.4 CLE 100.8 ORL 96.3 BOS 99.9 --- Game 3s LAL 97.8 HOU 98.5 DEN 101.8 DAL 105.4 CLE 92.9 ATL 92 BOS 90 ORL 91.5
Pittsburgh over Florida under Angels x2 over Cleveland Toronto Boston x2 (1 is RL) / Tampa Bay x2 under x2 / over x2 White Sox x3 over St. Louis x5 Kansas City x2 / Minnesota x2 Toronto Houston x2 San Francisco x2 / Colorado Dodgers RL x2 under Seattle Milwaukee Philadelphia / Mets x4 - game postponed NBA Denver x4 / Dallas over / under Atlanta x6 under x2 NHL Carolina over x2 det/ana under x2 / over
MLB St. Louis x8 Minnesota over White Sox x2 over Boston x4 / Yankees over x2 Texas under Houston Mets / Atlanta over x2 baltb under x2 Colorado over San Francisco x2 Oakland x3 Dodgers x4 under Milwaukee under Florida under NBA Cleveland x5 / Atlanta x4 under x2 Denver x4 / Dallas x3 under NHL Chicago x2 / Vancouver under x2 / over Anaheim under
Dodgers RL under / over Kansas City over Tampa Bay x2 / Yankees over / under Cubs x4 under x2 / over Cleveland Atlanta x2 Toronto over San Francisco over Milwaukee / Cincinnati x2 Arizona under x2 St. Louis Minnesota x5 White Sox NBA Orlando / Boston over / under Lakers under x3 NHL Boston x4 over x2
Pittsburgh / Mets over Cincinnati under Cleveland White Sox x2 Toronto x2 under Philadelphia x2 under/ over San Francisco x4 Florida over Cubs x2 / Milwaukee x2 over detcle over x2 Yankees x2 / Baltimore Houston x3 under x2 / over Tampa Bay x2 / Boston Minnesota / Seattle Arizona under Kansas City over x2 / under NBA Orlando x3 / Boston x5 under x2 Houston x3 / Lakers x4 under x5 / over NHL Boston / Carolina over detana under / over